Boris/Trump..Boris Trump.



Our new PM clearly taking a leaf from Trump's book.
Positivity,talking Britain up.Destroying Corbyn and Mcdonnel in parliament today.
Loved every second of it.I always thought Boris was too much of a clown to be PM..Glad to be proved wrong after today's commons.
Leftie loonies in full meltdown after this.
Popcorn at the ready i'm going to enjoy rabid commie socialists foam at the mouth now.
Never thought i'd say it,but,
Go Boris!


He has certainly started well... I just hope he can back it up.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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I quite like Boris as a character he is quirky and crazy

The issue will still lie with the decay of the democratic system completely corrupted and outdated now (The public votes being ignored by an elite block of disengaged and disconnected politicians who care more about staying in a job than the future of the country and what the world will be like for our childrens children)

Which is a big issue considering a lot of modern mainstream politicians are childless and don't look towards the future they think statically instead of dynamically

He will also have the exact same issues as trump and will be swallowed up by traitress politicians who care more about pleasing corporations and the banks than acting on public opinion or votes and that is on both sides of the left/right political paradigm.

There is a deep state in the Uk too and until that is dismantled it's not going to matter if a prime minister has good intentions or not as the shots and actions have already been called behind the scenes against the populist opinion. Maintaining power is all the British political elite are interested in and it's like a cult.

No intention to blackpill just being realistic
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I quite like Boris as a character he is quirky and crazy

The issue will still lie with the decay of the democratic system completely corrupted and outdated now (The public votes being ignored by an elite block of disengaged and disconnected politicians who care more about staying in a job than the future of the country and what the world will be like for our childrens children)

Which is a big issue considcoallitionering a lot of modern mainstream politicians are childless and don't look towards the future they think statically instead of dynamically

He will also have the exact same issues as trump and will be swallowed up by traitress politicians who care more about pleasing corporations and the banks than acting on public opinion or votes and that is on both sides of the left/right political paradigm.

There is a deep state in the Uk too and until that is dismantled it's not going to matter if a prime minister has good intentions or not as the shots and actions have already been called behind the scenes against the populist opinion. Maintaining power is all the British political elite are interested in and it's like a cult.

No intention to blackpill just being realistic
100% agree.UK has a deepstate problem too.
However,unless we get behind Boris we're going to get a labour -snp coallition.


Sadly I believe society has gone beyond the point where it can be revived.
As you said, politics is not trusted, our laws protect the guilty and punish the innocent, the latest generation think they know everything (just as we did as kids), and social media has bred a sub-culture that now thinks “Instagram influencer” is a career.
There’s no coming back from this, the only way forward is towards a future that is based on lies and self-interest.
We have harmed the planet beyond recovery and although I don’t believe we have caused climate change, we have certainly increased the rate of change.

Stop the world, I want to get off.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
100% agree.UK has a deepstate problem too.
However,unless we get behind Boris we're going to get a labour -snp coallition.

I'd support what ever party or leader wants to smash the bourgeoise and globalist clique

the left/right paradigm has always been a smoke screen

I doubt i'd ever bother voting in the UK only time i did vote was for Brexit and the cliques above from all mainstream parties have done there upmost to destroy it and go against the populist vote

conservatives have always been just as cringy and pathetic as labour
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UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Sadly I believe society has gone beyond the point where it can be revived.
As you said, politics is not trusted, our laws protect the guilty and punish the innocent, the latest generation think they know everything (just as we did as kids), and social media has bred a sub-culture that now thinks “Instagram influencer” is a career.
There’s no coming back from this, the only way forward is towards a future that is based on lies and self-interest.
We have harmed the planet beyond recovery and although I don’t believe we have caused climate change, we have certainly increased the rate of change.

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Only the British people can save themselves and I'm talking those that have family trees dating back to the land for centuries not a 3rd world immigrant who gets a passport after being dropped off by a Soros NGO boat.

