do you believe in God

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do you believe in God

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I have seen Him already and sooner I'm going to live with Him for eternity. I will help you going home with me.

Don't bother. Just a waste of your time fella. And if you have seen him please provide evidence. I could say I've seen the tooth fairy but would you believe me?


UKChat Initiate
Jul 28, 2020
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The concept of god for morality and social order is far more important than if there is scientifically a proven god or gods

Humans have always worshiped a god or gods throughout history, even if you socially engineer a society to be godless (atheistic) the spiritual void left will only see the masses seek worship of another entity. Modern examples of cult following of a celebrity or sports figure or even in a sense of a leader of men in terms of a dictator or a deity ruler.

People need that concept of god for inspiration, motivation and inner strength even if used in a basic placebo form the advantages of the concept of god(s) far out weigh not believing or denying the concept of god entirely. God will always manifest itself in a metaphysical sense in other forms even if a set society tries to neglect it.

If too many people in a society are godless society always collapses eventually through nihilism and apathy. People need faith to defend, unite, inspire and pioneer without the concept of god that tribe would never of adapted into a society with moral codes and structure which in turn would not be able to evolve into an advanced civilization
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and according to revelations t says how many will go to so called heaven but people fall for to believe in the bible its a good con


and according to revelations t says how many will go to so called heaven but people fall for to believe in the bible its a good con

While I couldn’t agree more I have to add that for some, their beliefs (or some my say ‘their delusions) bring them comfort and in most cases that’s a good thing. Like everything in life it’s the extremists and those who shout the loudest, along with those who feel the need to make other fall in line with their beliefs, who cause more trouble than anyone else.
This stands true for religion, politics, and as we are currently witnessing, with race.


UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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What was before God?
Answer that before you Quote the bible!


dong you tell me as how old is the human race,and long before the abraham religions as religions are all man made.


Al-Qur'an 2:21.
May 13, 2020
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What was before God?
Answer that before you Quote the bible!
He is Eternal.
The concept of beginning and end comes from him. The concept of time is from him. Binary genders (male and female) are from him. The concept of a creator and creation is from him. No one created him. He always existed.

Because if I answer your question saying 'God was created by another God', you will ask me 'Ok, so who created that other God who created this current God'. It'll lead to what's called, infinite regression. There's no end to the Gods who created the God's overtime. The concept is therefore flawed to answer that one God created the current God. But, with that being said, I will understand if your mind cannot wrap around that idea.

But God is eternal. He is nothing like us. He created us. It's your choice, your free will to accept this narrative, or to continue to live a nihilistic, meaningless life.


UKChat Initiate
Jul 28, 2020
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What was before God?
Answer that before you Quote the bible!

There were still gods before the Abrahamic concept of one 'true god' you had many pagan religions and most tribes worshiped god(s) as a way of life within their different environments also many forms of mysticism

Humans have always felt the need to believe in something more than you can just see within the metaphysical and spiritual

Having gods helped ancient peoples try and make sense of a world and give it meaning the afterlife concept was created for that it is a pretty empty existence compared to If you just think we are here cos of billions of random events all coming together so one day you just die and it's the end of your story along with the universe.
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He is Eternal.
The concept of beginning and end comes from him. The concept of time is from him. Binary genders (male and female) are from him. The concept of a creator and creation is from him. No one created him. He always existed.

Because if I answer your question saying 'God was created by another God', you will ask me 'Ok, so who created that other God who created this current God'. It'll lead to what's called, infinite regression. There's no end to the Gods who created the God's overtime. The concept is therefore flawed to answer that one God created the current God. But, with that being said, I will understand if your mind cannot wrap around that idea.

But God is eternal. He is nothing like us. He created us. It's your choice, your free will to accept this narrative, or to continue to live a nihilistic, meaningless life.

