Gender these days?


UKChat Initiate
Feb 18, 2019
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If the issue was as simple as men wanting to dress like women, and vice versa, it wouldn't really be an issue at all. After all, the world has always had feminine men and masculine women, including cross-dressers. Most people find it strange, but harmless, and tolerable.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is that, somewhere along the way, these people decided that merely being feminine men and masculine women wasn't good enough. No, they wanted to be viewed as the opposite sex. Feminine men now demand to be viewed as women, and masculine women, viewed as men.

Many people, maybe most, are uncomfortable with that, for a variety of seasons:

1. You're point-blank demanding that people lie. That might be easy for people on the left to do, but for honest people, it's a hard pill to swallow. I am uncomfortable with lying, and pretending like a 6'3", 240 lb. man in a dress and a wig is a woman is an assault on my ethics and intelligence...

2. It opens up a huge can of worms when it comes to sex-segregated places and events. The most obvious example are bathrooms. Many women are uncomfortable using the same public bathrooms as men who have transitioned into "women."

3. The ethics of presenting yourself as something you're not when dating. For most trans people, this isn't an issue, as -- and let's be blunt here -- it's obvious they're trans. Not all of them, though. I've seen convincing male-to-female trans. Some of these people aren't telling potential partners upfront that they're trans, which is unethical. In fact, if we took a play from the feminist playbook, we could even classify that level of misrepresentation as a form of sexual assault.

There are more controversial issues, but I understand the mods here are P.C. warriors, so I'll play it safe and stop there.

These seem like very non-issues to me really. The real issue is that a trans person has a massive chance of being attacked or verbally abused in the street before they even have the chance to ask you to call them Miss or Mr or whatever. Whatever our opinions on bathroom use or sports, I think they deserve to be treated with dignity first and foremost.

Plus, if you've ever lived in the countryside in the UK, you'll be aware that a 6'3 240lb person with more bodyhair than you is not necessarily male.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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What do you make of the Gender issues today?

Boy thinks he's a Girl...Girl think's she's a Boy...Why? all of a sudden?!!

I think It's very unfortunate that someone doesn't feel like they're in the "right" body. I believe that counselling and seeing a psychiatrist, should be considered before any drastic measure such as reassignment surgery. However, we rarely hear or read the stories about those who have gone through transition, and then having reassignment surgery, to then regret their decision. This is why i think counselling is important beforehand.
Biologically, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. However, this is where the issue comes. Medical professions are told to accept this concept, and if they dare mis-gender someone, then they could face "hate crime" laws and even face prosecution. This is why there are two sides of the coin in this debate. On one hand you feel sorry for the people that go through this, and on the other hand you have extremists that try and dictate the narrative and free thought.


“Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.”
Jan 3, 2018
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I think you'll find they do go through counselling on a massive scale prior to having any reassignment surgery, that is s long way off, they have to live like the gender they are inside for two years before any surgery, along with medication, its all a very long drawn out process before they can be the gender they should be.


UKChat Newbie
Jul 16, 2019
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What do you make of the Gender issues today?

Boy thinks he's a Girl...Girl think's she's a Boy...Why? all of a sudden?!!
There isn't an issue, if they have a dick they're a male, if they have a fanny they're female, simple as, anything else is unnatural and self indulgent. Get over it.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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There isn't an issue, if they have a dick they're a male, if they have a fanny they're female, simple as, anything else is unnatural and self indulgent. Get over it.

So many troubled trolls, so few good therapists.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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It can be very confusing.

Surely a person's gender is defined by their physical body parts; their sexuality may not be typical of , nor compatible with their physical gender, but for most people it will be within 'acceptable' limits for most people to be defined as male or female.

It is absolutely normal for a child to go through a phase of being 'gender neutral' or of preferring the company of other people of the same sex to play with . The same children mostly turn out to be heterosexual in adulthood. Children and teenagers have enough to contend with, without having to worry about which of the alleged 13+ gender categories they fall into. Let children be children, let them all play with 'boys toys' and 'girls toys'. Encourage them to be confident and happy and tolerant of others. Leave all the gender identification stuff until they are mature enough to make their own decisions.
Why does everyone need to be labelled as belonging to a particular group anyway? Everyone is unique in their own way - why can't people accept that and say ," This is me . I am who I am"?

