What are you reading?


UKChat Initiate
Aug 10, 2024
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Exactly what we see TODAY.

With our Governments.!

It's not a fair fight though is it.

If I was Facing the DEVIL FACE TO FACE... I'd have a pop.

Daniel was a nice guy.
LOL Yeah, it's not a fair fight. We can beat Satan though by proving him wrong. That belongs to us by our example. The prophecy in Revelation goes on, and shows us when all these things happen. It's part of an ongoing prophecy of which we're living in right now. If you continue reading Revelation 13, you'll see that the dragon gives this beast the power and authority, but in chapter 12, just before it, you'll notice it is only after Satan is thrown out of heaven that he gets this beast to act. So it is happening in "the last day", which have been going on for a little while now.

Going forward in Revelation chapter 13, that beast is supported by a two-headed beast (or a government consisting of two kings, or kingdoms), and an IMAGE of the beast is made, and people are made to worship it. Their worshipping of it means they put it first in their lives (by either their thinking or their actions, but this is another study). So, Satan inspires the world governments from the time he was hurled down. They are made up of all the nations. A two kinged nation (UK/US alliance) gives support to the idea of following this beast, but the beast presents an IMAGE of itself - namely the UN. At this image, all the nations can rule with the beast for "an hour".


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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LOL Yeah, it's not a fair fight. We can beat Satan though by proving him wrong. That belongs to us by our example. The prophecy in Revelation goes on, and shows us when all these things happen. It's part of an ongoing prophecy of which we're living in right now. If you continue reading Revelation 13, you'll see that the dragon gives this beast the power and authority, but in chapter 12, just before it, you'll notice it is only after Satan is thrown out of heaven that he gets this beast to act. So it is happening in "the last day", which have been going on for a little while now.

Going forward in Revelation chapter 13, that beast is supported by a two-headed beast (or a government consisting of two kings, or kingdoms), and an IMAGE of the beast is made, and people are made to worship it. Their worshipping of it means they put it first in their lives (by either their thinking or their actions, but this is another study). So, Satan inspires the world governments from the time he was hurled down. They are made up of all the nations. A two kinged nation (UK/US alliance) gives support to the idea of following this beast, but the beast presents an IMAGE of itself - namely the UN. At this image, all the nations can rule with the beast for "an hour".
Good Stuff. Understood.

Going forward...How does a NONE Believer in GOD or ANY Gods.. fair in these scriptures and indeed with YOU?


UKChat Newbie
Dec 1, 2024
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LOL Yeah, it's not a fair fight. We can beat Satan though by proving him wrong. That belongs to us by our example. The prophecy in Revelation goes on, and shows us when all these things happen. It's part of an ongoing prophecy of which we're living in right now. If you continue reading Revelation 13, you'll see that the dragon gives this beast the power and authority, but in chapter 12, just before it, you'll notice it is only after Satan is thrown out of heaven that he gets this beast to act. So it is happening in "the last day", which have been going on for a little while now.

Going forward in Revelation chapter 13, that beast is supported by a two-headed beast (or a government consisting of two kings, or kingdoms), and an IMAGE of the beast is made, and people are made to worship it. Their worshipping of it means they put it first in their lives (by either their thinking or their actions, but this is another study). So, Satan inspires the world governments from the time he was hurled down. They are made up of all the nations. A two kinged nation (UK/US alliance) gives support to the idea of following this beast, but the beast presents an IMAGE of itself - namely the UN. At this image, all the nations can rule with the beast for "an hour".
That’s a scary post, buddy.
Has something affected you?


UKChat Initiate
Aug 10, 2024
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Good Stuff. Understood.

Going forward...How does a NONE Believer in GOD or ANY Gods.. fair in these scriptures and indeed with YOU?
If a person has some learning difficulty, we can be assured that God will look after them. But as for those of us who CHOOSE to not look so we don't need to learn, there is no excuse. As for those who don't know, there's an obligation on people to actually look and learn. As for those of us who DO believe in God, we are to keep in mind that "the demons believe, and shudder". In other words, we who know have an obligation to be doers of the word. "God" isn't a badge we wear at a football game as an opposing side. It's a way of life to do our best to live under the laws of God's kingdom. If we practice it now, when the system ends, we'll survive into it, and we know pretty much how it's going to be ruled.