We had the same issues in Hungary you can only remove traitors from office with your feet and strong movements we even had to put up our own borders up and fight our political enemies on the streets to get a true traditionalist voted into office, Recent polls in Hungary show less than 10% of people identify as liberals or commies we don't even have globalist or neo liberal parties run in elections lol they are so unpopular and hated

I think the UK has to have a wake up call like Hungary did to snap it out of it's slumber we had thousands and thousands of migrants and illegal immigrants walking past our houses, farms and communities (which no one voted for the eu tried flooding us with them) after we took to the streets we made a change and was in control of our own destiny as a people once again.

What made the British unique in building a vast all conquering empire seems to be your downfall in asserting yourself once the process started of you imploding in on yourselves

Brits are far more liberal on average than germanic peoples, slavs and other eastern europeans we never had intense marxist propaganda after ww2 though so our want to secure our national sovereignity is much higher than western europeans
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Only the British people can save themselves and I'm talking those that have family trees dating back to the land for centuries not a 3rd world immigrant who gets a passport after being dropped off by a Soros NGO boat.

We had the same issues in Hungary you can only remove traitors from office with your feet and strong movements we even had to put up our own borders up and fight our political enemies on the streets to get a true traditionalist voted into office, Recent polls in Hungary show less than 10% of people identify as liberals or commies we don't even have globalist or neo liberal parties run in elections lol they are so unpopular and hated

I think the UK has to have a wake up call like Hungary did to snap it out of it's slumber we had thousands and thousands of migrants and illegal immigrants walking past our houses, farms and communities (which no one voted for the eu tried flooding us with them) after we took to the streets we made a change and was in control of our own destiny as a people once again.

I was referring to the whole global society, not just the UK. Every country, every culture, has the same issues to one level or another.
If the current decline in respect, decency, and morality continues, and it will, humanity will not survive.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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I was referring to the whole global society, not just the UK. Every country, every culture, has the same issues to one level or another.
If the current decline in respect, decency, and morality continues, and it will, humanity will not survive.

morality varies from people to people one man's morality and decentcy from being a universalist or a liberal would be seen as a traitor with someone from a more nationalist or traditionalist world view and someone with my worldview would be seen as a 'waycist' most probably but do i care 'no' because i have my own morality and i was proud to stand with my brothers.

I was just making the point if you think a boris johnson is suddenly gonna make a change or turn the conservative party back into tradiitionalism or fighting against globalism or societal decay it's not going to happen. As British people are non collectivist in general and believe in individualism but that leaves you exposed against cultures, political and ethnic groups that do collectivize your individualism and liberal ideals will get you picked off by groups that assert themselves collectively
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morality varies from people to people one man's morality and decentcy from being a universalist or a liberal would be seen as a traitor with someone from a more nationalist or traditionalist world view and someone with my worldview would be seen as a 'waycist' most probably but i do care 'no' because i have my own morality and i was proud to stand with my brothers.

I was just making the point if you think a boris johnson is suddenly gonna make a change or turn the conservative party back into tradiitionalism or fighting against globalism or societal decay it's not going to happen. As British people are non collectivist in general and believe in individualism but that leaves you exposed against cultures, political and ethnic groups that do collectivize your individualism and liberal ideals will get you picked off by groups that assert themselves collectively

And I though my comment was a massive generalisation. It wasn’t even close compared to yours.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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And I though my comment was a massive generalisation. It wasn’t even close compared to yours.

you can call it generalisation but you need to state what i'm generalising about

am i not correct at what i said? i've lived in both countries i just comparing an overall difference of mindsets and world views of people on a mass scale i met in both countries

you have no national or traditional political parties in the uk just as in hungary we have no neo liberal/ marxist or pro globalist parties mainstream ones anyway or parties that have a realistic chance of winning an election
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Surely you don't believe that your political parties are any less globalist than any other country? You seem too intelligent to believe that. Just like all countries, politics is just the visible front of those who hide in plain sight, the ones who have the politicians in their pockets. These are the ones we should be worried about, not the political puppets. Whether liberal, nationalist, fascist or whatever, the only aim is power, the only truth is their truth.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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Surely you don't believe that your political parties are any less globalist than any other country? You seem too intelligent to believe that. Just like all countries, politics is just the visible front of those who hide in plain sight, the ones who have the politicians in their pockets. These are the ones we should be worried about, not the political puppets. Whether liberal, nationalist, fascist or whatever, the only aim is power, the only truth is their truth.