You've described it all perfectly, cakelady. Gender and sexuality are not the same thing. That is what is causing so much confusion. No wonder young children are having emotional crises (I dislike the term' mental health problems,' it's not appropriate in this case). They have enough to deal with in our modern world without having all this stuffed down their throats.


UKChat Expert
Jul 29, 2019
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There isn't an issue, if they have a dick they're a male, if they have a fanny they're female, simple as, anything else is unnatural and self indulgent. Get over it.
How could we expect anything other than such a bigoted response from a man that feels the need to post a profile pic such as yours on a friendly chat site. I'm guessing the only friends you are seeking are ones "with benefits"........ The only black and white thing about life is that we are all born and we all die, everything inbetween is a grey area.... You can never know a persons "issues" until you have "walked a mile in their shoes". Before you ask, no, I am not Transgender.... BTW do you feel the need to beat your chest with your fists everyday to reaffirm your manliness?


Staff member
Sep 17, 2018
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How could we expect anything other than such a bigoted response from a man that feels the need to post a profile pic such as yours on a friendly chat site. I'm guessing the only friends you are seeking are ones "with benefits"........ The only black and white thing about life is that we are all born and we all die, everything inbetween is a grey area.... You can never know a persons "issues" until you have "walked a mile in their shoes". Before you ask, no, I am not Transgender.... BTW do you feel the need to beat your chest with your fists everyday to reaffirm your manliness?
That pic didn't reaffirm his manliness <Boaks>


UKChat Newbie
Jul 16, 2019
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What I choose to wear is my business, I've been wearing trunks for 60 odd years and there's no agenda other than I hate the feeling of wet swimming shorts on my legs, plus Speedos are exactly that, they're faster through the water creating less drag. You really should get a life, personally I would prefer skinny dipping but not acceptable in public so I don't do it.
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What I choose to wear is my business, I've been wearing trunks for 60 odd years and there's no agenda other than I hate the feeling of wet swimming shorts on my legs, plus Speedos are exactly that, they're faster through the water creating less drag. You really should get a life, personally I would prefer skinny dipping but not acceptable in public so I don't do it.

Yes it's your business, but you make it everyone's business when you post pics on a chat site. If you don't want comments, get fecking dressed.


UKChat Expert
Jul 29, 2019
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What I choose to wear is my business, I've been wearing trunks for 60 odd years and there's no agenda other than I hate the feeling of wet swimming shorts on my legs, plus Speedos are exactly that, they're faster through the water creating less drag. You really should get a life, personally I would prefer skinny dipping but not acceptable in public so I don't do it.
My most heartfelt apologies, I somehow mistook this as a friendly chat site, not " Swimwear Weekly" - Suits or skin???.... If not feeling the need to post pictures of myself in swimwear online means i don't have a life, then you are right , I don't and TFFT........ Praise be for your great enlightened wisdom sir... i look forward to the next installment of "Caveman Weekly" with bated breath. Tell me, has your application for " Love Island - the older generation" been accepted , or is the jury still out.


oh come on Bad, stop beating about the bush and say what you mean please :D

You know I'm far too reserved to do that. I wouldn't say boo to a goose. (Although why ANYONE would want to surprise a goose has always bewildered me):):D


What I choose to wear is my business, I've been wearing trunks for 60 odd years and there's no agenda other than I hate the feeling of wet swimming shorts on my legs, plus Speedos are exactly that, they're faster through the water creating less drag. You really should get a life, personally I would prefer skinny dipping but not acceptable in public so I don't do it.
Well i have to comment on your response how can a grown man who is supposed to be responsible assume a profile picture with a speedo on is appropriate for starters, then bad_influence are you having an off day son as both of us know you are known as the codfather because you love your witty responses now you have really let the powers that be down big style, i really hope dalai reconsiders your title to something around the lines of the soft shite lolol :p:D:p:D


UKChat Expert
Jul 29, 2019
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You know I'm far too reserved to do that. I wouldn't say boo to a goose. (Although why ANYONE would want to surprise a goose has always bewildered me):):D
I am fully aware of your shyness and reticence to speak your mind Bad, I thought i could coax you out of your shell. ;) Adding heartfelt gratitude for not scaring said fellow feathered friend :)