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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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In reply to @hell2bwith76, from a post you made in the 'Solution to covid' thread,

Asking if Covid attacks the lungs.

The following information.

SARS-CoV-2 = Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 = Covid-19

SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Respiratory = relating to respiration - breathing. So yes it does attack the lungs.

CoV-2 = Coronavirus 2. The virus strain that caused the Covid-19 pandemic

Coronavirus = 'corona' = from Latin for 'crown' - the shape of the virus is like a crown
(coronavirus was first discovered in the 1920's)

Virus = from Latin for 'poison'

Covid19 = Covid - is a blend of 'coronavirus' and disease'.

It also leaves some of those who catch the virus with heart conditions. Look at how many are dying months after they

catch Covid with heart attacks. And not only weakened heart, it leaves them with brain, lung, blood and many more serious health conditions.

It is not, as you have rightly said, 'a normal virus'.
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I wonder if the towns which quickly vanished during the Plague or Black Death ( was that the same ?) led a normal life as they buried their dead?. A similar situation and in their panic the country folk in small villages fled to the cities and thus the disease spread. I bet they had norma colds and sniffles then too !
All over this country there are examples of "dead" villages which were never reinhabited .
Ohh yes ,this is just a "normal" cold or cough ! hahahahaa .

You do realize the plague was during a time where there was no adequate sanitation, no sewage system, no health care, excessive poverty and un-controlled disease? COVID isn't the black death, you're utterly hysterical!

It's behaving like a normal virus, and you realise that any virus and especially the flu can leave people with long term health issues, right? It isn't specific to COVID. Ask any scientist.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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You do realize the plague was during a time where there was no adequate sanitation, no sewage system, no health care, excessive poverty and un-controlled disease? COVID isn't the black death, you're utterly hysterical!

It's behaving like a normal virus, and you realise that any virus and especially the flu can leave people with long term health issues, right? It isn't specific to COVID. Ask any scientist.
I only know ChattersUK scientists :). It`s odd how the method used eventually to control the Plague was almost identical to our "Lockdown" method which al th anti-lockdowners complain of . They had no science to get Vaccines or measure stats etc but the "social disancing" and rugly made masks did seem to work ! amazing,


UKChat Initiate
Mar 9, 2019
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If you're an anti-vaxxer, than you are pro-death. You are pro-contagion and you are also pro-misery.

There's only one side to this story and that side is science. That very science that has vastly reduced mortality rates in infancy. The same science that has all but eradicated Polio from the face of the earth.

There is no huge worldwide conspiracy. Vaccinations do not give children autism. Bill Gates does not want to insert nanochips into your brain. Please stop this lunacy.
oh bugger offf


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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It is precisely a normal virus. It behaves like a normal virus in every aspect. There is absolutely nothing different about this. If you think there is, I’d love to know what is different.
Do ALL Virus`s just attack the Lungs ?
Thank you .


Do ALL Virus`s just attack the Lungs ?
Thank you .

There are many respiratory illnesses out there, Influenza A & B for a start, common colds - common colds are often a coronavirus. TB, pertusiss (whooping cough).


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Not all, just some. And the Omicron variant seems NOT to attack the lungs, mainly the throat.
So ,forgive me if i`m wrong ,all Virus`s are NOT the same ? Which brings me back to my original point ,so what is a "normal " Virus ?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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In reply to @hell2bwith76, from a post you made in the 'Solution to covid' thread,

Asking if Covid attacks the lungs.

The following information.

SARS-CoV-2 = Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 = Covid-19

SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Respiratory = relating to respiration - breathing. So yes it does attack the lungs.

CoV-2 = Coronavirus 2. The virus strain that caused the Covid-19 pandemic

Coronavirus = 'corona' = from Latin for 'crown' - the shape of the virus is like a crown
(coronavirus was first discovered in the 1920's)

Virus = from Latin for 'poison'

Covid19 = Covid - is a blend of 'coronavirus' and disease'.

It also leaves some of those who catch the virus with heart conditions. Look at how many are dying months after they

catch Covid with heart attacks. And not only weakened heart, it leaves them with brain, lung, blood and many more serious health conditions.

It is not, as you have rightly said, 'a normal virus'.

Fun time :)

Corona in latin is not simply a crown, for example the corona of a star.

