Far-right snowflake meltdown, in 3, 2, 1...


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Saying racist things not racist, insist barking mad far-right racists

Far-right racists have claimed that making unashamedly racist statements is definitely not racist, and anyone who accuses them of being racist is a racist.

Referring to all asylum seekers as criminals, scroungers and jihadis is the highest form of patriotism, and anyone objecting to the use of such language deserves to be hanged, according to elderly non-racist Ray Cyst-Itis, 66.

“Lefties shout ‘racist’ to try to stifle the debate about which pest migrants most resemble,” he said.

“Describing migrants as cockroaches or vermin is no more racist than setting fire to the bins outside a mosque.

“And everyone knows that mosques aren’t a race, they’re a building, so it can’t be racist.”

Mr Cyst-Itis, a simpleton, went on to highlight the numerous attacks he has suffered at the hands of people who don’t share his views.

“I suffer constant attacks because I’m not afraid to say what I think,” he said.

“The other day I went on my favourite chat forum website and posted far right racist nonsense about immigrant rapists and how all male immigrants are the same and its not racist to state that only immigrants commit crime

“My post was deleted by a moderator because it didn’t abide by their community standards.

“I just don’t feel safe anymore while trying to set my far-right racist rhetoric record safe.”



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I'm still curious what you think someone who is "Far Right" actually is.
They would be an anarcho-capitalist in the literal sense.

"Anarchism is a theory of society without the state in which the market provides all public goods and services, such as law and order. Although most anarchists oppose all large institutions, public or private, anarcho-capitalists oppose the state, but not private actors with significant market power. For evidence that this system is workable, anarchocapitalists point to the 19th-century American West, medieval Iceland, and Anglo-Saxon England.

Because anarcho-capitalism is predicated on a capitalist economic system, it requires markets, property, and the rule of law. (Many anarchists reject one or more of these elements. Some of those objections are discussed later.) Anarcho-capitalists believe that private entities will provide those goods and services necessary for society to function in peace and good order without the existence of a state that coerces individuals into paying for or obeying legal institutions."


Thats "Far Right" no state control, everything is based on the individual.
Bloody stupid idea, but thats what it really means.

People tend not to undestand that Fascism and National socialism were based on syndicalism and corporatism.
No not that kind of "Corporation" as in a private company, but "Co-operative", of the "Body" or the "Corpus".
i.e. Trade unions, workers movements etc.
Fascism flew in the face of the idea of Marxism as it wanted no class struggle, but class co-operation to a state goal.
That was the basis of Fascism.
That the "body" politic was the people, who elected thier representatives into a "Corperation" for the betterment of all.
As Mussolini put it :-
"Everything within the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state"

People tend to forget there was no racism in Italy during the 1930's and early 1940's, it was only after decrees from Germany which wanted to remove the Jewish people from society that Italy signed up to the accords.
Although there was never any real effort to remove Jewish people from any office or position in Italian life.

Fascism is not a racist policy, it is about the state and everyone in it, no matter thier colour, creed or "Race" as long as they served the state.
Fascism was Socialism based on the state, not class or race.
Socialism based on class was Marxist, Socialism based on race was National Socialism.

Which brings us back to the Anarcho Capitalist, who cares little about anything but the ability to do a job if they are paying for it.
Not state, not race, not class, just can the job be done.
It is pure meritocracy in theory.

Which is why it sucks because we need a state to regulate against corruption.

Although many would say, me included, that most State regulatory bodies and governments are corrupt by thier nature as they are controlled by people who know feck all about what it means to be an actual human being.

So the point of all that typing is, I suppose, when someone calls out a "Far Right Fascist", it's funny, because its an oxymoron.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Then there are the experts on national socialism and Nazism and not online black belts in meaningless garbled word salad.

Such as the likes of the historian Richard Evans. Previously Professor of History at Birkbeck College, University of London, currently Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University. Published author of 18 books, translated in eight different languages and including his highly regarded trilogy on the history of the Third Reich.

Sir Ian Kershaw, the world's foremost expert on Nazism.

German historian, Joachim Fest. Who was another world-renowned expert in Nazism.

The likes of journalist and foreign correspondent, William L. Shirer, known as one of the "Murrow’s Boys" and who authored The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a history of Nazi Germany and which to this day is still cited in academia, a very important book covering the era.

