National service returns?


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election. It said 18-year-olds would have a choice of either joining the military full-time, or volunteering one weekend every month carrying out a community service.

No matter who wins the next election this policy will come into force.

This got to be the most worrying statement I have seen since I was a kid. For those of you who aren't smart enough to work out what's going on.... it's part of "war fever" that seems to be spreading across Europe and NATO.

Right now they're only talking 18 year old's but that will soon change to anyone under the age of 30. Is the first stage in sending all kids off to protect Poland or Turkey. Before you will go on about the fact that we need to stop Russia just think about the numbers of Ukrainians we took in avoiding their own draft.

The idea that we have to pay to defend these countries and sacrifice our young people is unacceptable. It's not our war !


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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This country has been complacent about the threat of war.
Reading through Sunak's plan, I think he is thinking along the lines of what used to be called 'Civil Defence'. This is certainly something we need to complement the police.
All these migrants are mostly young men fleeing war zones, instead of staying to fight for their countries. As you say, why should our men defend their countries when they are too cowardly to do it themselves.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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We're being drip fed and prepared for war.

Firstly tell us to keep three days supplies in the house and then they start talking about conscription. It's clear we're heading towards a war that nobody wants but our politicians.

And you just know their kids won't do national service. Their kids will be off on a gap year in America or Australia if war breaks out.

Who really cares the Russians take over the old Eastern block once again? We lived with them on the German border for over 40 years.

It's about time we started putting our own people first for a change.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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It's a joke.
The tories clearly want to lose this election.
They want to have labour deal with it while inflation is down.
Then they can be a**h**** and blame labour when things go up again, which they will.

Anything they can do to make themselves more unpopular is good for the Tory party right now.
They are looking to 4 years in the future.
Which means we have Labour for 4 years, which is just fecked lol.

labour havent got a clue.
They have the economic talent of a dead cat.
Someone will get that.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I’ve had a f.ucking great idea, fam. F.ucking great idea!.

Let’s help (yeah, fam, help them) young people to train as doctors, nurses, scientists, engineers, teachers, n'mowa.

We could do this through a ‘voluntary national education system', fam.

Yeah, f.ucking voluntary, fam.

Perhaps call it ‘university’.

Imagine what that would give back to society. - ty@acm
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UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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You seem to forget someone needs to pay for all of that.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies' analysis that the UK's tax burden is the largest since the Second World War puts into historical context what has been clear since Boris Johnson became prime minister.

Under labour this will only get worse.


Thanks to labour their no money left to make improvement's to public services. Whoever wins the next election will have to cut public spending or increase tax ever more.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Let’s help (yeah, fam, help them) young people to train as doctors, nurses, scientists, engineers, teachers, n'mowa.

Yet more completely desperate, populist, gimmicky shittery for the stupids to drool over.

For example, 23,000 doctors and or 41,000 nurses resigned/left the NHS in 2022 alone, and 170,000 + staff in total.

Foreign staff now just view the NHS as a staging post for experience before they leave for better paid jobs abroad.

Thank you very much for the trained staff said the USA, Australia, and Canada.

The Tory solution to this crisis, National Service.

As if these bozos are going to take 18-year-olds with no formal education, from poor and deprived inner-city backgrounds, and then train them to use firearms including automatic weapons etc. Then discard them back to exactly the same poor and deprived inner-cities after a year.

What they will most likely do instead is use these teenagers to fill vacant unskilled roles, an endless supply of cheap labor, and pretty much like every other “plan” this shower of complete shi't come up with.

I am also sure young people, particularly in Northern Ireland, and also Scotland and Wales, will be chomping at the bit to join a British Armed Force, right?


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Oh God, other one who thinks money grows on trees :rolleyes:

The Tory's want 30,000 for the military, the rest learning fire fighting or first aid on the weekends.

Labour will do the same if not more.

Margaret Thatcher was the last Tory to start a war only after an invasion of the Falklands.

Tony Blair decided on a war of choice in Iraq & Afghanistan.

That tells me Labour are more likely to go to war than the Tory's.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Says the STUPID who makes unfounded claims about Labour then posts completely irrelevant links to support his unfounded claim.

Without even understanding just how STUPID it makes him look.

Economically illiterate.

These bozos are all the same, they won't/can't give a detailed technical explanation because that leaves them open to scrutiny and exposes their ignorance.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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You cant seem to see the wider picture :rolleyes:

Europe is re arming and gearing up for war.

