Right-wing driven myth that the BBC is "left" wing.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Why is this random snitch trying to grass up my much more than average superior thread?

'In this article, you’ll see that there are all sorts of valid political and cultural reasons for my personal distaste of the BBC. However, in the interests of full disclosure, I should also admit that I may have been soured by the declining quality of Doctor Who and the mere existence of Strictly Come Dancing (a tedium-filled televised berk-scape with the subtlety and grace of a 3am foghorn). But I’m also deeply concerned, angry, embarrassed, angry, revolted and angry about the insidious right-wing bias within the public service broadcaster. Did I mention I’m angry?

Of course, before I can dissect the BBC’s right-wing bias, I have to prove that it’s really there. To that end, let us consider Exhibit A… or Andrew Neil as he probably prefers to be called. Until quite recently, the BBC’s flagship political discussion program was The Daily Politics. It’s been cancelled for largely non-political reasons, but throughout its run it was hosted by Andrew Neil. Now, the purpose of a show devoted to discussion and political analysis is to provide an unbiased platform on which individuals with different political views can put forward their arguments and be met with robust-but-fair critique. This isn’t possible if the host of that show is openly and explicitly aligned with a particular party or ideology.

Andrew Neil is a raving-righty, dyed-in-the-wool Tory, misogynist and climate change denier. He was once editor of the right-wing paper The Sunday Times. During his tenure, he hired a Holocaust denier and Nazi apologist to write on the discovery of Goebbels’ diaries, see here. He has also been directly involved with the Conservative party itself - he once helped them to select a successor to Michael Portillo by personally hosting an evening of interviews. This man was the supposedly unbiased, balanced host of the BBC’s supposedly unbiased, balanced flagship political show. For fifteen years. Give that a minute to sink in.

Naturally, Andrew Neil is only the tip of a very large, very Tory-blue iceberg. He’s a good example, because everyone knows who he is and recognises his face (if only from nightmares in which they’re trying to cross a bridge and he emerges from beneath it wielding a bone-club). However, the real scope of the BBC’s bias only becomes apparent when you look at its higher-ranking but more-easily-overlooked personnel and former personnel.

For example, Robert Gibb (who used to be the Beeb’s political editor) has recently been appointed as the Director for Communications to the Tory PM Theresa May. Meanwhile, Nick Robinson (the BBC’s current political editor) used to be the chairman of the Young Conservatives. Chris Patten (chairman of the BBC Trust) is a former Conservative cabinet minister. Kamal Ahmed, who succeeded Robert Peston as the BBC’s political editor, formerly worked for the explicitly right-wing paper, the Daily Telegraph.'


Why is this random snitch trying to grass up my much more than average superior thread?

'In this article, you’ll see that there are all sorts of valid political and cultural reasons for my personal distaste of the BBC. However, in the interests of full disclosure, I should also admit that I may have been soured by the declining quality of Doctor Who and the mere existence of Strictly Come Dancing (a tedium-filled televised berk-scape with the subtlety and grace of a 3am foghorn). But I’m also deeply concerned, angry, embarrassed, angry, revolted and angry about the insidious right-wing bias within the public service broadcaster. Did I mention I’m angry?

Of course, before I can dissect the BBC’s right-wing bias, I have to prove that it’s really there. To that end, let us consider Exhibit A… or Andrew Neil as he probably prefers to be called. Until quite recently, the BBC’s flagship political discussion program was The Daily Politics. It’s been cancelled for largely non-political reasons, but throughout its run it was hosted by Andrew Neil. Now, the purpose of a show devoted to discussion and political analysis is to provide an unbiased platform on which individuals with different political views can put forward their arguments and be met with robust-but-fair critique. This isn’t possible if the host of that show is openly and explicitly aligned with a particular party or ideology.

Andrew Neil is a raving-righty, dyed-in-the-wool Tory, misogynist and climate change denier. He was once editor of the right-wing paper The Sunday Times. During his tenure, he hired a Holocaust denier and Nazi apologist to write on the discovery of Goebbels’ diaries, see here. He has also been directly involved with the Conservative party itself - he once helped them to select a successor to Michael Portillo by personally hosting an evening of interviews. This man was the supposedly unbiased, balanced host of the BBC’s supposedly unbiased, balanced flagship political show. For fifteen years. Give that a minute to sink in.

