Where have all the dentists gone!?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I recently had cause to find a new dentist. It took me a while to realise that I was on mission impossible. Because there is not a single dentist in this town taking on new NHS patients. I got talking to some of the receptionists and they mostly said the same thing - They've gone into private practice. I'm curious to know where all these new private patients will be coming from. Well guess what? I'm one of them! I eventually had no option but to go with a dentist that offered 'affordable private dentistry'. :rolleyes: The check-up cost me £43, which is not bad compared to the NHS fixed price charge. But here's the rub, that was just for the check-up, anything else is extra. The scale and polish cost me a further £53. If you need an emergency appointment it's £85, should you need a filling, get ready to hand over another £109. All appointments have to be paid for in advance and it is not refundable. You miss your appointment - you've done your money. What the hell is happening to the NHS? :(


UKChat Newbie
May 3, 2023
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I've gone private as there is much choice around here. Fortunately, it's local and reasonably priced. About £60 for a full overhaul by the hygienist and £40 or so for a yearly check by the dentist.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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..What the hell is happening to the NHS? :(

It's importing loads of heathen immigrants who graduated from a witch doctors mud hut who can't even speak english, what could possibly go wrong?


PS- I've got a little cash put by to go private if I need a dentist or doctor..:)


I recently had cause to find a new dentist. It took me a while to realise that I was on mission impossible. Because there is not a single dentist in this town taking on new NHS patients. I got talking to some of the receptionists and they mostly said the same thing - They've gone into private practice. I'm curious to know where all these new private patients will be coming from. Well guess what? I'm one of them! I eventually had no option but to go with a dentist that offered 'affordable private dentistry'. :rolleyes: The check-up cost me £43, which is not bad compared to the NHS fixed price charge. But here's the rub, that was just for the check-up, anything else is extra. The scale and polish cost me a further £53. If you need an emergency appointment it's £85, should you need a filling, get ready to hand over another £109. All appointments have to be paid for in advance and it is not refundable. You miss your appointment - you've done your money. What the hell is happening to the NHS? :(
I thought all the dentists had gone due to the pre-carie-ous situation most people find themselves in with regular brushing and flossing.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I thought i'd update (bore) the forum with my NHS dentistry saga... I've only ever had one tooth out before and it was many years ago, it was a very traumatic experience. I'll never forget the anaesthetic he gave me. He put the needle in my gum and twisted it around... it was excruciating. He then sent me back out into the waiting area so that he could see to the next patient while the anaesthetic took affect. My turn came round again. I lay back while he yanked and yanked (at the tooth) till it came out, and that was me done... Ever since then I have really looked after my teeth because I couldn't go through all that again.
Despite my efforts, I had one rogue tooth... Over the years this tooth has had root canal work, been drilled, filled, sealed, you name it, it's had it! Three days ago it gave up the ghost and it broke in half. I was in distress to put it mildly. And of course, this town doesn't have a single NHS dentist taking on new patients, and even the ones that do have them are trying to get rid of them to get more private patients in. So I had to go to the one offering 'affordable private treatment'. I braced myself in his chair, he asked me if I was comfortable (I felt like I was in that torture scene from the movie 'Marathon Man'. He started poking around the tooth and then he said "we'll just wait till the anaesthetic takes effect... He'd given me it and I didn't even feel it! He then explained in great detail how he was going to get this broken tooth out. After about 15 minutes of pushing and prodding (at the tooth) it came out.. I didn't feel a thing.
The examination cost £49, and it was £120 for the extraction. On the NHS that would have come under Band 2 and cost £70. They say you get what you pay for and I was pleased to pay the £169 for the service I received. But here's the rub, this time I had the money to spare, what happens if you can't pay to go private and there's no NHS alternative? A sorry state of affairs. :(

I apologise if I've turned this thread into a personal blog. :oops:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I have tried to get a new dentist for 2 years as my old one folded during the Covid era, no way I am paying the prices they are asking.
Freind of mine lost 4 front teeth in a fall, they are asking nearly a grand to fix that and a couple of fillings.
He can't afford that and the NHS are gone from dentistry.

Hell even my own GP has got crap.
I went the other day to get my blood pressure meds re-checked, asked about the possibility of a treatment I have been looking up about my IBS/Stomach problems.
He said "Today we are discussing your blood pressure, if you want to discuss anything else make another appointment"

I mean come on, would have taken 2 minutes for him to write a prescription and see if it helped.


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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Moriaty theres a dentist in the lobby maybe he do you a deal .........wink wink


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Moriaty theres a dentist in the lobby maybe he do you a deal .........wink wink

Lol, like I'd trust a dentist I met in a chat room.


