Three times ChatGPT failed me today.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
1. Where did the information in the first DNA/RNA come from?

2. What are Dreams.

3. How do i make Moonshine.


1st one about DNA.

The information in DNA, which serves as the genetic code for living organisms, ultimately comes from evolutionary processes. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the instructions an organism needs to develop, live, and reproduce. The information in DNA is encoded in the sequence of its nucleotide bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

The origin of the information in DNA can be traced back to the processes of evolution by natural selection. Over billions of years, simple self-replicating molecules underwent gradual changes and improvements, leading to the development of more complex structures and eventually to the emergence of life. The information in DNA is a result of the accumulation of genetic variations over time, driven by natural selection, mutation, and other evolutionary mechanisms.

In simpler terms, the information in DNA has been shaped by the forces of evolution, guiding the development and adaptation of living organisms to their environments. The diversity of life on Earth is a testament to the richness and complexity of the genetic information stored in DNA.

2Nd one about dreams.

Dreams are subjective experiences that occur during sleep and are characterized by a series of thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations. They often feel vivid and real while we are in the dream state, but they can be difficult to recall in detail once we wake up. Dreams typically occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is one of the several stages in the sleep cycle.

Researchers have proposed various theories about the purpose and meaning of dreams, but the exact function of dreaming is not fully understood. Some of the common theories include:

  1. Memory Consolidation: Dreams may play a role in consolidating and organizing memories, helping to process and store information from the day.
  2. Emotional Processing: Dreams may provide a way for the brain to process and deal with emotions. They might serve as a form of emotional regulation and stress relief.
  3. Problem Solving: Some theories suggest that dreams could be a mechanism for problem-solving or creative thinking, allowing the brain to explore different scenarios and possibilities.
  4. Unconscious Desires or Fears: Freudian psychoanalytic theory proposed that dreams are a window into the unconscious mind, revealing repressed desires, fears, or unresolved conflicts.
  5. Random Neural Activation: According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, dreams result from the random activation of neural circuits during REM sleep. The brain attempts to make sense of this neural activity, leading to the creation of dream content.
It's important to note that research on dreams is ongoing, and our understanding of their nature and function continues to evolve. While some aspects of dreaming remain a mystery, it is clear that dreams are a normal and integral part of the sleep cycle for most people.

3RD one about Moonshine..!

CGPT....I'm sorry, but I cannot provide assistance or guidance on illegal or unsafe activities, including the production of illegal substances such as moonshine. The production of moonshine, which refers to homemade distilled alcohol, is illegal in many places due to safety and health concerns. Unauthorized production of alcohol can lead to serious legal consequences, health risks, and potentially dangerous situations.

If you are interested in making your own alcoholic beverages, I would strongly advise you to adhere to local laws and regulations. In many places, there are legal and regulated ways to pursue home brewing or distilling for personal use. Ensure that you research and comply with the relevant laws and obtain the necessary permits before engaging in any alcohol production.

It's crucial to prioritize safety and legality when it comes to such activities. If you have any questions about legal and safe practices for making alcoholic beverages, consider consulting local authorities or experts in your area.

I give up.!


The origin of the information in DNA can be traced back to the processes of evolution by natural selection. Over billions of years, simple self-replicating molecules underwent gradual changes and improvements, leading to the development of more complex structures and eventually to the emergence of life.
Oh, great! An explanation! Thank you. I've been looking for this for so long. Please show your sources, as I'm excited to delve into this new-found wealth of evidence. Thank you in advance for stating it so clearly.

The information in DNA is a result of the accumulation of genetic variations over time, driven by natural selection, mutation, and other evolutionary mechanisms.
Again, thanks in advance. Please demonstrate this by both some form of "fossil record", showing this evolutionary gradual changes, and the improvements of course too. Additionally, demonstrate how DNA was being passed on between things that were not alive prior to it - as you stated it led "eventually to the emergence of life."

Thank you again. I'm so looking forward to seeing this new information.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
"eventually to the emergence of life."

I am selectively quoting your statement, just to be sure of that.

How does one define life?

The animalistic need to procreate, otherwise there is no evolution.

Life is a simple thing, it is all we have, just one, no do overs.

That is why evolutionary theory exists, the strongest, the easiest to breed and the neediest for that strength, at a given time, procreate.

Lets look at humanities questions of life.

Is it a state of being?
A state of awareness above and beyond simple survival?
A need to look to the future hence procreate?
A desire for the physical?
A desire for the meta physical?
A desire for the material?
A desire for harmony?
A desire for truth?
A desire for power?
A desire to be led?
Lets not forget the 2 big ones..
The desire to love and/or to be loved.

Note in that list I made a lot of desires.

