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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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How did I miss this? Precisely as Dr Robert Malone, among others, predicted early last year.

Sitting on your arse all day at a computer can cause blot clots that kill.

Women taking the pill can get blood clots that kill

Smoking can cause blood clots that kill.

Get a f-ucking grip you nutter.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Dr Robert Malone cited in your DM article.

'Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines; using interviews on mass media to popularise medication with ivermectin; and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted'

Malone retracted what he had said because he lied, made up evidence and he was caught.

So you are basing your claims on someone who made it all up.

F-ucking clever move that is. LOL


he falsely claimed that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had not granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine in August 2021.

So more lies.

All your so called evidence is based on the lies of others. SMFH

side eye.jpg


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Science. You don’t get it do you? You assume the vaccines MUST be perfect, despite being experimental, no safety data, a technology that has never even passed animal testing. But hey, don’t ask question eh? :rolleyes:

How do you know you are asking the right questions? How do you know you are intelligent enough to understand the evidence?

Why do you believe fake news and believe their lies?

What makes you think you can even understand what is being said by scientists? Unless of course you are perfectly happy just to go on your 'feels'.?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Science. You don’t get it do you? You assume the vaccines MUST be perfect, despite being experimental, no safety data, a technology that has never even passed animal testing. But hey, don’t ask question eh? :rolleyes:

Why do you assume what I assume? Nothing is ever perfect.

The vaccines have been tested on humans, 10's of thousands of humans across the globe.

Why are you obsessed with animal testing?

You have to know how to ask questions that matter. Not questions based on your emotions or feels.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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And you believe that? :D:D:D:D:D

So, what are your qualifications? What makes you an expert and have the knowledge that what I presented wasn't correct?

Because it is your experience and qualifications that make you able to examine evidence, in simple terms, assess what is right or wrong, true or false.

Explain to me why you should be believed. Prove that you are qualified to know truth from lies.

I bet you won't or can't.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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On Twitter the fight back against the antivax pro diseasers has started.

Neena Jha
I’m a doctor who’s worked throughout the pandemic & seen the devastating effects of Covid The evidence is clear that vaccines protect against severe disease. I have a right to express concern about anti-vax views. To refer me to the GMC for this is nothing short of bullying!

Nitin Arora
I am an intensive care doctor. I have been triple vaccinated and so has my wife. Because I *know* it is the single most important thing I can do to avoid being admitted to ICU or dying from COVID. And because it will protect those I care about most.

Dr Liz Thomas
I am an ICU and Anaesthetic consultant. I am fully jabbed and boosted. You only have to look at the vaccination status of patients with covid in ICU to appreciate its benefits. So please, protect yourselves and your loved ones. Get vaccinated

Matt Makin
I am a Consultant in Palliative Care Medicine & the Medical Director of a large hospital. I’m vaccinated and have had the booster. Vaccination is an important step in protecting my loved ones, my colleagues and my patients. It reduces morbidity, mortality & reduces ICU admission.

Joseph Cosgrove #StateSchoolProud
I'm a Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine. I'm vaccinated, so are my family & friends. It's is the single most important thing we can do to avoid being admitted to ICU or dying from COVID. It will protect others & enable work outwith COVID areas

Lynn Miller
I’m a consultant cardiologist who knows that the risk of myocarditis and MI is massively higher with Covid infection than following vaccines & also have underlying respiratory conditions. Im fully vaccinated because I know it gives me the best protection from death and ICU

Oliver Long
I am a Consultant Anaesthetist and a Medical Director
. I’m vaccinated and have had the booster. Vaccination is the most important thing I can do to protect my loved ones, my colleagues and my patients. It reduces morbidity, mortality & reduces ICU admission.

Simon Kenny
I am National Clinical Director for Children and Young People and I have been triple vaccinated as has my wife and adult children. I was vaccinated to protect myself, the people I most love, my patients and the public. It wasn’t just about me - we need to protect each other.

Michael O'Leary
I'm a consultant gynaecological oncologist and have had 2 vaccines & a booster. It is the single most important thing I can do to avoid being admitted to ICU or dying from COVID. And it will protect both my family and my patients.

Ami Jones
I’m a fully vaccinated ITU consultant. My family who are eligible to be, are all vaccinated. My risk of ending up sick with covid on itu pre-vaccination was probably small but vaccination is not always about you and your risk, it’s about protecting others #vaxxeddoctors

Gail Busby
I'm a consultant gynaecologist and had 2 vaccines & booster, as has my husband. My son had his 1st last week (he had Covid in Sept 21). It is the single most important thing I can do to avoid being admitted to ICU or dying from COVID. And it will protect those I care about most.

Fiona Wallace
I am an ICU and anaesthetic doctor. I am very grateful to be fully vaccinated, along with all my eligible family. Working in Covid ICU the benefits of vaccination are so clear. When Covid finally made it to our house, the main challenge was keeping kids entertained #VaccinesWork

#HelloMyNameIs Kenny (MBE, RN, QN)
Replying to
I am national head of safeguarding for the NHS and a nurse. I have been vaccinated x3 for Covid and x1 for flu I have a professional duty to protect patients. I am grateful for the protection vaccines give me & those I love. I also do regular lateral flow tests & wash my hands

P #HaveANiceDay
I’ll a senior theatre nurse (30yrs in current job), the excitement in our hospital on Vaccine Days was palpable, huge queues all days. I have needed only one PCR test cos I’m vaccinated

an Jackson#FBPA#FBSI
I am retired anaesthetist who was Clinical Director of Anaesthesia, Theatres & ITU for many years. I came out of retirement to help vaccinate. I like many others want to help people survive this, not just the fit and well but those adults and children with coexisting diseases 2/n

Marcus beadle
I am a consultant in intensive care. I have had 3 doses of the vaccine as has my wife (my children are due to have theirs on Wednesday). I can tell you our ITUs are full of the unvaccinated. #VaccinesSaveLives #GetVaccinated
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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You got what was expected, just Sam’s insults but nothing to suggest your post was incorrect.

This is the IDIOT typing to himself but he forgot to change to the new ID who was meant to be supporting him. Which begs the question, what name is the other ID?
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