I don't believe in democracy never have never will our leader (orban) isn't perfect but he has delivered on his anti immigration promise and securing our culture and lands for the time being anyway the more nationalist people in hungary are still skeptical of him i am little too I don't like that we are still in EU but they have a hold on us to crash our economy like they did with Greece if we try and leave

Yes and I agree power is everything and I see democracy as an emasculating illusion just keep voting gives you an excuse to do nothing and just get conned everytime a new election cycle hits

Those that get spoke about as legends and heros don't come from democracy they are dictators or diety kings that love their own people and fight the same enemies as the populist core of the tribe do modern day examples would be Assad in Syria and Putin in Russia

300 warriors is better than 10000 merchant soldiers

Also historical experiences and past clashes and wars of a people influence world views like Brits had a mercentile empire and was always safe from invasion up until recently never renowned for strong army but controlled the seas (at least for the last 400 years anyway) before that vikings , romans and normans all invaded and thats when brits would of been more nationalist looking at old literature and writings and how they perceived it and acted once invaded.

Hungarians non stop conflicts with soviet union ottoman empire and other islamic military campaigns also other european wars with prussians slavs ect so that is why we are probably more protectionist and nationalist naturally same with other countries like poland
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UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Was an interesting and enjoyable read that debate above ^^^^^^
I'm not a political animal myself but I did lol @ Boris in his parliament speech when he compared Corbyn to something from the final scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers "At last this long standing Eurosceptic has been captured and reprogrammed by his friends He has been turned now into a Remainer!"


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Was an interesting and enjoyable read that debate above ^^^^^^
I'm not a political animal myself but I did lol @ Boris in his parliament speech when he compared Corbyn to something from the final scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers "At last this long standing Eurosceptic has been captured and reprogrammed by his friends He has been turned now into a Remainer!"

Corbyn has changed from remainder to leave (and visa versa) so many times to try benefit his own political career instead of having a strong opinion on it and standing by his views one way or the other

It's one of the reasons i hate politicians and democracy generally 95% of them are spineless and will change world views or opinions on things of a drop of a hat if they feel it can personally benefit there own careers. It's a short term-ism instead of acting on the interests of bigger and more important goals from the people that elected them


UKChat Initiate
Jul 11, 2019
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Boris appears to be related to that idiot Trump they are both behaving like lunatics. The UK will be much worse off if we leave the EU, imo.


UKChat Newbie
Oct 9, 2019
Reaction score
Boris appears to be related to that idiot Trump they are both behaving like lunatics. The UK will be much worse off if we leave the EU, imo.
I am wondering why you describe President Trump as an "idiot". I would describe him as anything but an "idiot". For example, are you aware he is a Grand Master at chess, so the epithet of "idiot" seems a tad inaccurate? Did you know that in 2018 he prosecuted over 11,000 paedophiles and child traffickers, that is MORE than all previous presidents put together. Does that descibe an "idiot"? The way he has tied up the Democrats (admittedly with the help of 'Q') and continues to make them go crazy I would say takes somebody cleverer than an "idiot" don't you think? Will you change your mind when we see the likes of Clapper, Comey, Clintons, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Bidens, Sztrok, Page, Brennan plus many others from the Dems all trotting off to GITMO in the next few weeks? Believe me the Deep State is being cleared very rapidly by Pres.Trump. Remember how the Deep State had their claws in North Korea and said he would get nowhere there? Strange how the two countries are now the best of friends. Soon China will also fall in line.President Trump is bringing all of the Democrat wars to an end, the actions of a brilliant mind imho.
No, my friend, whatever else Pres.Trump is he most definately isn't an idiot. Want to see how all this unfolds then read X22Reports, Dan Bongino Report, Stroppy Me every day and you will soon see President Trump will end up being regarded as the best President the USA has ever had. Boris does very well to keep close to him.