I thought i'd update (bore) the forum with my NHS dentistry saga... I've only ever had one tooth out before and it was many years ago, it was a very traumatic experience. I'll never forget the anaesthetic he gave me. He put the needle in my gum and twisted it around... it was excruciating. He then sent me back out into the waiting area so that he could see to the next patient while the anaesthetic took affect. My turn came round again. I lay back while he yanked and yanked (at the tooth) till it came out, and that was me done... Ever since then I have really looked after my teeth because I couldn't go through all that again.
Despite my efforts, I had one rogue tooth... Over the years this tooth has had root canal work, been drilled, filled, sealed, you name it, it's had it! Three days ago it gave up the ghost and it broke in half. I was in distress to put it mildly. And of course, this town doesn't have a single NHS dentist taking on new patients, and even the ones that do have them are trying to get rid of them to get more private patients in. So I had to go to the one offering 'affordable private treatment'. I braced myself in his chair, he asked me if I was comfortable (I felt like I was in that torture scene from the movie 'Marathon Man'. He started poking around the tooth and then he said "we'll just wait till the anaesthetic takes effect... He'd given me it and I didn't even feel it! He then explained in great detail how he was going to get this broken tooth out. After about 15 minutes of pushing and prodding (at the tooth) it came out.. I didn't feel a thing.
The examination cost £49, and it was £120 for the extraction. On the NHS that would have come under Band 2 and cost £70. They say you get what you pay for and I was pleased to pay the £169 for the service I received. But here's the rub, this time I had the money to spare, what happens if you can't pay to go private and there's no NHS alternative? A sorry state of affairs. :(

I apologise if I've turned this thread into a personal blog. :oops:

You might have already reviewed the info, but if you like the dentist you went to, they might offer a dental plan with them. I've been looking into that around my area, because for me I have to travel into the next city for an NHS dentist and the one I was with has now struck me off. It was really hard to get an appointment with them anyway, but they ducked up on a broken crown. They left me with it for months during COVID when they should have seen me as an emergency, which meant the whole tooth had to be taken out, so I was advised to make a complaint to the ombudsman by the NHS. I also had to keep getting work re-done, because the materials they were using were cheap, such as the composite.
I have additional health complications that impact on my teeth and I have TMJ, so I grind at night- thus, the dentist is an important person in my life! Lol


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Coming home from work this morning at 9am, I a spotted a massive queue outside the health centre. I thought, that's got to be a new NHS dentist registering new patients. I stopped the car and went over... They were queuing for the Flu Jab! :rolleyes: I didn't trust myself to speak.
My impossible search continues...


UKChat Expert
Oct 16, 2019
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I went to the dentist yesterday, ive sat in the chair, the dentist then gets up opens the door and nine men in hardhats turn up, and they proceed to take the roof off, I looked out the window, I see 12 skips arriving, then I see the police shutting the road, and 3 cranes arrived, all for a tooth FFS, gospel truth that


UKChat Expert
Aug 24, 2019
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I’ve got the dentist on Friday, for a checkup as having issues, already know I need fillings, so will probably have to wait and go back for them. Not sure if they’ll do both fillings at the same time or not? Can’t say I’m looking forward to it tbh, but looking forward to it being sorted! Paying for the privilege as well lol

I just decided that paying for it, meant it got sorted properly and sooner hopefully, rather that then things get worse and more problems arise.

They emailed me forms to fill out, before I go, asked me about my appearance of my teeth etc, if I’m happy etc and then randomly about my skin, not sure how wrinkles in my skin affects my teeth haha


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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keep us updated on that will ya?

last time I went they asked me really weird questions like my ethnicity and sh**.
I think they're just mining for information, scumbag drilled out the wrong tooth that didn't even need a filling!
What do you do for a living Mr Viking.?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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The dentist has wrote to me saying that I still have a course of treatment outstanding with them. It's for a 20 minute Periodontal Care appointment. The charge will be another £58. I feel that i'm being rinsed! :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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Is this a UK thing and why people kid about your bad teeth? :) Kidding.. Im not even a brit.. my teeth are fucking shitty broken tiles.. so hey....dont be all self conscious.. yes.. yes.. dentists, matter.

So we can conclude - **** you dentists! Do better! Oh also.. this is for once is not a white brit issue...stats show - for once, white Brits be on point! Yes, shocking data! So immigrants, Rishi and his evil sidekick *** with horse-teeth - they cannot blame you for the teeth. Imagine in 2023 a brown man running on an anti-immigration platform! Insane sh**. You think you have seen it all...and along comes a different coloured conman who can convince the same cunts who hate his kind - vote for me! Nice!

Now that this debate has fixed the issue.. yayyy...

Yeah.. she has lovely teeth, hence - the choice.


UKChat Expert
Aug 24, 2019
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The dentist has wrote to me saying that I still have a course of treatment outstanding with them. It's for a 20 minute Periodontal Care appointment. The charge will be another £58. I feel that i'm being rinsed! :rolleyes:
Did you take the periodontal appointment? Surely they explained why it was outstanding and necessary? The one I saw explained to me, the costing and what’s needed. Might need to rob a bank to pay for it like lol