The church dabbling in politics


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Sorry LadyOnARooftop I’ll leave this thread.
Don't leave on my account. I create threads to sound off/unload, and hopefully generate activity on the forum. I may create a thread but I don't own it, I have no say on what direction it might take. As long as it's within the rules, you type whatever you want, wherever you want, it's up to you. ;)


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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When the CHURCH actually helps people...I'd gladly help them.

But the Church actually doesn't help anyone.

They lead folk down an imaginary path to something that doesn't actually exist.

What's better...? The TRUTH.

There is no forgiving GOD...There is NO scripture that is going to save you.

The sooner folks realise this the better.

We instinctly know right from wrong the day we are born.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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There is no forgiving GOD...There is NO scripture that is going to save you.

The sooner folks realise this the better.

We instinctly know right from wrong the day we are born.
I disagree.Every tribe ,group,nation in the planet has belief in something which allows them to teach their kids right from wrong . They are never BORN with that experience imo.
You are denying the little kids there pleasures and pressies at Christmas yes? and at Easter too?.Plus denying the "shoud know better" drunken parties at the various Religeous festivals .<tut tut >


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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It brought great benefit to those who sold themselves (so to speak) to the colonisers.
Hardship mostly to the rest.

The question here is - Did the natives want to be invaded by the colonisers?

Such as what?
Monetary wealth and cancer (besides other illnesses caused by Industrialisation ?

Why not say the same to the Brits complaining about the 'invaders' now?
Surely these 'invaders' will bring something positive to our society, as we brought to the colonies?

The solution usually lies in the middle.

I think we'd have to consider turning our backs on industrialisation in general, in order to do that.

Speak for yourself (and the masses).
I'd rather go back a few decades, if not skip a whole century or more.

Manual work doesn't scare me.
It's much healthier than to be sat at a screen all day on one's nether, eating processed crap.

Do you really think that we can survive this sort of lifestyle for much longer?
I'll give this planet 300 yrs at the most (and they won't be pretty ones).

Industrial processed crap (including frozen food) has no nutritional value whatsoever - it's only empty calories and makes you ill.

Big Pharma will be very happy that you eat that crap, because you'll become ill and then have to take the crappy medication they create in order to make you 'feel better'.
Most medication is based on removing the symptoms, but not solving the cause.

The medication one takes for an ailment, will only cause other problems, so one has to add more medication to what they're already taking, to solve the problems that the medication they were taking for their ailment, is causing.

Big Pharma aren't stupid - but the masses are.

And don't get me started on the dry crap they pass off as 'pet food'....

I'm well aware of most of that.

I was only replying to a forum post - I'll have to learn to stop butting into other people's opinions :rolleyes:

All those people are protected and unapproachable.

I don't blame you :)

Edited - I missed a word :)

So, was there a point you wanted to make?



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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As the parent of a child who has been on the council house waiting list for over 2 years, I'd like to ask the Archbishop of Canterbury who preaches that as Christians we should allow ALL migrants entry to the UK - What do I say to my child when she is pushed further down the waiting list? Because all these
people will have to be rehoused, and most of them are shipped up here to the north. I bet few end up in the shires down south...
Should the church stick to religion? Feel free to spout off....
With all the money the Church is sitting on, everyone around the globe could benefit. It is sitting on a combination of ancient endowments and investments worth £8.3bn, which last year increased by £400m. He needs to put his money where his fucking mouth is.


UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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So now you know that churches all over the world have never helped anyone....
Gosh, you must be powerful !
Do you also possess the gift of being ubiquitous ?

How do you know?
Have you risen from the dead?

At most you can say 'we don't know', but no one can actually deny the existence of God or anything post life.

I'd like to remind you that neither Hitchens nor Dawson, 2 (word of choice) that you seem to hold in very high regard. know the absolute truth - no one does.

You seem to be rather bitter about life in general and anything that remotely resembles love or anything that could put people out of their pain (faith).
Care to share why?
Maybe it would help people understand your negative attitude.

I'm all for the brutal truth, but you take it to a whole new level .

So now you're speaking for the whole of humanity ?

Shakes head and walks off ...
Yeah but those vicars in those robes, the filthy sluts. But hey, let's not cast aspersions.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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So now you know that churches all over the world have never helped anyone....
Gosh, you must be powerful !
Do you also possess the gift of being ubiquitous ?

How do you know?
Have you risen from the dead?

