


Thought I would do a proper introduction, before I get banned or told to shut up and hibernate for 6 months.
You can call me Cat or as people in my real life do, Annoying.
I like cats- I have a number of them and they're all black; some with white bits that they don't like me stroking.
I have a complicated, serious job that can cause me to rap to Stormzy at the laptop and I've been single longer than Katie Price has been emotionally supporting the UK's male population. I blame the cats, but I know, I know- it's my brighter than coal personality that keeps them running.

I often spend weeks speaking to the radio and predicting the playlist, so I've come here in an attempt to see if I have any social skills left. Not a fan of social media- you won't find my face anywhere, apart from a doctored one from 2004, but we'll say no more about that.

Anyway, hope to see you about and if I don't, well done, you!


Footnote: None of this is a joke, btw, but then life is a joke.


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
Thought I would do a proper introduction, before I get banned or told to shut up and hibernate for 6 months.
You can call me Cat or as people in my real life do, Annoying.
I like cats- I have a number of them and they're all black; some with white bits that they don't like me stroking.
I have a complicated, serious job that can cause me to rap to Stormzy at the laptop and I've been single longer than Katie Price has been emotionally supporting the UK's male population. I blame the cats, but I know, I know- it's my brighter than coal personality that keeps them running.

I often spend weeks speaking to the radio and predicting the playlist, so I've come here in an attempt to see if I have any social skills left. Not a fan of social media- you won't find my face anywhere, apart from a doctored one from 2004, but we'll say no more about that.

Anyway, hope to see you about and if I don't, well done, you!


Footnote: None of this is a joke, btw, but then life is a joke.
I hate to break this to you but cats aren't very popular in the chat rooms, (assuming that you will venture into them), and that is probably why you haven't got many replies. I mean, if you centre your life around cats instead of human beings, then I imagine that your conversation skills will be rather limited. Your 'complicated, serious job' could well be far more interesting to the vast majority.
As for calling you Cat, I think that may cause great confusion in the chat rooms as that is probably the most popular epithet used there.
Are you sure that this is the best place to start if you are not particularly fond of social media? A pic is not necessary. It's common sense that matters.
Perhaps you might redeem yourself after this uninspiring introduction. Perhaps not.
Last edited:


Quite a hobby list. What do you do for work?

Something ultra depressing if theyre listening to stormzy.

Hello cat and welcome. Please do not discuss cats or your passion for cats in the chat rooms. It is highly frowned upon and will most likely end in a ban and your account deleted


Quite a hobby list. What do you do for work?
Hi Jaymi,
Pleased to make your acquaintance :)
Legal department of Social Services, so hardly a laugh a minute during my working day. But hey ho, someone's gotta do it!


UKChat Familiar
Dec 30, 2020
Reaction score
Hi Crazy. If you want to be a cat, do it. I like them, they're convenient. Unfortunately, my kid likes dogs and it's so inconvenient for anything. Social services is no fun. Make a note to be wary of Blue, she's a solid Social Worker hater and it won't matter how many times you say "that's not my job" - she won't listen.

I work with youth, it's interesting. Fraught with obstacles but very rewarding.

JoJo the mod hating cats is not reason enough not to bring them up in the chat room, I'm sure she loves being teased about them.

@WickedPerdition back off you people hater. Lol. It's people like you that make ordinary people stop socialising. When are we meeting?


I hate to break this to you but cats aren't very popular in the chat rooms, (assuming that you will venture into them), and that is probably why you haven't got many replies. I mean, if you centre your life around cats instead of human beings, then I imagine that your conversation skills will be rather limited. Your 'complicated, serious job' could well be far more interesting to the vast majority.
As for
calling you Cat, I think that may cause great confusion in the chat rooms as that is probably the most popular epithet used there.
Are you sure that this is the best place to start if you are not particularly fond of social media? A pic is not necessary. It's common sense that matters.
Perhaps you might redeem yourself after this uninspiring introduction. Perhaps not.

There's a little ol' saying "To assume is to make an ass out of U and Me". You assume I will talk about my cats, but why? It may be a part of my identity, but not my conversation- hence, why it's in the Introduction, but you have not yet found any posts declaring my furry love.

Again, you 'assume' I centre my life around cats, but if you knew cats you'd know that trying to centre your life around an animal that sleeps for (on average) 16 hours a day is pretty pointless. I'd spend a lot of time waiting for them to wake up and let's face it- life's way too short for that when there's forums like this abound.

As I stated, you can call me Annoying to save any confusion. Thinking again, perhaps not that either, because I'm sure that's a popular tag for many on here too, although not self given. Indeed, go with a name of your choosing, if you prefer.

Is this a good place to start, you ask? I stated I was seeing if I have any social skills left, which infers that I once had them. Thus, this is not a start, but a revisit- a practice, if you like, after being off-grid for so long. And what's wrong with here? At least here, I know it's a piranha pond, whereas FB- it's piranhas with family status; Twitsphere- no comment. And seeing as I don't own a Smart phone, the rest are not accessible.

