My professional trowel thoughts.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Kev we all don't have OCD like you :rolleyes:

If you don't want a mess just take the whole really bin to the tip.

Buy a new wheelie bin !!!

Or you can just empty out the old one and make a bit of mess .

it's not that hard is it?

Even you can do this................... I think:oops:

I don't have OCD at all, I take pride in my garden, like most people.

If you had a garden, which you clearly don't, you would understand this.

What the fuckety f@ck are you on, I thought that you had stopped drinking cheap cider.

WHY the Tyson Fury would I take the wheelie bin, and its entire contents, to the tip when I can just empty it at home and take the contents! (he is being serious, and it isn't an act) lol.

Good luck moving that bin full of CEMENT bags and sand and TOPPED up with water.

I will bet £1,000 that you can not move it 10 metres.

And why the Frankie Howerd would I pay £40-50+ for a NEW wheelie bin when a man with a van will just empty it for £20-30.

LOL!!! :D


You really don't have anything better to do....... do you :rolleyes:

Lets start off with the wheelie bin.

240 litre wheelie bin - Empty weight 12kg/Load capacity 96kg

Remember you're not lifting the bin.... just pushing or pulling it.

A car weighs about a 1.5 tons. Two people can easily push a car. Therefore one person pulling an 96kg wheelie bin is a piece of cake.



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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So he would rather take the entire wheelie bin and its contents (lol) to the tip rather than just empty out the bags of cement and sand and just take them instead.

Then spend £50 replacing the bin.

Two man job, he says (lol).

Then his shite maths doesn't take into account that just 4 25 kilo bags of sand and cement, and TOPPED up with water, weighs far more than the figure he has just come up with. A bin weight which he has NEVER manhandled and so couldn't possibly know, and which two men would struggle lifting and getting into a car due to the dead weight and shape etc. Again, he has CLEARLY never lifted even an EMPTY wheelie bin into a car, never mind one weighing "96 kilo".

Then to TOP it, he thinks moving a "96 kilo" wheelie bin is as easy as two people shifting a car (lol).

Obviously never owned a car either, a strong person (me) can easily move a car single-handedly on a flat surface.

Remember you're not lifting the bin.... just pushing or pulling it.

Except for the bit where "two" men lift it into the car, right?



Then his shite maths doesn't take into account that just 4 25 kilo bags of sand and cement, and TOPPED up with water, weighs far more than the figure he has just come up with. A bin weight which he has NEVER manhandled and so couldn't possibly know, and which two men would struggle lifting and getting into a car due to the dead weight and shape etc. Again, he has CLEARLY never lifted even an EMPTY wheelie bin into a car, never mind one weighing "96 kilo".

Again you're not lifting the bin :rolleyes:

No matter what I say you're going to continue to argue o_O

All Kev's done is prove that he's not part of the construction industry and never was.

It's normal clean out cement mixers by adding water and then tip in the contents out into a wheelbarrow. And that's basically what we're doing here.

Kev's made assumptions.

First one is these are 25 kg bags when DIY bags are normally about 10kg. Any more than that and people would struggle to get them in the boot of their cars.

The second assumption is there's more than one bag, theirs nothing in the original post to say that.

3rd assumption is that we're all seven stone weeklings just like him who struggled to carry their shopping home without the aid of a forklift truck.



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You clearly never go in DIY shops frequently either.

All the expert DIYers on this site understand what I mean and of which you are clearly not.

The 10 kilo bags are for amateurs like you, piddling about doing little jobs.

The 25 kilo bags are for REAL jobs and REAL DIYers.

(edited: they even supply trolleys to move them to your car, you sausage).

You also need to Google faster, or revert to the Simple AI Bot, because you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid.

You hijack MY delightfully interesting thread with your inane bulIshit, then whine when you get called out on it.

3rd assumption is that we're all seven stone weeklings just like him

Clearly I am 7 stone (lol), but I also do happen to know that you wouldn't be able to lift a single 25 kilo bag of cement.

It's normal clean out cement mixers by adding water and then tip in the contents out into a wheelbarrow. And that's basically what we're doing here.

Yes, clearly a 240/360 litre wheelie bin full of bags of cement and sand and topped up with water can be emptied into a wheelbarrow, you sausage (lol).

It's just like a cement mixer, minus 220 litres, right?

Such a sausage that you believe that you could tip the contents of a wheelie bin weighing 96 kilos' into a wheelbarrow without the bin and also the barrow toppling over.

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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Good morning guyz, this is my well trowelled little sanctuary, people who live in a terraced house with a little backyard will appreciate it for what it is. I had to resize the picture to post, and so it doesn't tell the full story. All the plants were chosen, mostly bamboos and grasses, to thrive in a shady, often damp environment, that only gets a few hours of full sunlight each day.

Visitors who have never seen it before are really quite surprised with how 'calming' it is because round these here parts backyards are usually full of either dead bodies, used syringes, dog crap and broken beds. :)

Garden 123456.jpg


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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No shlt sherlock, I mean, it's not like I was taking the piss out of another thread, what with Google reverse and all that.

Clearly I am too stupid to disguise the origin, right?

Bright as a button you are.....


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Well, it's kinda obvious the thread was a piss take, until it accidentally became a "normal thread" that is with some genuine answers, I mean what sort of MADMAN would make a thread titled -

My professional trowel thoughts. :)



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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wait so your not a successful author?

You think successful authors sit jabbering on a chat site at 5 am, really?

And Bob may well become my new name to confuse the resident stalker, oh damn I just gave that away didn't I. :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Oh and btw, don't even think about thieving my planters because you'll meet this and this bites.



You clearly never go in DIY shops frequently either.

All the expert DIYers on this site understand what I mean and of which you are clearly not.

The 10 kilo bags are for amateurs like you, piddling about doing little jobs.

The 25 kilo bags are for REAL jobs and REAL DIYers.

(edited: they even supply trolleys to move them to your car, you sausage).

You also need to Google faster, or revert to the Simple AI Bot, because you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid.

You hijack MY delightfully interesting thread with your inane bulIshit, then whine when you get called out on it.

Clearly I am 7 stone (lol), but I also do happen to know that you wouldn't be able to lift a single 25 kilo bag of cement.

Yes, clearly a 240/360 litre wheelie bin full of bags of cement and sand and topped up with water can be emptied into a wheelbarrow, you sausage (lol).

It's just like a cement mixer, minus 220 litres, right?

Such a sausage that you believe that you could tip the contents of a wheelie bin weighing 96 kilos' into a wheelbarrow without the bin and also the barrow toppling over.


Thankfully Kev's past out at last :D