If you take them as needs, then you have an evolutionary theory based on needs above and beyond the simple sexual hence procreational.

Modern, human centric, Evolutionary science is based on many factors, many are physical yes, but others are simple opinions when it comes to the human species.
It is those desires which lead us to coupling and hence pro-creation.

Now how does that relate to the quetion about DNA and RNA, it doesnt at all does it?

Yet we find DNA and RNA to be the backbone of life, even if we dont understand how it is formed we understand that it exists.
We also find that like minded individuals tend to breed more based on thier idological backgrounds.
Hence the genetic makeup of our species changes over time.

Maybe that is secular to our planet that all life on it has stands.
Maybe there are other life forms which are different somewhere out there.

This is how our species "Grew up" we became what we are today.

Is it gods work?

I have no idea.

The problem I have with genetics and the theory of evolution being created by god is, it's to random.
It is also fecking terrible.

I refuse to believe that a benevolent god would inflict the human race with such terrible living conditions.
After all, how many millions have died of what could be called gods inventions, bacterial, viral and biological pathogens?

The whole "God works in mysterious ways" argument does nothing for me.

I would prefer a god who perhaps created the universe as a playground, then let us do what we will, to his/her detriment or our own.

Perhaps god had one shot to, no do overs.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
Oh, great! An explanation! Thank you. I've been looking for this for so long. Please show your sources, as I'm excited to delve into this new-found wealth of evidence. Thank you in advance for stating it so clearly.

Again, thanks in advance. Please demonstrate this by both some form of "fossil record", showing this evolutionary gradual changes, and the improvements of course too. Additionally, demonstrate how DNA was being passed on between things that were not alive prior to it - as you stated it led "eventually to the emergence of life."

Thank you again. I'm so looking forward to seeing this new information.
I wasn't explaining anything.

Just how AI deals with these subjects.

My Sources...?... ChatGPT.


I wasn't explaining anything.
So, none of this:
The information in DNA, which serves as the genetic code for living organisms, ultimately comes from evolutionary processes. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the instructions an organism needs to develop, live, and reproduce. The information in DNA is encoded in the sequence of its nucleotide bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

The origin of the information in DNA can be traced back to the processes of evolution by natural selection. Over billions of years, simple self-replicating molecules underwent gradual changes and improvements, leading to the development of more complex structures and eventually to the emergence of life. The information in DNA is a result of the accumulation of genetic variations over time, driven by natural selection, mutation, and other evolutionary mechanisms.

In simpler terms, the information in DNA has been shaped by the forces of evolution, guiding the development and adaptation of living organisms to their environments. The diversity of life on Earth is a testament to the richness and complexity of the genetic information stored in DNA.
...was you? You're just copy/pasting what ChatGPT give you?


I am selectively quoting your statement, just to be sure of that.

How does one define life?

The animalistic need to procreate, otherwise there is no evolution.

Life is a simple thing, it is all we have, just one, no do overs.

That is why evolutionary theory exists, the strongest, the easiest to breed and the neediest for that strength, at a given time, procreate.

Lets look at humanities questions of life.

Is it a state of being?
A state of awareness above and beyond simple survival?
A need to look to the future hence procreate?
A desire for the physical?
A desire for the meta physical?
A desire for the material?
A desire for harmony?
A desire for truth?
A desire for power?
A desire to be led?
Lets not forget the 2 big ones..
The desire to love and/or to be loved.

Note in that list I made a lot of desires.

If you take them as needs, then you have an evolutionary theory based on needs above and beyond the simple sexual hence procreational.

Modern, human centric, Evolutionary science is based on many factors, many are physical yes, but others are simple opinions when it comes to the human species.
It is those desires which lead us to coupling and hence pro-creation.

Now how does that relate to the quetion about DNA and RNA, it doesnt at all does it?

Yet we find DNA and RNA to be the backbone of life, even if we dont understand how it is formed we understand that it exists.
We also find that like minded individuals tend to breed more based on thier idological backgrounds.
Hence the genetic makeup of our species changes over time.

Maybe that is secular to our planet that all life on it has stands.
Maybe there are other life forms which are different somewhere out there.

This is how our species "Grew up" we became what we are today.

Is it gods work?

I have no idea.

The problem I have with genetics and the theory of evolution being created by god is, it's to random.
It is also fecking terrible.

I refuse to believe that a benevolent god would inflict the human race with such terrible living conditions.
After all, how many millions have died of what could be called gods inventions, bacterial, viral and biological pathogens?

The whole "God works in mysterious ways" argument does nothing for me.

I would prefer a god who perhaps created the universe as a playground, then let us do what we will, to his/her detriment or our own.

