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UKChat Initiate
Jan 14, 2018
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Should an unvaccinated person who caught Covid-19 in the current UK wave (and recovered) have fewer rights than one who is fully-vaccinated and boostered? Example, barred from the forms of employment for which she/he is qualified?

Asking for a friend...


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Covid deniers across the UK are entering a phased reintegration of their 'freedumbs' to never washing their hands as concerns about the rapid spread of coronavirus everywhere.

While the coronavirus is spreading wildly across the UK, covidiots are now officially bored with it, meaning it’s time to return to their freedumbs.

And normal, for covidiot morons, means going back to never washing their hands except for under the gravest of circumstances.

‘Before the whole coronavirus fiasco, I only used to wash my hands if I literally got sh** on them. It’s been difficult re-training myself to wash them every time I use the bathroom, prepare a meal, return from the grocery store, or engage in my favourite hobby,’ Pan Demicus told us.

Covidiots will now enter a phased reintegration into not washing their hands.

Phase One allows them to occasionally forget to wash their hands in certain situations. They will still be required to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Phase Two will see a significant reduction in the quality of hand washing. The vigorous scrubbing will be replaced with a two-second dip under the tap, soap optional.

Phase Three means covid deniers can pretend to wash their hands by loudly running a tap without actually putting their hands underneath it.

In Phase Four, antivaxxers/covidiots and those who refuse to wear masks can finally stop pretending to wash their hands and revert to business as usual. Smearing their faeces and germ ridden fingers across every surface they touch.

via - Daily Denial



UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Should an unvaccinated person who caught Covid-19 in the current UK wave (and recovered) have fewer rights than one who is fully-vaccinated and boostered? Example, barred from the forms of employment for which she/he is qualified?

Asking for a friend...
I don`t think so but which are these who lose their rights through not being Vaccinated ?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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At the risk of breaking a new year resolution to ignore Covid threads... :(
Like a decent citizen :) I had the vaccines and the booster...But no matter how many jabs you've had it would appear you're only as safe as you're last jab. Only to now be told protection declines after 10 weeks... Talk of a 4th jab has already started. How many more, where will this end? It's ended for me (work permitting!). Does this now make me a traitor, a deserter... a quisling! or just an 'anti-vaxer'? :rolleyes:


At the risk of breaking a new year resolution to ignore Covid threads... :(
Like a decent citizen :) I had the vaccines and the booster...But no matter how many jabs you've had it would appear you're only as safe as you're last jab. Only to now be told protection declines after 10 weeks... Talk of a 4th jab has already started. How many more, where will this end? It's ended for me (work permitting!). Does this now make me a traitor, a deserter... a quisling! or just an 'anti-vaxer'? :rolleyes:
I imagine a lot of people are thinking the same thing now...we have had 3 jabs, why are we not fully protected?

I am no expert, none of us are, but my understanding is no vaccine against any virus offers full protection indefinitely, especially a new virus that has spread globally like no other we have known in the last 100 years.
We have a yearly flu vaccine because flu mutates, but scientists can predict which flu variants are likely to become a problem before they hit, so an annual vaccine protects throughout flu season.

Covid is far more transmittable than flu, especially this latest variant, where official figures have shown that one in 25 people had it in the UK last week...but I believe that with each vaccine the immune system is boosted yet again, which makes the person less likely to become seriously ill if/when they do catch it.
As more info is discovered, and as more people build up that immunity, I would think it will become the norm to have a yearly jab, just as we do with influenza.
The good news is Omicron seems weaker than the previous strains, so combined with that, the vaccination programme , and peoples immunity getting stronger, maybe the pandemic is reaching it's end....this year....hopefully.


Staff member
Feb 7, 2018
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If that is what you believe then so be it. I’ll take my chances knowing I won’t be one of the many suffering adverse reactions.
And as the figures show I’d be more likely to catch Omicron if I’d had the jabs, I think I made the right choice. My immune system is still intact, and has served me well apparently over the last couple of years, I see no reason to **** it up now that Covid is proving to now to be little more than a cold.
Happy days eh?
Little more than a cold ? Go to an ICU Covid Ward and tell them that. And btw proud non-mask wearer, if you enter a shop or supermarket without wearing one and are not medically exempt, you are currently breaking the law.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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the above waffling nonsense from a vaccine refusenik and pro disease promoter deserves the following

side eye.jpg

and a

fucking idiot8.png

plus a


and another

side eye 3.jpg

and finally, following up with a



As is being seen worldwide, the vaccines offer little defence against Omicron (contagion figures similar in highly vaccinated countries as unvaccinated).

To think your immunity is building with each vaccine dose is nothing short of delusion, even the manufacturers openly admit the efficacy wanes after a (relatively) short period of time, hence the push for boosters so soon after your seconds jab. If you think yearly boosters like flu vaccines will do anything to protect you, you are fooling yourself. The Covid vaccines are nothing like the flu vax, they work in a totally different way, and surely the fact that the booster was manufactured BEFORE Omicron reared its ugly head should make you realise that it is NO DIFFERENT to the first two jabs.

As is shown by the official figures, you are actually more likely to get Omicron if you've previously been vaccinated, which suggests, as has been warned by many scientists, the vaccines are actually reducing the body's immune system, leaving it unable to protect against many other diseases.

Omicron is, in religious terms, a godsend. It has replaced Delta in most countries, with higher infection rates but low hospitalisation and fatal figures.
Do you really think you are fooling people by starting your sentences with "As is being seen"...and "As is shown"??
All that is 'being seen', is you, constantly talking utter rubbish with your false figures and refusal to see anything but your own distorted viewpoint.

Now stop quoting my posts with your agenda ridden rubbish.


You’re denial of the truth is rather silly don’t you think?
I listen to the people who know what they are talking about., use my own common sense and experiences, then draw my own I am willing to be educated and updated constantly.
Try it sometime.;)


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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I listen to the people who know what they are talking about., use my own common sense and experiences, then draw my own I am willing to be educated and updated constantly.
Try it sometime.;)
What PandemicOfFear meant was... then learn to 'LISTEN' properly... That aside. I'd like to know what people YOU listen to...and class them as knowing what they are talking about.
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