But as has previously been said all references to any god are written by man so everything comes from MAN, not any god. There is no material, disprovable evidence, none, that god exists. If the were irrefutable evidence of one god or another it would end all the religious wars, clear up sectarianism in many countries, yet no god is prepared to prove his followers are right. Surely if a god was real he would not let his deciples be Ridiculed as they are nowadays? A burning bush maybe, or a slot on The Tonight Show. I realise that last bit was silly but there needs to be evidence and rumours do not qualify.


Al-Qur'an 2:21.
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
But as has previously been said all references to any god are written by man so everything comes from MAN, not any god.
No, not everything comes from man.

There is no material, disprovable evidence, none, that god exists
What evidence are you looking for that will prove, without the slightest doubt that God exists? What are your specific criteria?

If the were irrefutable evidence of one god or another it would end all the religious wars, clear up sectarianism in many countries, yet no god is prepared to prove his followers are right.
Flawed logic here. Imagine you come up with a discovery of something, let's say for argument's sake that you found the law of gravity. We all know the law of gravity is the truth. Because it's proven. But did that stop flat Earther's to deny the law of gravity because it didn't fit their flat earth model? no. Of course not. Does that mean you decide to not accept the law of gravity just because of flat Earther's bringing up some weird explanation? no. Just because there is more than one religion, does not mean that none of the religions right. There is always one that is right. You have free will, you have a brain, it's up to you to research which one is right, be it a monotheistic Abrahamic religion or a polytheistic religion, like Christianity. Or, you can continue to live a nihilistic life and accept that this life is be all end all.

Surely if a god was real he would not let his deciples be Ridiculed as they are nowadays?
You meant his messengers. No, you can ridicule them as much as you like. You have free will. You can do whatever you like whenever you like however and wherever you like. He has given you free will because we believe He is testing us. Whatever you do on this Earth is a test. So let's say you ridicule one of His messengers,
you may get away with it in this life but maybe not in the hereafter. That's where the concept of hell and heaven comes in. People get away with things in this life, a lot of injustice, and so on. But in religion, we firmly believe that they will pay for it (if they don't repent of course - listen I'm not God here but I'm telling you what I know), in the hereafter.

Hope that answered ^^


No, not everything comes from man.

What evidence are you looking for that will prove, without the slightest doubt that God exists? What are your specific criteria?

Flawed logic here. Imagine you come up with a discovery of something, let's say for argument's sake that you found the law of gravity. We all know the law of gravity is the truth. Because it's proven. But did that stop flat Earther's to deny the law of gravity because it didn't fit their flat earth model? no. Of course not. Does that mean you decide to not accept the law of gravity just because of flat Earther's bringing up some weird explanation? no. Just because there is more than one religion, does not mean that none of the religions right. There is always one that is right. You have free will, you have a brain, it's up to you to research which one is right, be it a monotheistic Abrahamic religion or a polytheistic religion, like Christianity. Or, you can continue to live a nihilistic life and accept that this life is be all end all.

You meant his messengers. No, you can ridicule them as much as you like. You have free will. You can do whatever you like whenever you like however and wherever you like. He has given you free will because we believe He is testing us. Whatever you do on this Earth is a test. So let's say you ridicule one of His messengers,
you may get away with it in this life but maybe not in the hereafter. That's where the concept of hell and heaven comes in. People get away with things in this life, a lot of injustice, and so on. But in religion, we firmly believe that they will pay for it (if they don't repent of course - listen I'm not God here but I'm telling you what I know), in the hereafter.

Hope that answered ^^

Evidence? Irrevocable proof would be nice. Something that can be proved by repeated experiments, much like science does.

Gravity exists but science has not yet explained it fully. Any sane person accepts its existence yet nobody has justified the laws of gravity with the laws of quantum mechanics, both of which are believed (as far as science can prove) are undeniable.

I have free will, not because god gave it to me but because my brain, as all human brains have, has the capability of making choices built on our life experiences. When I die my brain function (electrical response in the brain) will cease to occur, hence there is nothing after, just like turning off a light.


Tell me Slayer, you don’t believe in Christianity so which god do you place your faith in, if I may ask