Do you believe in love at first sight?


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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No I don't know ( and frankly I couldn't give a monkey's).

What I do know is, is that regardless of who you or anyone else here is, one thing remains a fact and that fact is that a troll is just a lousy, spineless coward.

The only reason I mentioned it is because these very same trolls typing from a different profile name, expect you to engage in a meaningful conversation on these forums..

As If I'm going to engage in a meaningful conversation with some muppet troll who's only here to deceive people.

maybe you should try to stick to the threads actual subject and you may engage in some meaningful conversation... this one is about love at first sight


Excuse me for not wearing blinkers - Not my fault that when I stumble across something that catches my eye, I say it out loud ( or in this case, type it).

Maybe if there were more genuine people like me about, there'd be less deceit and dishonesty going on in this world - .excuse me for having high standards.

I'm a bit fed up of tolerating nonsense and turning a blind eye.

But that's a different story for a different thread.

So no evidence. You just assumed someone was sharing an account and ran with it? Not very smart are you?
You need better standards, instead of fooling yourself that you know what’s going on.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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No I don't know ( and frankly I couldn't give a monkey's).

What I do know is, is that regardless of who you or anyone else here is, one thing remains a fact and that fact is that a troll is just a lousy, spineless coward.

The only reason I mentioned it is because these very same trolls typing from a different profile name, expect you to engage in a meaningful conversation on these forums..

As If I'm going to engage in a meaningful conversation with some muppet troll who's only here to deceive people.

I know I am no troll but I do love trolls, so if you know one whodownload.jpg looks likes this send him my way xxx


Miss Angelic ;)
Jul 27, 2020
Reaction score
Me too, and it frequently comes out of your mouth ( or in this case from your fingertips, as I presume you're typing in here) , besides other people's (in these forums).

Bless you feel better now for getting that off your chest


Miss Angelic ;)
Jul 27, 2020
Reaction score
Plenty of evidence - I posted 2 comments about it on this very same page - If you on the other hand choose to ignore it, that's your problem, not mine.

Omg you're so clever not, just another attention seeker so laughable lol


Plenty of evidence - I posted 2 comments about it on this very same page - If you on the other hand choose to ignore it, that's your problem, not mine.

No evidence, just assumptions based on use of grammar. That’s weak at best but I suppose it’s easy to accuse with no proof huh?
Don’t get me wrong, a few here use multiple accounts (I’m sure you know that very well) but more than one using a single account is rare I’d think.


Ffs Omega did Lucy turn you down or something? IVF known her for over 10 years across these boards and she has always remained the same person. You need serious help with that paranoia.


I think you and a few others in here need to connect your brains and process what I actually type.

Try keeping up with the whole conversation, from the beginning.

Everyone is fake huh? I think you need to look in the mirror sunshine.


I still insist you need to read and process what I type.

Here - I'll give you a helping hand - The conversation was about trolls and people using the same name as other people on a different site.

Pmsl. You do know names are not exclusive? I’m sure somewhere in the world someone uses the name Bad_Influence but that does not mean they are pretending to be me. I’d also think Omega is used by many around the world so are you pretending to be them? Are you? Because by your own criteria you must be.