Over the last 30 years the military been run down and needs rebuilding from the ground up.

Right now we have:

138,100 regular forces personnel (January 2024) 4,060 Gurkhas (January 2024)
32,580 volunteer reserve personnel (January 2024)

It means cross the army, navy and air force we have 170,680 people. Rishi Sunak wants 30,000 conscripts by 2025. This will bring numbers up to 200,000.

In 1985 the UK military stood at 334,000.

Both Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak wont have a choice. Our military need to reach 335,000 in the next few years again. And they will have to cut public services to pay for it.

Wars aren't cheap and no matter who wins the next election there will be cuts across the board to pay & prepare for it.

Only "bozos" cant see it :cool:


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Off on another totally irrelevant tangent after making yet more FALSE claims about Labour.

White noise.

In effect, attention seeking.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Russian invasion of Ukraine

Pre-invasion at border: 169,000–190,000 Pre-invasion total: 900,000 military 554,000 paramilitary In February 2023: 300,000+ active personnel in Ukraine

The UK can't stop a force like that landing here. Right now we cant even stop their air force from bombing us. Our current defend is in the hands of America. If Trump wins in Oct we may lose that.

Our only option is the big red button and go nuclear.... but we cant fire them without the Americas permission.

White noise and attention seeking? I hope so for all our sakes.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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I repeat, makes a false claim about Labour, supported by a totally irrelevant link to Full Facts which is discussing something else. In direct context to that false statement and which doesn't support that false statement in any way shape or form, and who then scuttles off like a cockroach when challenged.

White noise.

In effect, attention seeking.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Lets look at the facts:

Gordon Brown cut £15bn from the defense budget to pay for his flag ship program "universal credit"

Right now, we have no mission defense system or shield. Few aircraft to shoot them down and a radar system design back in the 1980's.

Something that should keep you up at night ;)

At the moment about 20,000 people a year are coming across the English Channel in small boats. Most of them are being picked up by border control and processed.

Now the question is:

Are some of those people on those boats Russia's "little green men"?

If you can get across the channel in rubber boat with people.... could you carry something else like small arms?

Are there stock of Russian small arms dotted around the country?

Send boat people off to Rwanda don't seem so silly now does it :cool:


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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F.ucking hell, fam. F.ucking hell!. The uneducated c.unt can't even get dates correct!

No f.ucking wonder it is paranoid.

Lets examine the moronic ramblings and falsehoods of the previous post, fam. (I'll be replying to the rest later)

1: FALSE - Gordon Brown cut £15bn from the defense budget to pay for his flag ship program "universal credit"

FACT - Universal Credit was a flagship policy introduced by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government under Prime Minister David Cameron. Universal Credit was announced in 2010 and began to be rolled out in 2013.

Gordon Brown served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997 to 2007 and as Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010. So, Brown wasn't even in office when UC was rolled out, you nescient, clueless, ill-informed idiot.

Universal Credit was a Conservative-led initiative that came after Brown was Prime Minister. Therefore, any defense budget cuts during Brown's tenure would not have been to fund Universal Credit.

And a little extra info - ty@WP - The Universal Credit mechanism was itself first outlined as a concept in a 2009 report, Dynamic Benefits, by Iain Duncan Smith's thinktank the Centre for Social Justice. It would go on to be described by the soon-to-be Work and Pensions Secretary at the Conservative Party annual conference in 2010.

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The other FALSE part of that statment. Gordon Brown cut £15bn from the defense budget

So, FACT - Gordon Brown didn't cut 15B from the defence budget! But, from 2010, under the Conservative-led coalition government, they conducted the Strategic Defence and Security Review, which led to substantial cuts and restructuring of the armed forces.

Anyway, I'll be back, fam. I'll be f.ucking back. Right to reply, fam, right to f.ucking reply.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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1: FALSE - Gordon Brown cut £15bn from the defense budget to pay for his flag ship program "universal credit"

Really read:

Proposals to slice up to £15bn from the defence budget over the next decade have been drawn up by the Treasury, provoking bitter rows within Whitehall and the cabinet at a time when the military are under enormous pressure to meet commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gordon Brown served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997 to 2007 and as Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010. So, Brown wasn't even in office when UC was rolled out, you nescient, clueless, ill-informed idiot.

Gordon Brown was "new deal"

Gordon Brown marked the 10th anniversary of the scheme, which he set up while chancellor, with a visit to a job centre in northwest London.

