Why are such teachings never questioned? Are people scared to answer them?



Hamas exists to wipe out Jews wherever they may be, according to thier own Doctrine.
And according to the terms of the Qur'an as regards this peace that people keep on pretending that are terms being offered, these terms for peace are only if a person acknowledges Islam as sovereign. You can read it yourself in the verses around the ones that were first raised in this article.
Zionism, not to be confused with being Jewish, are two very different mindsets.
Correct also.
One is faith based the other is an ideological belief which wishes to bring back Greater Isreal which incorperates most of the Middle East,

Both sides see it as an existential war.

Which means it never ends well.


THe difference is that one side is an occupying colonial power the other is a resistance movement. The fact that it was created as a resistance movement confirms that it is the occupation that created Hamas. Sine qua non.
These next comments must be understood as not specifically applying today, but they were reasons in the past, and they relate to a response to your comment.

Where are Palestinians Originally From?
If you do your history, you can chase back a time when Palestine was not there. Palestinians came from the TRUE Palestine - the island of Crete - and settled in the land of Canaan, who was a grandson of Noah, and son of Ham. The land was already promised to Abraham before the Philistines moved in. Yes, Palestine and Philistine were interchangeable.

Who or What is Israel?
Israel was the name given to Jacob after he wrestled with an angel who appeared before him, and he was given a blessing. So Israel is Jacob's offspring. Jacob was the son of Isaac, who was Ishmael's half-brother. His brother Ishmael was the offspring of Hagar, an Egyptian (descendent of Ham).

Where did the residents of the island of Crete come from? No idea. But they were either from Shem, Ham or Japheth, the three sons of Noah. Also, it is reasonable to suggest that Sarah was of the line of Shem, only because of the instructions given to family members as regards who to marry. This marriage lineage was important, as it was based on a promise for the "seed" of who would be the Messiah, Jesus.

When Israel Moved Out
Israel as a nation was destroyed in 70CE, and the Jews were scattered all about the earth. So, really, if you're going to say, "Palestine should be here", then you can argue why "Israel should be here" too, because Palestine was never actually there, except among others. As for Canaan, his descendents have been destroyed and scattered throughout the earth.

Before Israel
So, what about PRIOR to Israel? What about the land that was there BEFORE Jacob was born? Before Abraham was promised?

Well, consider this, The flood wiped away the original settlers there. But after the flood, when Abraham was given the promise to have the land of Canaan as his, Shem - the son of Noah, was still alive. This means that when there were no people other than the survivors of the flood on the earth, and saw the families spread, that man was still alive to verify that Abraham had been promised the land. The Canaanites who remained there for over 400 years after this promise - ignoring their eviction notice, and continued squatting - had been warned.

The Israel of God
But in the real world - the world before the eyes of God - ALL people have the opportunity to be right before God no matter where they come from, nor where they live. Others will continue to raise up issues to fight over, so that they can exploit or dominate, but in the future God will silence them all, and establish peace by means of his kingdom. God's kingdom is the solution for mankind, not some political hotchpotch of half-facts.

God's word speaks of "the New Jerusalem" coming from heaven, not being built on earth. Also, it speaks of the "Israel of God", under laws and principles that differ from the physical Israel. In fact, Jesus stated that - due to their disobedience, and their actions that led to the death of the Messiah, Israel as a nation was abandoned to the political world. The promise to the Israelites back in the day wasn't just a given nation. It was an agreement that they had to "strictly obey" God's voice, which they didn't. But the nation didn't end until God himself decided to put it away. And he didn't choose another nation INSTEAD of Israel, but in a sense, he cut off the branches, and grafted in NEW branches, that produced the fruit.

But he still called it Israel, albeit, now there would be both a physical Israel, and a spiritual one.

So to claim Israel has no right to it, is to claim that Palestine doesn't either. As for Canaan, his descendents have been destroyed and scattered throughout the earth.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Jehovah Witness, who stated that 2bn Muslims are "cultists".

Alongside realm of Googled word salad.

Irony is lost on this one, and I think all the grown-ups understand what his real motive is. :)