

UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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There is NO war...If the REAL TRUTH be told...Wake up?...

International economic Hit Men have been placed within the ALL the Movements.

Arms sales are just an insurance policy.

it's actually why terrorist organisations funded by rich capitalists exist

just as communist revolutions were also funded by the same circle of capitalists


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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it's actually why terrorist organisations funded by rich capitalists exist

just as communist revolutions were also funded by the same circle of capitalists



UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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The best way to do it is get a 23 and me kit or other genetic testing kits but some of the results will vary slightly depending on which one you use the main bulk around 98% of your genetic make up will probably always be the same but they could vary a small percentage due to genealogy resources and data each different kit(company) has available.

New fossils always being found with new genetic strands pre dating the last ect so different sets and strands will be updated as time goes on (always changing/updating with new discoveries and theories). So in some ways that 2-3% is unknown and some people have complained a small percentage of the results have been made up or fabricated as it's 'unknown' and instead of the company stating it's unknown some of these companies have been accused of fabricating that 2-3% make up as there are discrepancies if you compare your own personal results using 3-4 different testing kits .

But all the tests are generally between 98-99% accurate no matter which one use.


UKChat Initiate
Jul 11, 2019
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Racists are evil sewer rats, imo. All forms of racism should be cracked down upon very hard indeed.:mad:


UKChat Newbie
Dec 12, 2019
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I find the rainbow beautiful because it's multicoloured...


UKChat Newbie
Jan 1, 2020
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Racism is disgusting, we are humans and equal no matter what colour our skin.


Racism is disgusting, we are humans and equal no matter what colour our skin.

Equal? Really? It is inequality in moralities, ethics, and beliefs that causes racism, and as those inequalities grow, so do racist tendencies, as we are currently witnessing.


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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Racism is disgusting, we are humans and equal no matter what colour our skin.

Firstly - If you claim we are all equal then you must be delusional you are claiming there are no differences within races and ethnicity that have evolved separately and differently over thousands and millions of years? Surely you can't be dumb enough to assume there is equality in nature?

Secondly - Skin colour is only a tiny part of race and genetic make up. Hence why you can get an albino who would have visibly white skin from a rare genetic mutation but his race and genetic make up apart from that would still almost be 100% the same to an African with Black pigmentation of the skin from that local gene pool

Try explaining this in less than a couple of paragraphs is gonna be tough but this is why you will never get equality as there are genetic differences and adaptations always occurring within different groups and subsets it is dynamic as nature itself is always changing and adapting

The Indian and African elephant evolved differently from separation 100,000 thousand years ago - environmental, climate, resources, diet ect over thousands of years create genetic differences within different subsets of the same species and humans are no different. They evolve differently as the surroundings and resources vary within different locations meaning the subset of that species has to adapt to the environment and resources available or they won't survive and pass on their genes.

It's why there are physical, iq, behavioral and cultural differences that evolved between different subsets of humans over thousands and millions of years. Humans have continuously migrated, isolated, conquered, genocided each other or driven others out of there eco systems which have been forced to try adapt and evolve differently in new environments or they will die out

No different to the animal kingdom in what causes the diversity and adaptation within all species, Failing to dominate or adapt to your local environment will always see the weak or less adaptable die out and not reproduce as said above 'there is no equality' as humans instinctively want to survive and reproduce. Differences of tribes/societies have always and will always clash because of this reason with ongoing battles for resources and territory ect

Break that down further within ethnicity as humans within the same race can still have different genetic coding passed down from mutation within different tribes/societies forced to adapt to set strict conditions in hostile or resource scarce environments or from isolation and interbreeding.

It's why Europeans evolved different to East Asians just as Native Americans evolved differently to say a genetic line of human that never migrated from Africa for millions of years those Africans would of evolved to be specialised to that environment be it jungle, or the Sahara plains no different to how an Eskimo adapted and evolved to survive in a completely cold tundra/icy environment over thousands of years

To claim nature is equal and we all the same is denying the world around you entirely and denying nature entirely

Naturally the difference in subsets of humans or for subsets of any species will naturally cause inequality


well as we scots say were all jock thamsons bairns meaning were all from the human race so we have no right to judge


UKChat Familiar
Dec 4, 2018
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well as we scots say were all jock thamsons bairns meaning were all from the human race so we have no right to judge

what is your point?

I merely stated there are differences within races, ethnicity ect never claimed someone wasn't human or not part of the human race for that reason different races, subsets and ethnicities within that just evolved along different evolutionary lines for some of the reasons I stated above. It is why human diversity exists


Please stop typing 'ect'..... it's 'etc' (et cetera) ffs. :D


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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Racism is disgusting, we are humans and equal no matter what colour our skin.

I agree that any form of discrimination against anyone is wrong. However, on the equality point, it simply doesn't exist. We have tried to create as close to an equal society, but we've seen that not to be the case. We still have social classes, different levels of intelligence and overall success, physical differences that allow others to achieve physical goals that most might not ever be able to achieve. For example, I'm unlikely ever going to beat a Champion athlete like Usain Bolt in 100 or 200 metre sprint, as he's identified as the fastest human on the planet.
This is why an equal society will never work in principle. We can try to create a fairer one, but even then life isn't fair by nature. We can only attempt to change certain aspects where it is most needed. Your human and workers rights etc.


UKChat Initiate
Jul 11, 2019
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Racists are the scum of the earth and should be vilified. :mad:


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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Racists are the scum of the earth and should be vilified. :mad:

They certainly are, but would you be in favour of censorship, or do you believe in freedom of expression and the ability to hate? I've debated about this in the past that if you censor bigoted people, then you don't get rid of the issue. You only inflame it, and you won't know who the racists or bigots are anymore. You would make it difficult to identify and tackle the issue head on.


UKChat Initiate
Jul 11, 2019
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They certainly are, but would you be in favour of censorship, or do you believe in freedom of expression and the ability to hate? I've debated about this in the past that if you censor bigoted people, then you don't get rid of the issue. You only inflame it, and you won't know who the racists or bigots are anymore. You would make it difficult to identify and tackle the issue head on.

I only believe in freedom of expression to a certain extent, if what is said is damaging to others it is WRONG and should be censored.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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I only believe in freedom of expression to a certain extent, if what is said is damaging to others it is WRONG and should be censored.

So basically hurting people's feelings, or disagreeing with someones ideology, would be justified enough to censor that individual? I'm against censorship because if you censor those people, you don't deal with the issue head on. You only pour gasoline on the fire of the racists and bigots cause. That's why I'm against censorship of any kind because then you can't identify those people and engage them and their views.
One of the friends once said to me about racism, and he's black, is that he would rather have someone who holds racist views that is transparent, rather than someone who has been censored and conceals their prejudice. I thought that was an interesting take on it.


UKChat Initiate
Jul 11, 2019
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So basically hurting people's feelings, or disagreeing with someones ideology, would be justified enough to censor that individual? I'm against censorship because if you censor those people, you don't deal with the issue head on. You only pour gasoline on the fire of the racists and bigots cause. That's why I'm against censorship of any kind because then you can't identify those people and engage them and their views.
One of the friends once said to me about racism, and he's black, is that he would rather have someone who holds racist views that is transparent, rather than someone who has been censored and conceals their prejudice. I thought that was an interesting take on it.

Racism is a lot more than hurting people's feelings it is an evil which has caused people with non white skins to be treated very badly indeed. It shouldn't matter what colour your skin is, it is your personality which counts.