Overuse of the 'like' feature.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Please don't be begging for a 'like' in return, they must be earned! you don't give to receive. And don't you dare threaten to remove your 'like'. :eek: I've 'liked' your post simply because the comments warranted it.
I can see that I may to have to start practising what used to be known as 'lifemanship' which as you may well know, is the art of being 'one up' on others. Always remember, he who is not one up, is one down. ;)

We understand each other only too well, M'lady.

And again, as we both know, it has worked out very well to date.

Ah, yes, the interesting 'practice'. So, would you rather go down or, go up?

For you, another like gained! I am in awe. One day, I shall reach the hallowed like heights of the '400'.
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UKChat Expert
Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
We understand each other only too well, M'lady.

And again, as we both know, it has worked out very well to date.

Ah, yes, the interesting 'practice'. So, would you rather go down or, go up?

For you, another like gained! I am in awe. One day, I shall reach the hallowed like heights of the '400'.
Whales, you know. I've always thought that the pair of you are awesome. Oh, and your "like-fest" on my forum posts has been noted and greatly appreciated. I can hardly help but reciprocate.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
Reaction score
To 'like' then withdraw your 'like' is worse than to have never liked in the first place, how could you be so cruel!? but I suppose it's better to have liked and lost than to have never liked at all.
Well, at least it shows that he read your post. When a post receives no reaction, you do wonder whether anyone took the trouble to read it.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Well, at least it shows that he read your post. When a post receives no reaction, you do wonder whether anyone took the trouble to read it.

I take your point, but what's worse, is when you START a thread and it gets ignored. It makes some think twice about starting another one. I always click on the 'recent posts' to see if I can possibly revive any that have slipped down the list with no comments.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
whatever the outcome of this thread i have to admit that i do like that bum on the posters avatar :) Who said sex was dead ?:D


Now Instagram have dropped their 'like' feature should this first-rate chat site follow suit?
Reading the forum you do notice that some thought-provoking postings that ought to get the forum moving don't receive any replies or 'likes' and yet you often see same chatters all liking each others posts no matter how inane they may be, even just a smiley face will get liked, to me this is ineffable.

A while back in one thread some big kahuna was boasting about how many likes they had and in another thread a forum member was belittling someone else for having so few. People with a low 'like' count can feel worthless, useless and abandoned (speaking for someone else here). The raison d'être for this forum is surely to discuss issues not to accumulate likes.
I post this thread not to instigate or act like some low-rent troll but simply to generate debate, after all that's what the forum is for isn't it? (aside from endless ban appeals) If it gets ignored or no likes i will be inconsolable, if someone replies to it simply with 'lol' and that gets liked I will be crestfallen :eek:
I'm surprised your allowed on there takes notes I need to come off of thier now