Virus does not simply mean "poisen" in latin, it means a natural change occurs.

If your going to be pedantic, then a correct understanding of the entymology, or etymology you berated me for would be a good start :)

It's just an "n"

Wheras you are so far from actual meaning its laughable :)


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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And now you will learn what the term 'from Latin' means. (the etymology not entymology).

You will either check for yourself or not. The choice is yours.

Corona = from Latin for 'crown' - it can also mean 'garland' and 'wreath’. But, for the virus, due to it's shape, it means 'crown'.

Virus = from Latin for 'poison' - it can also mean 'slime' and 'venom'.

You are welcome.

PS: It is 'poison' and not 'poisen' and 'whereas' not 'wheras' btw.

I am fastidious.

You are doubly welcome.

PPS: Check out the Dunning-Kruger effect, cos that's you that is!

If you allow yourself to make these simple mistakes and class them as unimportant, it is no wonder you don't see the mistakes in the bigger picture, and, it is why you have fallen down the rabbit hole of misinformed nonsense and hold the beliefs you do.
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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An anti-vaxxer’s Christmas presents remain steadfastly unwrapped today after he continued insisting that any time you don’t know what’s in something, it must be dangerous.

Pan Demicus, 59, is a dedicated opponent of the covid-19 jab, claiming that it remains untested and the ingredients remain a mystery, both of which are objectively false statements.

“I’m not touching those presents,” confirmed Demicus.

“Could be anything in there. Do you think I’m going to be convinced just because the rest of you are opening them and pretending to enjoy the contents? Unlike you, I’m not a sheep.

“Sure, you’re having a jolly time NOW, but we don’t know what the long term effects of those gifts might be. You lot can be the guinea pigs, as far as I’m concerned. I shall open my gifts when I know they are safe – in around five years or so.

“I’m not the crazy one here. If you’d done your own research, you’d realise the severe risks you’re all taking.”

Pan’s mother sighed “Brilliant. We could have just wrapped up some empty boxes.

“I guess we will just donate those crayons to a family that will be grateful for it.”

via - Daily OneTinyPrick


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Nothing anti-vaxx Covid deniers say makes very much sense at all.

They claim they do all their own research even though they are not qualified to.

Which doesn't involve any current science.

Because they do not believe that scientists are honest.

Therefore they have decided the vaccines are not safe because they do not trust scientific advice that they are safe.

According to them, they are not vaccines they are experimental drugs.

It is a global conspiracy targetting "sheep" and they are not sheep. They are special, they are the chosen ones.

They state they will wait until it is proven the vaccines are safe for a random length of time before they decide to take the vaccine or not. 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

Following more studies by scientists.

Who they don't trust.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I have written your prescription Mr. Hurtwaddle and you can collect it from the pharmacy downstairs.

What ingredients are in the drugs doctor Patience?

Why do you ask Mr. Hurtwaddle?

I refuse to take any drug doctor until you tell me what ingredients they contain so I can do my own research if they are safe.

How will you do that Mr. Hurtwaddle?

I will ask my mate Dim Charlie down the pub, he once delivered leaflets to a pharmacy in Leeds and has access to scientific data because he empties the bins at Bolton General Hospital.

Sound of someone guffawing.

This isn't a laughing matter doctor I read in the Daily Star five years ago someone died taking that blood thinner.

It's commonly prescribed Mr. Hurtwaddle and the chances of you dying are minuscule (imbecile).

Yes, but how can you be certain it isn't me doing the actual dying doctor Patience?

Load exasperated sigh.

Mr. Hurtwaddle I recommend that you take all these drugs because they will demonstrably save your life.

Silent uncomfortable pause.

The noise of someone tapping a telephone keypad.

Mrs. Eagle ring security to escort Mr.Hurtwaddle to the exit because he is having another one of his funny turns.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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If you work for me don't bother coming into work coughing and sneezing, infecting my clients, and infecting my staff. Putting both their lives and their livelihoods at risk. I will sack you for gross misconduct and that's exactly how it works in the 'real' world ❤️

Am i being nosey ,forgive if i am ,but what is your "business" ?
I would be interested in finding out why the Anti Faxer writer isn`t being backed by his colleagues who usual jump al over my posts if they criticise his (?) posts ?. I wonder if it`s because they don`t agree with his line of thought either, or maybe they just don`t like me :).
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