Does anyone know the difference between "new deal" and "UC"?


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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No f.ucking wonder it is paranoid.

This is inevitable, simply because he is another fantasist who sits on his fat arse day and night in front of a computer screen. Pissed as a newt, catfishing potentially vulnerable women with tales of an imaginary “sporty” lifestyle and with millions in the bank.

Apparently, “boat people” are now smuggling and then stockpiling Russian small arms caches up and down the country in preparation for a Russian invasion and when a single Russian nuclear strike would wipe England off the map.

Btw, these grotesque creatures and their dehumanizing “boat people” rhetoric are beyond contempt.

Then the silly cu.nt randomly rambles on aimlessly about a so-called outdated “radar system”, blaming Gordon Brown and Labour, and when the Tories were in power for 31 years of the 44-year time period he refers to.

After scuttling off like a cockroach, after being challenged over his even more ludicrous claim, that Labour are also responsible for the HIGHEST tax rates on record under the Sunak regime.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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This is inevitable, simply because he is another fantasist who sits on his fat arse day and night in front of a computer screen. Pissed, as a newt catfishing potentially vulnerable women with tales of an imaginary lifestyle and millions in the bank.

Apparently, “boat people” are now smuggling and then stockpiling Russian small arms caches up and down the country in preparation for a Russian invasion and when a single Russian nuclear strike would wipe England off the map.

Btw, these grotesque creatures and their dehumanizing “boat people” rhetoric are beyond contempt.

Then the silly cu.nt randomly rambles on aimlessly about a so so-called outdated “radar system”, blaming Gordon Brown and Labour, and when the Tories were in power for 31 years of the 44-year time period he refers to.

After scuttling off like a cockroach, after being challenged over his even more ludicrous claim, that Labour are also responsible for the HIGHEST tax rates on record under the Sunak regime.

hand clap.gif

He reminds me of that other far right uneducated wanker, the paranoid snowflake, who was booted off the site for being round the effing bend or something.

This one posts links and answers/replies that he has obviously not read. Its astounding how stupid it is, plus, it has the rambling nuttery of a rancid pork chop.

What the f.uck was that 'green men' Russian mind offal all about? And its slavering's about small arms and that ilk! Where do they get this moronic version of life? From some unwashed pratt stuck in a bedsit posting visions of hell on YouTube, while glugging from cans of Special Brew? Has to be! It is lost down a far right rabbit hole never to appear sane again. I pity it.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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So fam, Gordon Brown and the f.ucking 'New Deal'

FACTS fam, here are the f.ucking New Deal facts. -

The 'New Deal' program was introduced in 1998 by the Labour government under Prime Minister Tony Blair, with Gordon Brown as Chancellor. It aimed to reduce unemployment by providing training, work experience, and job placement services for young people and the long-term unemployed.

The 'New Deal' was initially funded through a windfall tax on privatised utility companies, rather than reallocations from the defense budget. This program continued throughout the Labour government's time in office but was not a central policy of Brown's premiership specifically. ty@C

game, set, and match, TWIAP!

2 X's

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A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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He reminds me of that other far right uneducated wanker, the paranoid snowflake, who was booted off the site for being round the effing bend or something.

This one posts links and answers/replies that he has obviously not read. Its astounding how stupid it is, plus, it has the rambling nuttery of a rancid pork chop.

What the f.uck was that 'green men' Russian mind offal all about? And its slavering's about small arms and that ilk! Where do they get this moronic version of life? From some unwashed pratt stuck in a bedsit posting visions of hell on YouTube, while glugging from cans of Special Brew? It has to be. Its lost down a far right rabbit hole never to appear sane again. I pity it.

Indeed (lol), I very nearly mentioned the original Mr Rabbit Hole myself, I am assuming that this one must be his much older sibling.

This one is a 4th dan black belt in silly cuntedness. The sausage truly believes that a modern, well-equipped invading Russian Army, would be solely reliant on a few Nagant M1895 pistols hidden under a log in a picnic site somewhere in the New Forest.

It is beyond ludicrous, it shoehorns together totally unrelated “information”, with no correlation at all, and then has a celebratory victory w.ank with his favourite YouTube 'girlfriend' and immediately high 5s himself in his grimy, semen stained full length mirror.

Edited: Btw, someone explain to Mr 'Agian' what “proposal” means.
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