Hello Doc!



I'm glad that pitiable snowflakes didn't make this much fuss about the speed of the Ebola vaccine. Doesn't bear thinking about.

And don't you worry your pretty head about not taking the Covid_19 vaccine, the rest of us who will get inoculated will protect you and other vaccine deniers using the bloody marvelous herd immunity. You are very welcome.

Oh I won't worry. I'll continue to wear a mask to protect others (whether it's effective or not) but I definitely won't lose sleep over folk who believe that a medical miracle has been exacted due to the demands of the masses, thereby fooling the same masses because they NEED it to be true.... whatever the historical evidence says.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I would make vaccinations compulsory and jail, possibly for life, anyone who refuses to get one.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Enough said. :confused::confused::confused::eek::eek::eek:

I'm still staring at the 'hereby fooling the same masses because they NEED it to be true' paranoid statement.

My advice, talk to your G.P. He or she can help with these intrusive and dangerous thoughts.

We are here to support each other. Once again, you are welcome.


I'm still staring at the 'hereby fooling the same masses because they NEED it to be true' paranoid statement.

My advice, talk to your G.P. He or she can help with these intrusive and dangerous thoughts.

We are here to support each other. Once again, you are welcome.

And I'm still looking at the "I would make vaccinations compulsory and jail, possibly for life, anyone who refuses to get one." statement and realising arrogance isn't dead. You think everyone should believe as you do, damn the consequences. George Orwell wrote a book about people like you.... and I don't mean animal farm.... although........


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I'm following Australian rules! And not just in football.

And I'm still looking at the "I would make vaccinations compulsory and jail, possibly for life, anyone who refuses to get one." statement and realising arrogance isn't dead. You think everyone should believe as you do, damn the consequences. George Orwell wrote a book about people like you.... and I don't mean animal farm.... although........


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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You Brexiteers need to get with the prog. Aussie rules after we leave the EU, will include compulsory vaccinations.

At least that is one thing we can thank you for.


You Brexiteers need to get with the prog. Aussie rules after we leave the EU, will include compulsory vaccinations.

At least that is one thing we can thank you for.

It's nice to know you are willing to share your delusions with the group. I truly hope it helps.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Oh I won't worry. I'll continue to wear a mask to protect others (whether it's effective or not) but I definitely won't lose sleep over folk who believe that a medical miracle has been exacted due to the demands of the masses, thereby fooling the same masses because they NEED it to be true.... whatever the historical evidence says.

If you need help to get your vaccine. I suggest you show your GP this video.



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Ok I finally realised you can’t read. Sorry it took so long.

That was a terrible comeback. Playing ignorant and pretending that I thought the video was about covid vaccine doesn't work with me, Mr!

Sort yourself out.


That was a terrible comeback. Playing ignorant and pretending that I thought the video was about covid vaccine doesn't work with me, Mr!

Sort yourself out.

Please keep up. I have told you I will not be accepting the vaccine. I have a choice, something you would deny me.


UKChat Familiar
Jun 26, 2020
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People certainly do have a choice as to whether to take the vaccine, it is ridiculous to impose the vaccine with a warning that if you do not have it, you could face fines or imprisonment, we are not a Big Brother state and do have a freedom of choice. However, whilst understanding the issues regarding long term affects and possible allergy problems, (I remember the fuss when the MMR injections were brought out, still years later the fears of some mothers are still unproven). Therefore, I do intend to have the vaccine should it be offered to me as I do want to see my family grow and flourish as I have put in a lot of time and effort to bring my children up and have enjoyed seeing them grow into fine human beings and becoming parents themselves. So I am prepared to take a chance but that is my choice! :)


People certainly do have a choice as to whether to take the vaccine, it is ridiculous to impose the vaccine with a warning that if you do not have it, you could face fines or imprisonment, we are not a Big Brother state and do have a freedom of choice. However, whilst understanding the issues regarding long term affects and possible allergy problems, (I remember the fuss when the MMR injections were brought out, still years later the fears of some mothers are still unproven). Therefore, I do intend to have the vaccine should it be offered to me as I do want to see my family grow and flourish as I have put in a lot of time and effort to bring my children up and have enjoyed seeing them grow into fine human beings and becoming parents themselves. So I am prepared to take a chance but that is my choice! :)

And your right to choose.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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In the UK, you are fined for not wearing a seatbelt you have no choice 'not' to wear one, it is the Law, except for exceptional circumstances. Wearing a seat belt saves lives, just as taking a vaccine will save your own life and the lives of others. You cannot smoke inside/outside certain buildings and areas etc. in the UK and will be fined if you do. You have no choice but to comply. It is Law. Not smoking saves lives, your own and others just as a vaccine will. If you continue to break these Laws you will be jailed, plus, you continue to put your life and the lives of others at risk.

And in Australia, if parents do not vaccinate their children (different vaccines etc) there is a no jab/no pay sanction and further fines and jail terms can follow. I expect the Australian government will do the same for the Covid vaccine, although this time it could be adults (antivaxxers mainly) refusing for 'self' and not for their children.

I am hopeful a UK government will eventually follow Australia's lead on vaccinations (all types).
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UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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I'm not a mind reader, nor a conspiracy theorist, I'm just being logical.

Near the top of the list are the elderly with underlying health issues (if I remember correctly).

Vaccines should be given to people in good health, not people with underlying health issues.

How do you think a person with a weakened immune system will react to being injected with a virus?

Will their immune system be able to react or will they get sicker and die?

How do you know that you're not allergic to one or more of the components of the vaccine?

Be very, very careful before getting any vaccine.

"How do you think a person with a weakened immune system will react to being injected with a virus?"

Very well, I am led to believe, in that the virus injected is a very dead virus.
(think the parrot sketch!) :D


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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If only reality was as cute, M'lady.

''Both U.S. astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts initially used pencils on space flights, but those writing instruments were not ideal: pencil tips can flake and break off, and having such objects floating around space capsules in near-zero gravity posed a potential harm to astronauts and equipment. (As well, after the fatal Apollo 1 fire in 1967, NASA was anxious to avoid having astronauts carry flammable objects such as pencils onboard with them.)

When the solution of providing astronauts with a ballpoint pen that would work under weightless conditions and extreme temperatures came about, though, it wasn’t because NASA had thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars (inflated to $12 billion in the latest iterations of this tale) in research and development money at the problem. The “space pen” that has since become famous through its use by astronauts was developed independently by Paul C. Fisher of the Fisher Pen Co., who spent his own money on the project and, once he perfected his AG-7 “Anti-Gravity” Space Pen, offered it to NASA. After that agency tested and approved the pen’s suitability for use in space flights, they purchased a number of the instruments from Fisher for a modest price.'' -

FACT CHECK: NASA's 'Astronaut Pen' [article above and more f.a.c.t.s.]

Fisher Space Pen Co [Fisher Price spacepen story]

https://history.nasa.gov/spacepen.html - [nasa spacepen history]

http://www.thewritersedge.com/story.cfm - [How a Fisher Space Pen Helped Armstrong and Aldrin Return from the Moon]

A photo of Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov testing out his first Fisher Space Pen back in 1968 can be found online,
[if you can be bothered to search.]
No, NASA spent a $1000 million, may even have been a billion on developing a Biro. The Russians bulk purchased their small pencils from Argos, I know this for a fact, So don't you dare fact-check me. flammable pencils you say? I know we're not supposed to take this forum seriously, but be serious! The next time my lighter runs out i'll use broken pencils! and yes, I do smoke, so don't be having a pop at me over that... thank you!