At most you can say 'we don't know', but no one can actually deny the existence of God or anything post life.

I'd like to remind you that neither Hitchens nor Dawson, 2 (word of choice) that you seem to hold in very high regard. know the absolute truth - no one does.

You seem to be rather bitter about life in general and anything that remotely resembles love or anything that could put people out of their pain (faith).
Care to share why?
Maybe it would help people understand your negative attitude.

I'm all for the brutal truth, but you take it to a whole new level .

So now you're speaking for the whole of humanity ?

Shakes head and walks off ...
1. I know that churches ALL OVER THE WORLD teach a similar thing. The belief in an IMAGINARY GOD.

2. I have not risen from the dead. I have risen from Ridiculous Religious belief that there is a Magic Man in the sky that Created the Earth and the Stars and All living things and will fix stuff for us and forgive anything we do..

He, She, It, hasn't succeeded in ANY of them.

I'd like to remind YOU, that you actually meant DAWKINS... in your silly reply.. NOT Dawson..( Who the Fuk is Dawson?) :D

3. Why do you assume I am bitter? I'm not bitter. I'm annoyed that Religion is used in Schools. With Children at such an early age. It then carries on into later life... with folks brains totally scrambled. What's negative about me being annoyed about that kind of Mind Fucking Brainwashing?.

4. I can shake my head too. But I don't just walk off.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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The story about Jesus Christ is not that bad tbh - After all, he seems to have been a good chap - why not take a leaf out of his book?

I doubt hat many believe there's a magic man in the sky tbh - not even the very religious sort.
That's just a metaphor (like most of the Bible).
Lots of Religions are similar.
Buddhism is based on very similar teachings to Christianity.
Religions are all basically teachings on how to conduct your life.
They teach you right from wrong - it all depends on how one wishes to interpret them.
You've also got to bear in mind that when the Bible was written, not many people were schooled.
All they had were the teachings that were passed on from father to son.
Let's just say that Jesus can be compared to a modern day teacher for the masses.
Very basic, but useful in day to day life.

Haha @ Dawson - maybe I meant your mate, Les ;)
Sorry, it was an error on my behalf - I meant Dawkins :)

Maybe bitter was the wrong term - perhaps you're just a bit sad?
I don't mean sad as an offence btw.

I personally think that most aren't brainwashed by religion..

I believe that most follow/believe in only what is of use to them and exclude bits that they don't care to follow/believe in (sex before marriage, is an example) .

I mean seriously, how many practicing Catholics do you know who don't have sex before marriage?
I personally know none.

These very same people claim that God can be cruel, when something negative happens in their lives (a death of a family member is an example or even an illness ).

Their ignorance and stupidity has nothing to do with being brainwashed by religion.
It's a very long argument.

Well I was leaving my PC ;)
Thank you for a very sensible and unbiased word on this subject. A refreshing change to the norm.
I am a sceptic but i have experienced things which i can`t explain as "normal" so they are at least Paranormal in my opinion.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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You seem to have done a lot of research.
How do you know that what you state above is true?
What proof do you have?

For a woman who allegedly works in child protection, you have a rather filthy mouth, besides having a filthy mind.

I don`t think it is a woman ,do you ?


No I don't think it's a woman, nor do I believe they work in child protection, for that matter.
But as they choose to pass themselves off as a woman, I can only refer to them as such.
I have never seen BronzeSquirrel claim to work in child protection.
I think you may be confusing her with someone else.


Maybe - It could be the cat lady person.
You all look the same to me (cat lady, saphire and bronze squirrel)
Maybe you should concentrate more on what other posters are writing rather than being so wrapped up in the realms of patronising rubbish you yourself post.

It may cause you less confusion.:)


I got them confused because squirrel answered posts that were aimed at cat lady .
I've seen that trick happening before on these pages.
Don't say it's due to this being a forum and everyone has a right to answer.
It is and they do, but it's odd how it always happens in certain circumstances and always to me.

Also, you and Squirrel appear to have worn similar clothes (not sure about cat lady and I'm not looking back.

You quoted:
I worked in nightclubs myself for years, I wore fishnets, stilettos and a very short, quite revealing uniform in a couple of clubs,

Squirrel quoted:
As a female who's worn both short skirts in her youth and shown cleavage, worn tight dresses, dressed in a way that I knew would attract male attention, worn killer make up and heels and had a mane of hair to my waist,

Get why I get them mixed up, now?