There's a resurrection for those who have died too. God sent Jesus to die for us - to be a ransom for us, in that we have no way ever without this ransom of having a stance before God as holy. So Jesus bought us by what he did with his life as a perfect human. "Honouring the son", as is written in Psalm 2 is vital.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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What about Adam and EVE?... Do you... 'A SON OF GOD' Believe in the Biblical account of ADAM and EVE?

Adam and Eve never existed. The fossil record, DNA, and other sciences all prove how human sapiens came to be. And it was long after our sun and many stars existed, and long after many species of plants and animals lived and became extinct, despite the chronology seen in Genesis.

When was Eve created? Genesis 1:24–27 says it was at the same time that Adam was (on the sixth day) but Genesis 2:18–23 says it was after Adam and the animals were created in order to find a better companion for Adam.

Despite the Bible saying otherwise, there is no need to explain that rain and snow are not released through windows in the sky, or that two and a half million people outran the Egyptian army, or that Solomon was the wisest man on earth, or that Lot was righteous (see reason #4). And of course, everybody except a Biblical author knows that bats are not birds nor is leprosy cured by sprinkling the blood of birds seven times throughout the house (Leviticus 14:49–53).

If you DO believe in ADAM and EVE.... Why do you?

And if you don't.? Well that opens up an entirely new avenue about the validity of religious scripture.
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Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Under the Cross of Strength, Courage, Responsibility, Justice, Merit, Order and Purpose....;)



Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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My stuff is more uplifting than ANY GOD or GODS.




Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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UKChat Initiate
Aug 10, 2024
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What about Adam and EVE?... Do you... 'A SON OF GOD' Believe in the Biblical account of ADAM and EVE?

Adam and Eve never existed. The fossil record, DNA, and other sciences all prove how human sapiens came to be. And it was long after our sun and many stars existed, and long after many species of plants and animals lived and became extinct, despite the chronology seen in Genesis.
First of all. No, they don't. The fossil record, AND the DNA do not prove anything at all as to how humans came to be. All they do is show a code. The rest is fairy tales, and mix/matching at best in the same manner they used to before they knew of DNA, with facts again being pretended to make sense by a general consensus that if you question it, you're deemed as stupid. Sorry mate. If you wish to state how they're proved, then present your actual proof so we can discuss the finer details.

Second of all, you say "despite the chronology seen in Genesis." Can you explain what you mean there?
When was Eve created? Genesis 1:24–27 says it was at the same time that Adam was (on the sixth day) but Genesis 2:18–23 says it was after Adam and the animals were created in order to find a better companion for Adam.

In the same way that a recipe will explain the ingredients, and THEN go into demonstrating how the ingredients are treated, it is sad to see that people continue to do this with God's word. "Oh, but you mentioned the ONIONS already. It contradicts. You already said to cut them up and put them in a bowl. Therefore, I can't cook it" is very very poor reasoning, and a major logical fallacy. Otherwise you will be easily fooled by simple stuff like this so-called "contradiction", where Genesis 2:2 says God rested on the 7th day, yet Genesis 2.4 says the heavens and the earth were made in ONE day. Same reasoning.
Despite the Bible saying otherwise, there is no need to explain that rain and snow are not released through windows in the sky, or that two and a half million people outran the Egyptian army, or that Solomon was the wisest man on earth, or that Lot was righteous (see reason #4). And of course, everybody except a Biblical author knows that bats are not birds nor is leprosy cured by sprinkling the blood of birds seven times throughout the house (Leviticus 14:49–53).
It is very sad to see you think that the sprinkling of blood was a cure for leprosy. It is also sad for you to think that bats are birds according to the Bible, or that any idea that rain and snow are through windows in the sky is literal.
Let's break these three claims down for you.

1) Bats and birds - "flying creatures"? Not good enough for you? See, at the moment, it is comments like this that cause massive issues in human society because they deem animals with different hair colour as different species, or different feather colours, or that one has a significant dot somewhere, where the other one doesn't. If you did that to humans, you'd have them all divided into about 1 billion different species. It's moronic, yet people do it with animals. So it shows that these theories humans have that we call came from one source are so stupid because we DID come from one source. The missing link is God, and the missing synapse connection is stubborn obstinate self-worship of humans.
The Bible never said "all species, genus, family and other bullcrap made up by men to invent a fairytale to appear smart". Sure, the idea was a good idea to classify things in some way, but the problem is, there is no agreed method. The methods over the last 400 years are still debated. So if the so-called experts can't agree on it, why would you argue God's point that he stated they were created "according to their kind"? Define "kind" for me.