They all have one thing in common. All of them are/were world renown Experts in their field, who have debunked far right spew constantly attempting to argue Hitler, or Nazism and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, is socialism and left wing in general. What would they know about the subject eh, hundreds of highly acclaimed published works between them, huh?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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What do you mean by this, Christopher? That you changed your name to Pandemicofear, didn't tell anyone else it was you, and only admitted it after being caught red-handed.

Is that what you mean?

You really should stop making stuff up Raymond
Do you mean making up "stuff" that you spam this site with, such as?

VAERS data shows a 4070% increase in miscarriages & stillbirths since mRNA Roll-Out
Which you claimed yesterday and can't explain, not because you are avoiding explaining it, you're not, but because you haven't got a farcking clue what it means. Either globally or in relation to the USA, I say globally because of course it would also be happening globally where there was global mRNA vaccine roll-outs.

Do you know what an 4070% increase of miscarriages and stillbirths means in relation to a global population of 8,000,000,000?

You should of course know what 4070% means because you claim to be an accountant, and so you should at least have a grasp of what percentage means? :oops:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Then there are the experts on national socialism and Nazism and not online black belts in meaningless garbled word salad.

Such as the likes of the historian Richard Evans. Previously Professor of History at Birkbeck College, University of London, currently Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University. Published author of 18 books, translated in eight different languages and including his highly regarded trilogy on the history of the Third Reich.

Sir Ian Kershaw, the world's foremost expert on Nazism.

German historian, Joachim Fest. Who was another world-renowned expert in Nazism.

The likes of journalist and foreign correspondent, William L. Shirer, known as one of the "Murrow’s Boys" and who authored The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a history of Nazi Germany and which to this day is still cited in academia, a very important book covering the era.

They all have one thing in common. All of them are/were world renown Experts in their field, who have debunked far right spew constantly attempting to argue Hitler, or Nazism and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, is socialism and left wing in general. What would they know about the subject eh, hundreds of highly acclaimed published works between them, huh?

What, no refernces?
Come on, you can do it.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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GB News is not a news channel, but a ‘fatuous entertainment channel for dimwitted imbeciles’ confirms Ofcom

Broadcasting regulator Ofcom has insisted that GB News has not breached the regulations that forbid sitting MPs from presenting news programmes, after insisting that no one in their right mind considers GB News a place where you can become better informed about current affairs.

With the GB News schedule now containing more sitting Tory MPs than many parliamentary debates, Ofcom was encouraged to take a look at the channel, given the broadcasting guidelines forbid MPs from presenting news programmes, or interviewing other MPs, on the grounds it could never be impartial.

However, GB News will not be reprimanded by Ofcom after the regulator was forced into a fit of the giggles by the description of the GB News channel as a provider of ‘news and current affairs’.

Ofcom spokesperson, Simon Williams, told us, “Oh bless you, that’s given us a really good chuckle, thank you!

“The idea that people watch GB News, for, well ‘news‘, is completely hilarious. No one wakes up feeling the need to become better informed about an issue facing the nation and then settles on GB News as the place to find their intellectual enrichment. Literally nobody.

“It’s obviously a great place for confirming your already stringently held and horrifically bigoted beliefs – but for getting actual news? God no.

“Everyone knows it’s nothing more than a billionaire’s loss-making propaganda tool disguised as an entertainment channel purely to glue simpletons to their televisions with thinly veiled attempts to portray right-wing politicians are the ‘good guys’ by demonising minorities and vulnerable groups.

“But unfortunately, that’s not illegal.

“Yes, we agree it should be illegal, but the people who could change that law are currently hosting prime-time shows on GB News, so we don’t see it happening any time soon. Sorry.”



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Triumph for Scotland as Leviticus fan comes in very close second

Scots are celebrating a triumph for liberal values as a big fan of Leviticus chapter 18 only came second in the leadership race.

Humza Yousaf became first minister after a close-run contest with Kate Forbes, a member of the Free Church of Scotland who prefers Biblical truth to certain modern innovations.

Voter Ray Cyst, 68, said: “This goes to show what a progressive, forward-thinking country we are that she only won 38 per cent of the vote.

“That’s of SNP members, of course, who are very much the left-leaning section of the electorate.

Put her to the whole of Scotland and she’d likely do much better.

“Yes, she’s very keen on that chapter of Leviticus titled ‘Punishments for Sin’, which outlines all the people who are to be put to death and their blood be on their own heads.

And especially verse 18:22, about lying with a man as you would a woman. Loves it.

“But she’s promised not to allow beliefs fundamental to her character to influence her politically, which is great as she’ll have a key role in government.”