Must say, WickedPerdition, I know high expectations, when I see them- I grew up with my mother- but you're on another level.


Something ultra depressing if theyre listening to stormzy.

Hello cat and welcome. Please do not discuss cats or your passion for cats in the chat rooms. It is highly frowned upon and will most likely end in a ban and your account deleted

Yes, it can be ultra depressing. It can also be ultra satisfying and they're the days I listen to Lisa Hannigan & Glen Hansard. On the days it's ultra frustrating, I go for Linkin Park & Foo Fighters.

:confused: What is all the kitty hate? Does this happen when someone says they have a few mutts? I mention cats and have the name CrazyCatLady and instantly it's assumed that I'm here to recruit forum users to a cult of pewsay.
Honestly, I do find the stereotype of women who keep cats, disturbing. Granted, my hair has seen better days and occasionally, I do have to throw a cat off me, but I do have other topics of conversation and my house does not stink of cat faeces. I know how to clean and I'm good at it!


Hi Crazy. If you want to be a cat, do it. I like them, they're convenient. Unfortunately, my kid likes dogs and it's so inconvenient for anything. Social services is no fun. Make a note to be wary of Blue, she's a solid Social Worker hater and it won't matter how many times you say "that's not my job" - she won't listen.

I work with youth, it's interesting. Fraught with obstacles but very rewarding.

JoJo the mod hating cats is not reason enough not to bring them up in the chat room, I'm sure she loves being teased about them.

@WickedPerdition back off you people hater. Lol. It's people like you that make ordinary people stop socialising. When are we meeting?

Hi MillieW,
Thank you for your lovely reply :)

I absolutely don't want to be a cat. Not sure I want to be human, but definitely don't want to be a cat. The whole fur ball & fleas thing puts me off....oh, and the lower cognitive functioning, although some days I would happily opt for that part of being a cat.
I grew up with dogs. At one time, we had four. A Jack Russell and three of the Heinz variety. Love animals, no matter what they are- even had a snake when my boy was small, along with a load of rodents, so you can imagine the fun we used to have, if one of his friends left a cage open.
No idea how I ended up having so many cats. Well, I do, but I can't really talk about that here apparently, because Cat weirdos are the only weirdos not welcome....anywhere!

Thanks for the heads up- much appreciated. I don't always like Social Workers either, so Blue may be in good company some days.
Luckily, I'm not on the frontline. Working in public services- especially with young people- can be emotionally taxing. You have my respect. I can only imagine all of what's been going on has effected your young people and the job is harder than ever, right now. I used to work in education, but can't say I enjoyed it and it wasn't the kids that I didn't enjoy working with- it was the parents!

I am now going to be cautious about the cat thing! Lol However, I'm not someone who talks about them, tbh. Don't do the pictures of funny cat vids, etc. My descent into Crazy Cat Lady was accidental and it's not a lifestyle, so all this has actually made me giggle.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Yes, it can be ultra depressing. It can also be ultra satisfying and they're the days I listen to Lisa Hannigan & Glen Hansard. On the days it's ultra frustrating, I go for Linkin Park & Foo Fighters.

:confused: What is all the kitty hate? Does this happen when someone says they have a few mutts? I mention cats and have the name CrazyCatLady and instantly it's assumed that I'm here to recruit forum users to a cult of pewsay.
Honestly, I do find the stereotype of women who keep cats, disturbing. Granted, my hair has seen better days and occasionally, I do have to throw a cat off me, but I do have other topics of conversation and my house does not stink of cat faeces. I know how to clean and I'm good at it!
I think they may have mistaken the words .Try not to mention "Marmite" and you should be ok :D


UKChat Newbie
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
Hello! I am fairly new here myself and have 3 x cats (didn’t know they weren’t liked on this forum). Welcome :)


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
I think they may have mistaken the words .Try not to mention "Marmite" and you should be ok :D
Where was there any mistake? She calls herself CrazyCatLady. The name says it all really. I stand by what I said previously.


UKChat Familiar
Jan 7, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Jaymi,
Pleased to make your acquaintance :)
Legal department of Social Services, so hardly a laugh a minute during my working day. But hey ho, someone's gotta do it!
I’m in social services, too (disability division). You should come into chat.


UKChat Familiar
Jan 7, 2018
Reaction score
I hate to break this to you but cats aren't very popular in the chat rooms, (assuming that you will venture into them), and that is probably why you haven't got many replies. I mean, if you centre your life around cats instead of human beings, then I imagine that your conversation skills will be rather limited. Your 'complicated, serious job' could well be far more interesting to the vast majority.
As for calling you Cat, I think that may cause great confusion in the chat rooms as that is probably the most popular epithet used there.
Are you sure that this is the best place to start if you are not particularly fond of social media? A pic is not necessary. It's common sense that matters.
Perhaps you might redeem yourself after this uninspiring introduction. Perhaps not.
Big meanie.


Finally I'm not that weird lady standing on her own in the corner smelling of wee and muttering something about kittens whilst people laugh and point anymore, you have taken that trophy off me and for that I will be forever grateful, hello.