At this stage you need something radical which I can't say on here in my opinion that is why I said dictator who would be populist to clean out which is what I consider traitors who do deals with foreign powers to the detriment of people they should be representing
I'm not British but reinstalling a monarchy overtime which has historical relevance would surely be better than the current system where pretty much capitalism is flooding your entire nation with cheap labour and in some cases so called refugees which the american empire has bombed the crap out of? Why have a nation if you have no ethnos to begin as all nations where set up with distinct ethncities to begin with? You are nothing more than a economic zone if you become a minority in your homeland as a White English, Scot or Irishman
What we need and what would work or be accepted are different things sadly. I think capitalism as an economic structure does not have to be totally exclusive from a political or legal model that allows for more self-rule, the two can and should be able to work alongside eachother.
I do agree that we have lost our identity, or rather we have had it stolen from us, and now we are made to feel guilty for being patriotic and somehow this has to change. I wish I had the answers but I don't, and like you, what I would love to see is something I can't type here for the reasons explained in my previous sentence.