He added: “We were mental for witch trials up here back when we were our own kingdom.

Good times.

I bet Kate’s got a list ready.”



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Social media websites and various chat forums are to add a ‘punch’ button for responding to posts by Nazis


Websites are to add a new reaction button to reflect the current political climate, they have confirmed this morning.

Social media sites introduced a variety of new reactions, but demand from users means a new one will be added so they can respond appropriately to that one guy on every thread who has a Knights Templar icon as his user profile and goes on and on about Rothschilds, immigrants and flag waving.

The new reaction will join possible reactions as ‘Love’, ‘Haha’ and ‘Angry’ under the heading ‘Ka-Pow!’.

“You can usually spot them; if they’re got a picture of a knight, soldier, flag, a piece of classical statuary, dark image of a bird, or a gun as their profile pic then you can be pretty sure that sooner or later they’ll post something that defies known science or easily verified facts,” said a web designer Simon Williams.

“They’re usually followed fairly quickly by someone with a twibbon or a roundel with a number in it doing much the same.

“Have you ever noticed how they’re always really fat and going a bit thin on top?

Strangest thing.



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Conspiracy theorist and far right idiot is absolutely outraged that satire has mocked something he likes.

Vile bigot, conspiracy idiot and far right supporter Ray Cyst, 66, left several comments and smiley faces under postings declaring that the stories were “not funny” and giving a long and quite boring justification why his favourite thing was actually too serious to be mocked.

He then claimed not to care anyway and to have far better things to do than read anything, before logging in several more times over the next few hours to repeat that he really, really didn’t care what anyone said in the comments he was reading.

He later posted to his profile that it was stupid, and that he still didn’t care. In his own words ''Na-na-na-na-na''.

“Obviously I’ve got a great sense of humour,” Ray raged. Spitting saliva and parts of his rotting teeth over everything. Proving that if you have to tell people how good your sense of humous, then it isn’t. And that dental health isn't a priority to the far right.

“I’m not saying there are any sacred cows or anything, but the things I like are just too important to be funny. Being miserable is in my blood

“I just happen to think your time would be far better spent discussing things I don’t like.

Forum members report they expect Ray to have a serious meltdown tomorrow, when they plan to talk about the fact he is a far right conspiracy theorist and unable to say anything of any merit at all.

In fact, at the moment, he is unable to say anything, period!




UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Sovereign control of your border is only a good thing when we do it, insists Brexiter stuck at Dover

As severe problems at the Channel crossing are blamed on the French not dealing with British travellers quick enough, experts have asked those who value border sovereignty so much why they don’t like the French having it.

Ray Cyst, 73, told us, “I voted for Brexit so we could have sovereign control of our borders – NOT so that France could have sovereign control of THEIRS.

“Just because we have chosen to make it harder for people from the EU to come here doesn’t mean the EU should be allowed to make it harder for us to go there. That’s just petty.

“What I want – no, what I voted for – is to keep all the good things and get rid of all the bad things. And that isn’t what happened, so it must be the fault of the French.”

Meanwhile, non-morons have shaken their head slowly before sighing a response.

As one explained, “We are now a ‘third country’ in EU terms, and that means limits on how long we can stay in the EU. Freedom of movement meant if you had a UK passport, you got a cursory check at the border and waved through to continue to wherever you wanted to go. No limits on where you went, or for how long.

“But now we don’t have free movement. So they check your passport. They check if you’ve been in the EU in the last 180 days, and for how long. Because now you’re only allowed to stay in the EU for 90 days every 180 days. And that information is all on your passport. Then they stamp your passport so next time it’s checked, at an EU border, they can see when you entered, to once again check against your 90-day allowance.

“So, yes, passport checks now take much longer than before. It might only take 30 seconds longer than before, but multiply that by thousands of travellers a day, and suddenly you see the issue.

“But hey, why let a little thing like reality hold you back from blaming everyone except yourself for your idiotic decision to leave the EU.”



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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How to be suitably enraged by drag queens – an idiot’s nine-point guide

Are you desperate to join the front lines of the culture war, but struggle to know what you should be angry about, and for what reason?

Or are you irrationally angry at some things but need a better way to articulate your reasoning to the woke brigade who are obviously to blame?

Then this guide is for you.

The culture war is being fought on every street of this country, and nowhere is it clearer than in the fight to save our children from drag queens.

The Wokeista mob are trying desperately to, well, let drag shows exist, and that simply will not stand!