Naturally, Andrew Neil is only the tip of a very large, very Tory-blue iceberg. He’s a good example, because everyone knows who he is and recognises his face (if only from nightmares in which they’re trying to cross a bridge and he emerges from beneath it wielding a bone-club). However, the real scope of the BBC’s bias only becomes apparent when you look at its higher-ranking but more-easily-overlooked personnel and former personnel.

For example, Robert Gibb (who used to be the Beeb’s political editor) has recently been appointed as the Director for Communications to the Tory PM Theresa May. Meanwhile, Nick Robinson (the BBC’s current political editor) used to be the chairman of the Young Conservatives. Chris Patten (chairman of the BBC Trust) is a former Conservative cabinet minister. Kamal Ahmed, who succeeded Robert Peston as the BBC’s political editor, formerly worked for the explicitly right-wing paper, the Daily Telegraph.'
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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How can a party that gave renewed hope to so many in 2017 have fallen into the gutter so quickly and only four short years later under the establishment stooge Starmer...

Labour is to allow the reviled Sun newspaper to report from its annual conference beginning this weekend but has barred the left magazine Socialist Appeal, according to BFAWU union president Ian Hodson.

The rag is widely hated in the Labour movement and across the city of Liverpool for its abuses and smears, particularly toward the 97 victims of the Hillsborough disaster and their families and toward striking miners in the 1980s.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Labour will have to be attractive to Sun readers if they want to win an election. Or is that too high a price to pay, would you rather just stay in opposition? Unfortunately, it's the poor, the people in need who are paying the price now.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Labour will have to be attractive to Sun readers if they want to win an election. Or is that too high a price to pay, would you rather just stay in opposition? Unfortunately, it's the poor, the people in need who are paying the price now.

Have 11 years of austerity totally bypassed your radar, including the previous 13 years of New Labour and 28 Years of Thatcher and Major? The "poor" and especially the post-industrial "underclass" was created over many decades, it hasn't just suddenly happened.

Corbyn was trashed by "Sun" readers and the MSM for proposing to tackle head-on the same poverty you claim concerns Sun readers (parody).

After running on a leadership campaign to honour 10 Corbyn pledges please explain how Sir Keir is now going to attract 'Sun' readers, Mail readers, Express readers, etc, into voting Labour?

Exactly what policies (after 19 months in power) is he proposing that will convince you and "Sun" readers to vote Labour?
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Actually, the thought of "Sun" readers giving a sh*t about the poor or anything else that doesn't directly effect their lives has made me chuckle on this miserable rainy night.

"So what if he has got no legs disabled parking badges should be given to the real disabled!"

"The pittance that is UC is more than I earn in a week"

"Homeless people are all drug-addled scroungers"

Single mothers...

Economic migrants...

etc etc.

Is there any poisonous filth that the Murdoch-owned rag the "Sun" won't spew to its readership and who lap it all up gleefully.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Labour will have to be attractive to Sun readers if they want to win an election. Or is that too high a price to pay, would you rather just stay in opposition? Unfortunately, it's the poor, the people in need who are paying the price now.

It is staggering that working class people voted for this cvnt. They fell for the smoke and mirrors. The Tory Cult of Cvnts.



UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I buy The Sun every Saturday for a number of reasons. It has a great sports section, a number of interesting crossword puzzles and a great TV mag (you can tell I lead a full life) :) But the main reason I buy The Sun is because I don't like people telling me that I shouldn't be reading it. Never let anyone tell you what newspaper you can or can't read - that's how Nazi Germany started!
I welcome Sir Keir's (aren't Labour against the honours system? :rolleyes:) democratic decision to invite Britain's best selling newspaper to Labour's conference.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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That quickly changed from the "poor are paying now".

The average knucklehead Sun reader does NOT actually care about the poor and if the ones that do really do assume Sir Keir's vision of continued austerity will tackle poverty in general then they no wonder they buy a comic for adults. That splashes inappropriate images of semi-clad young women all over its pages among the putrid hate-filled bile it titillates its readers with.

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UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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<<< knucklehead :) It's all about tolerance, which is why it was wrong of Sir Keir to ban the socialist mag from Labour's conference, even though words like 'socialist', 'socialism' are toxic to the majority of the voting public. All opinions must be heard - and respected.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I am genuinely angry here. Spitting feathers and just in case you didn't notice, livid!

