So long and thanks for all the fish! - UkChat NOT Closing




After an ENORMOUS level of feedback from the community we've decided to take a step back and re-assess this situation.

A large amount of people have contacted us regarding the closure. Many have shared touching stories about what makes this chat great. We listened.

I have been convinced that this community can be salvaged. To do this there will have to be some changes, and we WILL NEED YOUR HELP. It's the people here that make UkChat what it is, and you're the ones who have the most power to change it.

Here is what you can do:
  • Be friendly to guests. This is how new chatters view the site for the first time. If you ignore them they will leave, and then everyone misses out on the chance to make a new friend. We want this site to grow.
  • Avoid setting a hostile tone in public chat. If there is a lot of hostility going around do your best to break it up. Change the subject. Tell a good joke. Don't get baited in to it. The moderators cannot set the tone of chat - that is primarily up to the people chatting.
  • Don't feed the trolls. Related to above. There are people on this site who's only joy in life is attempting to get a rise out of other chatters. Don't fall for it and engage with them. If you see someone feeding a troll, PM them and explain why they should not engage.
  • Report ban evaders. If you know someone is banned and they have came back under a different name, please immediately report them.
We will also be making changes to how the site is moderated and managed from an administrative standpoint. Forum post for this coming soon.

---------- Original Post ---------
As you may have heard, UkChat is closing

The community is too toxic for the site to grow. It has become stagnant and non-viable. We've done our best to work on this situation but to no avail. People here are not friendly to newcomers and the trolls just won't leave.

We understand that many of you have built strong relationships over the years and this is your primary mode of contact with certain friends. To make sure that everyone can find ways to stay in touch we will be performing the shutdown slowly, in stages, over the course of a couple weeks.

Please do not publicly advertise alternative sites - this will be considered spam

You could start by allowing the length of a ban be disclosed. Nothing annoys people more when they are banned, than not knowing when they will be allowed to return, which then causes more arguments in the forums. Dalai needs to engage people better and not just shut them down or ignore them when they appeal. I do understand she is going through a horrific time right now and obviously I wish her the very best with her recovery, but she seriously needs to deal better with people. Chat sites, as in life, will ALWAYS have trolls, this will never change unfortunately. As chatters we can ignore but that rarely stops them spoiling a decent room. In my humble opinion it should be down to "SENSIBLE" moderators to get rid of the trolls, NOT those who bite back, which seems to have been the norm here sadly.


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
You could start by allowing the length of a ban be disclosed. Nothing annoys people more when they are banned, than not knowing when they will be allowed to return, which then causes more arguments in the forums. Dalai needs to engage people better and not just shut them down or ignore them when they appeal. I do understand she is going through a horrific time right now and obviously I wish her the very best with her recovery, but she seriously needs to deal better with people. Chat sites, as in life, will ALWAYS have trolls, this will never change unfortunately. As chatters we can ignore but that rarely stops them spoiling a decent room. In my humble opinion it should be down to "SENSIBLE" moderators to get rid of the trolls, NOT those who bite back, which seems to have been the norm here sadly.



Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
Either go back and chat or don't.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
You could start by allowing the length of a ban be disclosed. Nothing annoys people more when they are banned, than not knowing when they will be allowed to return, which then causes more arguments in the forums. Dalai needs to engage people better and not just shut them down or ignore them when they appeal. I do understand she is going through a horrific time right now and obviously I wish her the very best with her recovery, but she seriously needs to deal better with people. Chat sites, as in life, will ALWAYS have trolls, this will never change unfortunately. As chatters we can ignore but that rarely stops them spoiling a decent room. In my humble opinion it should be down to "SENSIBLE" moderators to get rid of the trolls, NOT those who bite back, which seems to have been the norm here sadly.


Within minutes of the announcement... you jumped ship to the 'Other Site'...(Yeah, the one that YOU have slagged off, right here on THIS site.)

You now come back here and see the NEW announcement and you have the nerve to criticise and tell THE OWNERS of this site how they should run it.!


You are a hypocrite and in fact one of the worst kind of Trolls there are. You come here with an ulterior motive. And it's not a good one. I know it, You know it, and so do many others.


In all fairness I got a ban recently with a message stating when Id be allowed back. So that comment is void


In all fairness I got a ban recently with a message stating when Id be allowed back. So that comment is void

"This is where you may appeal your ban. Not all bans will be lifted, and not all bans are equal. DO NOT SEND ME PRIVATE MESSAGES, DO NOT FLOOD MY PROFILE, DO NOT ASK THE MODS TO UNBAN YOU. What I need from you with every appeal is your chat name. The day you were banned. Last few lines typed. A screenshot of your ban message. Without these things you will not be considered. If you are told no, then its no. This isn't a place for negotiations. NO ONE WILL DISCUSS YOUR BAN LENGTH WITH YOU. Thanks."

Dalai's words, not mine. My comment is not void.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
Serving cake , :D know what a smile feels like <3 Mrbad have a large slice :D
Altair, passes u a pot of cream :p enjoy

Stickypud too!

As if I don't get myself into enough sticky situations:rolleyes:...i'll have the Sticky pud....Thank you.;):)

The pot of cream is off the menu !....I poured it over Bad's head. ;):D


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
I asked Admin to show ME his war face.......( It worked..!) ;)



Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
That's quite accurate


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
That's quite accurate

Accurate or not. ( i was trying to lighten the mood a lil bit....;))

Most of us love you guys for putting this show on for us.

just shy of 16,000 members,,,Ok , only 2 or 300 any one time.

Still...Don't give up on us.

Well, not in a heart beat. x:)
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
This site probably does have quite an effect in peoples lives, for those that want to socialise but can't. There'll be a few of us being thankful it'll still be around, me included. First though, before we all start attacking each other and spilling blood, the reasoning behind the site closing was trolls. Only from being a user on this site its not just trolls that are the problem, its our attitudes towards each other. Maybe that can be called trolling. If the site is seen as too much trouble for the few people that keep it going then it'll be closed, with good reason. So we can either stop making so much trouble or help out with the running of the site, if its permissable. You got a complaint about behaviour from an higher authority on here, they probably have reason for their behaviour, they want the best for the site just as we all do.


Staff member
Sep 17, 2018
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Fellow chatters, check out forums, Admin left a message there, the site isn't closing. Check it out, it explains alot and a good read for everyone.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
I'm really pleased the site is not closing.

Good work guys =D

Thanks to all that run it !!


but ive just got here, its more fun with us scots in , use to end up in stitches LOL


UKChat Newbie
Jan 17, 2018
Reaction score
Don't worry, it's not closing, this is an old post when it was closing, but it was resolved