2) As for windows in the sky, it's poetic. Are you going to be so technical to tell the world not to use the term "sunrise" any more? "The sun doesn't rise, so it's not a sunrise. It's unscientific!" Would you? No. Why would you critique ONE thing - namely, anything to do with a clean God - but not the other - namely, anything drivelled by some self-righteous know-nothing blabbermouth, who can't even say "years" properly? He has to talk like Miss Prissy. Does he have a Foghorn Leghorn fetish or something? "Yerzzzz, yerzzz". How intelligent!!!

3) Blood curing leprosy - can you please define somewhere that shows splattering sacrificial blood cures leprosy?
If you DO believe in ADAM and EVE.... Why do you?

And if you don't.? Well that opens up an entirely new avenue about the validity of religious scripture.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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First of all. No, they don't. The fossil record, AND the DNA do not prove anything at all as to how humans came to be. All they do is show a code. The rest is fairy tales, and mix/matching at best in the same manner they used to before they knew of DNA, with facts again being pretended to make sense by a general consensus that if you question it, you're deemed as stupid. Sorry mate. If you wish to state how they're proved, then present your actual proof so we can discuss the finer details.

Second of all, you say "despite the chronology seen in Genesis." Can you explain what you mean there?

In the same way that a recipe will explain the ingredients, and THEN go into demonstrating how the ingredients are treated, it is sad to see that people continue to do this with God's word. "Oh, but you mentioned the ONIONS already. It contradicts. You already said to cut them up and put them in a bowl. Therefore, I can't cook it" is very very poor reasoning, and a major logical fallacy. Otherwise you will be easily fooled by simple stuff like this so-called "contradiction", where Genesis 2:2 says God rested on the 7th day, yet Genesis 2.4 says the heavens and the earth were made in ONE day. Same reasoning.

It is very sad to see you think that the sprinkling of blood was a cure for leprosy. It is also sad for you to think that bats are birds according to the Bible, or that any idea that rain and snow are through windows in the sky is literal.
Let's break these three claims down for you.

1) Bats and birds - "flying creatures"? Not good enough for you? See, at the moment, it is comments like this that cause massive issues in human society because they deem animals with different hair colour as different species, or different feather colours, or that one has a significant dot somewhere, where the other one doesn't. If you did that to humans, you'd have them all divided into about 1 billion different species. It's moronic, yet people do it with animals. So it shows that these theories humans have that we call came from one source are so stupid because we DID come from one source. The missing link is God, and the missing synapse connection is stubborn obstinate self-worship of humans.
The Bible never said "all species, genus, family and other bullcrap made up by men to invent a fairytale to appear smart". Sure, the idea was a good idea to classify things in some way, but the problem is, there is no agreed method. The methods over the last 400 years are still debated. So if the so-called experts can't agree on it, why would you argue God's point that he stated they were created "according to their kind"? Define "kind" for me.

2) As for windows in the sky, it's poetic. Are you going to be so technical to tell the world not to use the term "sunrise" any more? "The sun doesn't rise, so it's not a sunrise. It's unscientific!" Would you? No. Why would you critique ONE thing - namely, anything to do with a clean God - but not the other - namely, anything drivelled by some self-righteous know-nothing blabbermouth, who can't even say "years" properly? He has to talk like Miss Prissy. Does he have a Foghorn Leghorn fetish or something? "Yerzzzz, yerzzz". How intelligent!!!

3) Blood curing leprosy - can you please define somewhere that shows splattering sacrificial blood cures leprosy?
After all that waffle..... You still haven't answered a very simple question.

Do YOU Believe in Adam and Eve or don't you.?


UKChat Initiate
Aug 19, 2024
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Also, I like to look at the angle of when people claim certain things that are in it, to study the context of why it was written, who it was written to,
It was written for an iron age, Middle Eastern desert tribe.