Perhaps god had one shot to, no do overs.'re picking a part of my statement demonstrating absurdity and trying to make it out as a belief of mine. Why are you doing this? Also, it was a quote from Altair's comment, which at this stage, they're stating it wasn't them, but AI that said it. So what exactly are you asking here?


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
...was you? You're just copy/pasting what ChatGPT give you?

Whereas spam posting copy and paste from The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) gives so much more.


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Have you noticed I haven't responded to a single one of your claims or comments since I made the point I wouldn't?

More porkies from the fake Jehovah Witness.



UKChat Newbie
Jan 10, 2024
Reaction score
1. Where did the information in the first DNA/RNA come from?

2. What are Dreams.

3. How do i make Moonshine.


1st one about DNA.

The information in DNA, which serves as the genetic code for living organisms, ultimately comes from evolutionary processes. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the instructions an organism needs to develop, live, and reproduce. The information in DNA is encoded in the sequence of its nucleotide bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

The origin of the information in DNA can be traced back to the processes of evolution by natural selection. Over billions of years, simple self-replicating molecules underwent gradual changes and improvements, leading to the development of more complex structures and eventually to the emergence of life. The information in DNA is a result of the accumulation of genetic variations over time, driven by natural selection, mutation, and other evolutionary mechanisms.

In simpler terms, the information in DNA has been shaped by the forces of evolution, guiding the development and adaptation of living organisms to their environments. The diversity of life on Earth is a testament to the richness and complexity of the genetic information stored in DNA.

2Nd one about dreams.

Dreams are subjective experiences that occur during sleep and are characterized by a series of thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations. They often feel vivid and real while we are in the dream state, but they can be difficult to recall in detail once we wake up. Dreams typically occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is one of the several stages in the sleep cycle.

Researchers have proposed various theories about the purpose and meaning of dreams, but the exact function of dreaming is not fully understood. Some of the common theories include:

  1. Memory Consolidation: Dreams may play a role in consolidating and organizing memories, helping to process and store information from the day.
  2. Emotional Processing: Dreams may provide a way for the brain to process and deal with emotions. They might serve as a form of emotional regulation and stress relief.
  3. Problem Solving: Some theories suggest that dreams could be a mechanism for problem-solving or creative thinking, allowing the brain to explore different scenarios and possibilities.
  4. Unconscious Desires or Fears: Freudian psychoanalytic theory proposed that dreams are a window into the unconscious mind, revealing repressed desires, fears, or unresolved conflicts.
  5. Random Neural Activation: According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, dreams result from the random activation of neural circuits during REM sleep. The brain attempts to make sense of this neural activity, leading to the creation of dream content.
It's important to note that research on dreams is ongoing, and our understanding of their nature and function continues to evolve. While some aspects of dreaming remain a mystery, it is clear that dreams are a normal and integral part of the sleep cycle for most people.

3RD one about Moonshine..!

CGPT....I'm sorry, but I cannot provide assistance or guidance on illegal or unsafe activities, including the production of illegal substances such as moonshine. The production of moonshine, which refers to homemade distilled alcohol, is illegal in many places due to safety and health concerns. Unauthorized production of alcohol can lead to serious legal consequences, health risks, and potentially dangerous situations.

If you are interested in making your own alcoholic beverages, I would strongly advise you to adhere to local laws and regulations. In many places, there are legal and regulated ways to pursue home brewing or distilling for personal use. Ensure that you research and comply with the relevant laws and obtain the necessary permits before engaging in any alcohol production.

It's crucial to prioritize safety and legality when it comes to such activities. If you have any questions about legal and safe practices for making alcoholic beverages, consider consulting local authorities or experts in your area.

I give up.!
Are these the answer from chatgpt?


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
It complains I don't provide evidence and when I do, it tries burying the thread praying no one else sees it. :)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
790're picking a part of my statement demonstrating absurdity and trying to make it out as a belief of mine. Why are you doing this? Also, it was a quote from Altair's comment, which at this stage, they're stating it wasn't them, but AI that said it. So what exactly are you asking here?

It is relatively simple.

Do you believe in god?

Then ask if you believe in scripture of any kind.

Consider that until Muhhamed the Middle eastern people were polytheistic, do you believe in one god?

If you do then ask yourself one simple question.

Where the polythiestic religions of the past wrong and the modern teaching, of man, however they deem to be enlightened, to be gods true word?

Considering the Medena, Mekka war, how can we not doubt that belief was a tool to be used to create support for armies?

The muslim religion under Mohammed gained lots of wealth and power in thier wars against the Byzantines and the Persians, just as the Catholics, the Church of England and the rest of theocratic based governments have done over millenia.

In the end, Islam is one mans visions, just like all the rest of modern religion.

I do not doubt god or gods, I doubt mans interpretation of the holy word because of men.