'We' fought Hitler tooth and nail for our freedom in the 1920s and these bloody left-wing "nazis" are now daring to talk down my beloved Sun, cheeky barstewards. That's how WW 2 started, didn't you know.

Yes the "tolerant" Sun is in part responsible, alongside the other usual hard right suspects, for brutally persecuting the disabled, sick, and the most vulnerable in our society over the past 11 years of austerity and in fact over many decades. The poorest, the frailest, single mothers, the travelling community, the ones that don't have a voice.

However, I read frequently in the Sun that they are all on the take, on the scrounge, get thousands a week in benefits and so it must be all their fault anyway. But it isn't even that is it, grinding poverty is just mind-numbingly f*cking boring and just doesn't sell many tabloid newspapers,. T*ts is where it's at, t*ts and salacious gossip and a TV magaZine and an easily manipulated consumer.

The Sun, in case you didn't know, actually has a really good telly mag. Sod looking up the TV schedule on much greener alternatives like a smartphone app etc because I hate new technology as much as I hate trees and the environment and with as much passion as I hate left-wing nazis. What the hell is the point of a tree anyway, all they do is grow upwards, very slowly.

If I don't get every single household bill on paper I instantly pen an angry 10-page letter, with my favourite Bic, to my local MP Griff Rhys Jones and then immediately drive 30 miles in my 4x4 to the nearest Post Office to buy a stamp for it.

-distant sound of teeth grinding-

Please, don't you even dare get me going on economic migrants or refugees, etc, because I am already fuming here.

My hero the corporate billionaire Sir Rupert Murdoch, who singlehandedly decides which political party in the UK wins elections or not, who serve his corporate interests best, surely must understand how to connect with working-class people just like me or how else would the Sun have become the best-selling tabloid in the UK?

Sir Rupert genuinely cares about the rights of working-class people and which is why he vocally supported Thatcher's neoliberal-driven privatiZation of anything and everything that wasn't nailed down in the 80s and Major in the 90s and we all know today what a success that deregulation was, don't we. We might have sold almost every last piece of the family silver to neoliberal thieves, lining the pockets of already-wealthy shareholders, but we are British I tell you, British. Oh and btw, can someone lend me 100 quid so I can put some leccy on the meter and a few quid on the gas?

Hacking the phones of dead children leading to their parents believing they were still alive was just an honest mistake and Sir Rupert valiantly held his hands up to that one mistake and the thousands of other cases and to date has paid out only tens of millions in compensation. Yes, News International might have wrecked countless lives and some beyond repair, including people who unfortunately took their own lives, but they didn't deserve compensation for it anyway did they, bloody left-wing nazis and woke chancers, and who probably voted Remain and who believe Covid really exists and who wore (wear) masks.

I am telling you straight, although not hand on heart because I don't have one, 'we' stood up to Hitler in the 1960s and Giant Haystacks in the 1970s and we will bloody stand up to do-gooder left-wing nazis now when they dare to criticiZe our beloved Sun. I wouldn't stop left-wing nazis from buying food laden with salt and saturated fat, blaming them for all of society's woes just because the Sun and the other tabloid filth does just that, so how dare they have the audacity to tell me not to buy the evil right-wing brainwashing rag now.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Don't forget the knuckle-draggers! I wondered why my knuckles bruise every time I walk :)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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"Andrew Neil has revealed that he came close to having a breakdown while at GB News and believes “it would’ve killed me to carry on” due to the technical problems at the channel.

"It was really beginning to affect my health. I wasn’t sleeping … I had a constant knot in my stomach. When I did wake up, I’d feel fine, then remember all the problems I had with GB News, and this knot would come and wouldn’t leave me for the whole day."

Poor Andrew Neil, poor little mite, paid £4 million to feel like this. After decades of bullying, cajoling, harassing, intimidating, terroriZing innocent victims on his various BBC platforms.

Without an autocue, the poor man instantly went into a public meltdown.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Be very careful out there guys, they set cunning traps, lots of them, look where you are walking and tread carefully.

If it looks suspicious walk the long way around it.

If it makes a loud grunty noise like a bear then it is probably a bear so don't bother running because bears can outrun a human, bears also climb trees so that won't work either.