A man who champions free speech is really unhappy when people use it to tell him what a prize tw*t he is.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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These people think it is acceptable to mock the deaths of babies in minority groups they despise.

It doesn't have to get more complicated, it really is as simple as that.
The mass slaughter and deprivation of ANY group of persons is diabolical and ,in my opinion ,should be classed in our (?) modern society as an offence ,in Law.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Freedom of speech comes with the responisibility to use it wisely.

It is a right which no law grants us, it is simply something we can do without interference by any government or judiciary.
Unlike most other countries where what one is allowed to say is governed by law.

It is how democracies should be regulated.

Once you begin to "limit" freedom of speech, it is no longer free, it is regulated.

The issue get's very cloudy in modern society when people say "Speech is violence".
That ones spoken action can cause a reaction in others.

Therein lies the problem, speech is not violence as it causes no physical injury under law.
Reaction to speech, such as the "Shouting FIRE in a cinema" may cause physical injury under law if someone acts upon the speech, such as running for an exit of the building and injuring or being injured in the process.

Those are actions of the listener, they heard "Fire" and reacted, by thier actions not the speakers they could trample others thereby creating physical injury.

Reaction to the speech of some hate group orator online may also lead to violence which causes injury or death.
However, it is not the orator commiting the crime, it is the listener.

Hence the to oft forgotten aspect of freedom of speech, to use it wisely.

Anyone should be allowed to say whatever they wish, if they are willing to take the consequences for saying it.

However, no one should be arrested, charged or censored for speaking thier mind, however reprehensible, as that simply forces it underground where hate does fester in an echo chamber.

Only by talking to people, listening to their views and discussing them can we keep freedom of speech alive.

When censorship and legal definitions begin, we are heading to government/corperate backed fact checkers becoming a Ministry of Truth.

How else can we talk to the people who say "The Government is our enemy" or "It is Gods will"?

By not forcing them underground.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Yet another insightful forum post.

Brought to you by one of the "I have no argument so I will just Meme" duet.

Honestly between Sam, Whales and Pandemic, why does anyone else both posting.

Because it's fun to see how low they can get to be the last name on the thread lol

Bearing in mind some of them have already said "Dont talk to me any more" to anyone who actually wanted to debate them on a point.

Says a lot ;)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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WARNING this is only satire IT's only humour!!!

Here he is pissed up again, pestering me (and TwoWhales), stalking me. Pissed up charlatan who masquerades as a "masters educated social scientist" and for all the easily impressed women "psychologist".

Although he can't communicate for toffee.

Despite me repeatedly telling the sleazy old misogynist bastard not to type to me.

Doesn't understand that no means no, has no respect for any women on this site at all, which is why he creeps around desperately trying to engage each and everyone one of them in conversation with his year 10 "philosophy".

So he can churn out his long-winded essays that have no layers, no sophistication, and are just stating the obvious garbage

While he acts confused when the very "stupid" women don't tell him how brilliant he is.

While he pats them on the head like a stray dog and tells them just how clever he thinks they are and still does not have a fucking inkling each and everyone one of them tries their damn hardest to avoid getting into any in-depth conversation with him.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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While he pats them on the head like a stray dog and tells them just how clever he thinks they are and still does not have a fucking inkling each and everyone one of them tries their damn hardest to avoid getting into any in-depth conversation with him.

I wonder why.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I just don't like you Christopher or that other thing. I just don't like men like you.

I am a brilliant debater. I just have no intention whatsoever of seriously engaging with you two online bullshitters in genuine debate. Because it isn't debated. It isn't an exchange of thoughts and ideas. It isn't respecting the other person's views. It's a spew of hard-right propaganda and shite. From both of you. Whatever the topic.

Trolls and wind up merchants and both far too cowardly to say what you really mean, so you disguise it behind layers of bullshit.

But it isn't even that, it's the lies and I can not stand liars online or off.

Creepy old men who big themselves up so they can attempt to impress lonely women online.

Predatory behaviour and sleazy and dirty and makes my skin crawl.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Says the creepy old stalker.

A fake psychologist who stalks women online.

A so-called "professional".

Types the most ridiculous shite imaginable.

A bullshitter.

Tries bullshitting his way out of it.

Moves the goals posts.

Denies he typed it.

Claims he was misquoted.

Claims he was playing devil's advocate.

Blames the drink.

Exactly the same conclusion every single time. The woman fucks off away from his creepy old arse.

I can do psychology all day long and twice on a Sunday.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Ask yourself, I have just politely explained that he makes my skin crawl, that I do not like him and gave the reasons why and just like the sleazy old man he really is (well known for it) he continues to pester and harass me.

A no-life pisshead. They both are.

Let's be frank about it, all the intelligent women on this site avoid both like the plague.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The amusing thing about my stalker (Christopher) is that he is a grudge-holding manboy.

Stalked other people for years and years seeking "revenge".

Well known for it.

The silly c*nt still hasn't worked out I can't be intimidated by a saggy old man arse.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Says the creepy old stalker.

A fake psychologist who stalks women online.

A so-called "professional".

Types the most ridiculous shite imaginable.

A bullshitter.

Tries bullshitting his way out of it.

Moves the goals posts.

Denies he typed it.

Claims he was misquoted.

Claims he was playing devil's advocate.

Blames the drink.

Exactly the same conclusion every single time. The woman fucks off away from his creepy old arse.

I can do psychology all day long and twice on a Sunday.


Anything actually factual in there?

Apart from me being drunk when I post here.
Thats usually true and I am the first to admit it.
There is a reason for that.

I am weak, I watched friends die, I lost good people and I have difficulty coping with that.
I turn to the bottle to forget.

So forgive my pre-disposition of not believing government media when they said "Its all quiet in the province", whilst smelling of smoke and blood.

If you can offer an explanation for your dispising of me then I would welcome it.
You dont think I dispise myself enough already just for being alive.
Bring it on.

You dont know me, you have no idea what my history is.
Just as I dont know you.
I would hazard a guess that our backgrounds are very different.
If not, then talk to me, explain why you are the way you are.

Other than that.
I would love to know how many women I have offended.

I know of 2 in the many years of chatting, I have apologised to both.

What I love is your "I can do psychology all day long and twice on a Sunday." point.

When in your previous posts you have said your an amateur.

I would suggest one should learn before one attempts to teach.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Sam Bally.

Messages 1,279. (over 10 months)
Reaction score 1,274.

Obviously, the superior stats unequivocally demonstrate I am far far far ahead of that pair of prize plums in terms of interesting chatter status. One who thinks he is a criminal mastermind and the other who still wets the bed.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Sam Bally.

Messages 1,279. (over 10 months)
Reaction score 1,274.

Obviously, the superior stats unequivocally demonstrate I am far far far ahead of that pair of prize plums in terms of interesting chatter status. One who thinks he is a criminal mastermind and the other who still wets the bed.

Thats it?

Stat padding with BS.

Thats all you have?

Parhaps, just a suggestion, you should get a life.