This is your opportunity to join the front lines of the culture war, and dive in. You can show everyone you mean business and that the culture war infantry is choc full of competent soldiers, making well-thought-out arguments for their position, and finding a way to win with reason and facts.

Or, if that’s too difficult, you can simply follow our guide below instead, and still become a hero to culture warriors everywhere:

1: Lie about why drag queens exist. It’s all a plot to seduce the nation’s children, right? No? Well it COULD be, and that’s enough for you, right? Who cares, lie loudly enough and plenty of people will believe you. The truth is NOT your friend in the culture war.

2: Take offence at all the imaginary people who’ve taken offence at your offence. Claim that drag queens only exist because of all the angry woke snowflakes demanding the right to dress up as women. In the culture wars it’s always better to take a position against a hallucinated enemy you don’t actually name, because they can’t fight back.

3: Pretend it affects you personally in any way whatsoever. Someone will ask “why do you care about this, no one is forcing you to attend a drag show?” – so be prepared to claim that changes like this filter through society and make everyone’s life worse, including yours. Where does this end? With every man in a dress and a wig, wearing ridiculously well-done make-up? This country is going to the dogs. Yes it is, shut up.

4: Lie again about why drag queens exist. We can’t emphasise this enough.

5: Draw an extremely tenuous line between drag queens and ALL of society’s ills, as you perceive them. You can link any culture war issue to any OTHER culture war issue, if you try hard enough. Be creative. Drag queens are very easy to link to migrant boats, for example. See our next point below.

6: Criticise drag artists for using fake names, which is precisely how many illegal immigrants get work here in the UK. Is their love of fake ID a coincidence? I think not. Did you know one of these immigrants committed a murder recently? Well, they did. It was in the news. This country has gone to the dogs. See how easy that was?

7: When the time comes that all of your positions have been shown to be false, or based on fake news, move on to the next culture war battle while claiming victory.

8: Repeat ad-infinitum.

9: Seek help you f.ucking burst ballsack of a moron.



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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God asks homophobes - Why do you think I put a G-spot up men’s bottoms?

God said “I do wish you religious homophobic types would stop twisting my words. I sent you Jesus to spread the message of love and compassion and yet all you want to do is hate on people who aren’t exactly the same as you.''

Homophobes are being forced to think again for insisting sex is only for heterosexual couples after God personally intervened.

An apology is expected to be forthcoming from homophobic, far-right and religious groups after years of stating homophobic slurs and hatred.

One high-profile homophobe said sorry in a statement, shortly after God had a quiet word with him.

“Do you think it’s an accident that stimulation of the prostate gland via the male back passage is sexually gratifying?” asked God, appearing to one senior homophobe in an aura of blinding light.

“I do wish you religious homophobic types would stop twisting my words. I sent you Jesus to spread the message of love and compassion and yet all you want to do is hate on people who aren’t exactly the same as you.

“Appreciate your commonalities but also make sure you celebrate your differences. The lives I’ve granted you are short – don’t waste them being hateful, petty twats determined to stop others enjoying a bit of bum-fun.

“Have as much consenting sex as you like folks – I don’t really give a toss who you’re doing it with or what orifices are involved.”

Homophobe Ray Cyst, 78, is still reeling from the experience.

“Blimey,” he said. “All my life I’ve longed to hear the voice of God.

“Each day I’ve prayed ‘Speak to me, oh lord. I have dedicated my life to you – please reveal yourself’.

“I must admit, I never expected that if it did happen he’d want to talk about cocks going up anal passages.”



UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Lie about why drag queens exist. It’s all a plot to seduce the nation’s children, right? No? Well it COULD be..

Yes, and as usual the pervs can't get under the bibles radar, it's their arch-enemy which is why they hate it..:)-
Jesus said- "If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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God said “I do wish you religious homophobic types would stop twisting my words. I sent you Jesus to spread the message of love and compassion and yet all you want to do is hate on people who aren’t exactly the same as you.''

I wonder why straights don't like gays?
Oh wait..


Africa's got it bad, so let's keep inviting the poor souls into our countries..:)


I'm sure Jesus wants us to take them in..:)
Oh wait...



UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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I'm still curious what you think someone who is "Far Right" actually is...

The clue is in the name "Right"..:)

Here's my old BNP membership card, I get a warm fuzzy feeling from knowing my descendants generations from now will regard it as a treasured family heirloom and proudly say "He took a stand against the looney left"..:)