I wasn't born yesterday.
You wasn't born yesterday, but you do seem to be very suspicious of people.

For a start, I stated I wore the clothes as a uniform in a couple of clubs I worked in.

BronzeSquirrel didn't mention she wore the clothes as a uniform.....and sadly, unlike BronzeSquirrel, I have never had waist length hair.:confused:

I will point out also, whether working or not, many women wear fashionable clothes....if that includes short skirts, low or tight tops, high heels, that's what they will wear if they choose to.

It's not a conspiracy you know.:D


You confused the posts yesterday, you even started a thread saying so.:D
It happens, dont worry about it.

Maybe it's time to log off, it is for me anyway.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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The story about Jesus Christ is not that bad tbh - After all, he seems to have been a good chap - why not take a leaf out of his book?

I doubt hat many believe there's a magic man in the sky tbh - not even the very religious sort.
That's just a metaphor (like most of the Bible).
Lots of Religions are similar.
Buddhism is based on very similar teachings to Christianity.
Religions are all basically teachings on how to conduct your life.
They teach you right from wrong - it all depends on how one wishes to interpret them.
You've also got to bear in mind that when the Bible was written, not many people were schooled.
All they had were the teachings that were passed on from father to son.
Let's just say that Jesus can be compared to a modern day teacher for the masses.
Very basic, but useful in day to day life.

Haha @ Dawson - maybe I meant your mate, Les ;)
Sorry, it was an error on my behalf - I meant Dawkins :)

Maybe bitter was the wrong term - perhaps you're just a bit sad?
I don't mean sad as an offence btw.

I personally think that most aren't brainwashed by religion..

I believe that most follow/believe in only what is of use to them and exclude bits that they don't care to follow/believe in (sex before marriage, is an example) .

I mean seriously, how many practicing Catholics do you know who don't have sex before marriage?
I personally know none.

These very same people claim that God can be cruel, when something negative happens in their lives (a death of a family member is an example or even an illness ).

Their ignorance and stupidity has nothing to do with being brainwashed by religion.
It's a very long argument.

Well I was leaving my PC ;)
I stopped reading after... "The story about Jesus Christ is not that bad tbh - After all, he seems to have been a good chap - why not take a leaf out of his book?"



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I got them confused because squirrel answered posts that were aimed at cat lady and you quoted some of cat lady's post in the box where cat lady was typing (as I said yesterday, be more careful where you're typing otherwise it creates confusion).
I've seen that trick happening before on these pages.
Don't say it's due to this being a forum and everyone has a right to answer.
It is and they do, but it's odd how it always happens in certain circumstances and always to me.

And no, I'm not paranoid before you ask :rolleyes:

Also, you and Squirrel appear to have worn similar clothes (not sure about cat lady and I'm not looking back to check).

You quoted:
I worked in nightclubs myself for years, I wore fishnets, stilettos and a very short, quite revealing uniform in a couple of clubs,

Squirrel quoted:
As a female who's worn both short skirts in her youth and shown cleavage, worn tight dresses, dressed in a way that I knew would attract male attention, worn killer make up and heels and had a mane of hair to my waist,

Get why I get them mixed up, now?

It's like being on a merry go round and some seem to be going the right way and others are going the opposite way..

Similar to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party....


"Also, you and Squirrel appear to have worn similar clothes (not sure about cat lady and I'm not looking back to check).

You quoted:
I worked in nightclubs myself for years, I wore fishnets, stilettos and a very short, quite revealing uniform in a couple of clubs,

Squirrel quoted:
As a female who's worn both short skirts in her youth and shown cleavage, worn tight dresses, dressed in a way that I knew would attract male attention, worn killer make up and heels and had a mane of hair to my waist,

Get why I get them mixed up, now?"

Damn, you ever worn jeans?
A shirt?
Even a suit, thats one for the ladies tonight.
Never bothered trying to look good?

Ever heard of a stereotype?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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(Lol) No, I've always had to wear hand downs from my siblings and they were pretty scruffy once they got to me.

I have no idea what a stereotype is .

Really, how old are you?

If your over 18 I would like to think you would be buying your own clothes.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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True, you don't shake your head and just walk off - You don't even bother reading and just say GOODBYE !

Oh, so you're drunk, are you, on a Sunday ( just read a profile post of yours).

Don't worry mate, Jesus still loves you :cool:
Getting pissed and being drunk are totally different things.

I'm never drunk.

I have nothing to say about Jesus. I never knew him.