Post a Poem... (yeah really)


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
Narrative & Context by Me

wah wah wooooo who whooooo
wahwah woowhoo-hoooooooo

Thank you very much
form an orderly queue
for autographs
and dont forget
to smash the like button
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part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
We Is by Dell MacTaighain

Are you ready?
Are you busy?
Are you tired?
Are you steady?
Are you invisible?
Are you stable?
Are you enabled?
Are you perfect?
Are you Diss-a-bled?

We is
We is
We is

Are you living?
Are you dieing?
Are you trying?
Are you denying?
Are you reasonable?
Are you irrational?
Are you pink?
Are you punk?
Are you crazy?
Are you sane?

We is
We is
We is

Are you Singing?
Are you Dancing?
Are you avoiding?
Are you rejoicing?
Are you broken?
Are you giving?
Are you taking?
Are you inspirational?
Are you rational?

now, give me a reason to love you, please?


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
Truth by Dell MacTaighain

We listen with our mouths
and breathe with our ears, short vomited hyperbole
And the days when I feel like myself
are as rare as smiles walking through a cemetery
On soft summer nights

But I breathe
and sleep
and breathe again
and tolerate
and breathe again
til the next daybreaks
like a new hatched egg

I fight fears as much as you do
Perhaps they're the same
it's a shame we dont talk as much
as we never did, ever

Are you empowered?
Are you disintegrating?
Are you falling?
Are you failing?
Are you rebuilding?

Breakfast for me is ignoring what happened yesterday
Dinner is force fed TV morals of the everpresent rhetoric of That Man
in my head, he doesn't belong here
Forget lunch, that's unamazing aspects of breathing of social media

Are you done?
Are you fighting?

My love for most people has gone
I survey them with disinterested eyes
The Truth lies
amongst the weeds
hidden within the common sense
of denied responsibility
There's always Hope


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
The Constant by Dell MacTaighain

Am I being you
Are you being me
This constant disguise
Where did I learn me
How did I learn you
When did I become you
Or did you become me
Who am I
Who are you
When did this disintegrate
till shadows formed
not sure of what direction to take
This music of self
disjointed forms of breaking down
collapsing into pieces
and landing on icey ground
blossoming into rainbow clouds
flotsam and jetsam confusion
of this and that and maybe
the result Being is me, and
I dont know who I am


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
I have a poem for you poem likers.

Fook off.


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
You're going to die (But that's okay) by Dell MacTaighain

You're reading this? Great! (heart warming emoji)
But *sniff* you are going to die...
Sorry about this - DEATH - it's a thing
We all have to do it - ask your family tree
But, here's the positive...
Life LOVES you
It really does (emoji with love hearts)
Life is god after all
not the other way around
ignore those terrorist people (sad emoji)
Don't listen to your parents
they didn't listen to theirs (LOL emoji)

We're born in different colours and different sizes
different times and different eyes and different guises
the world's been different since it formed
differently shaped at each moment by spinning
like facets of a dirty diamond (banana+doughnut emoji)
where are our different minds?

We dip our heads into muddy waters to order pizza
made by children made by parents made by culture
Ignorance is what you become when you fail to learn
And schooling was hated by all
I have a poem for you poem likers.

Fook off.
extraordinary talent - succinct - almost jimmy savillish in its jeremy clarkson with a soupcon of tellitubbies. I want more


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
You're going to die (But that's okay) by Dell MacTaighain

You're reading this? Great! (heart warming emoji)
But *sniff* you are going to die...
Sorry about this - DEATH - it's a thing
We all have to do it - ask your family tree
But, here's the positive...
Life LOVES you
It really does (emoji with love hearts)
Life is god after all
not the other way around
ignore those terrorist people (sad emoji)
Don't listen to your parents
they didn't listen to theirs (LOL emoji)

We're born in different colours and different sizes
different times and different eyes and different guises
the world's been different since it formed
differently shaped at each moment by spinning
like facets of a dirty diamond (banana+doughnut emoji)
where are our different minds?

We dip our heads into muddy waters to order pizza
made by children made by parents made by culture
Ignorance is what you become when you fail to learn
And schooling was hated by all

extraordinary talent - succinct - almost jimmy savillish in its jeremy clarkson with a soupcon of tellitubbies. I want more
You won't get any more.

Do one you freak


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
You're going to die (But that's okay) by Dell MacTaighain

You're reading this? Great! (heart warming emoji)
But *sniff* you are going to die...
Sorry about this - DEATH - it's a thing
We all have to do it - ask your family tree
But, here's the positive...
Life LOVES you
It really does (emoji with love hearts)
Life is god after all
not the other way around
ignore those terrorist people (sad emoji)
Don't listen to your parents
they didn't listen to theirs (LOL emoji)

We're born in different colours and different sizes
different times and different eyes and different guises
the world's been different since it formed
differently shaped at each moment by spinning
like facets of a dirty diamond (banana+doughnut emoji)
where are our different minds? Are they sinning?

We dip our heads into muddy waters to order pizza
made by children made by parents made by culture
Ignorance is what you become when you fail to learn
And schooling was hated by us all
Every time the sun shone, it was fun fun fun

Then work began and I gripped that chain and
padlocked it to my neck, the leash tight
to a 40 hour week and weekends of I might
The withering of choice was a mirror shot
With greying hair and choices lost
And friends and family disappearing from sight

The lonely hours of old age beckon
measured with passing cars by my window
counted on wrinkled fingers
and lost reason
this modern age with no time or treason
I have a door rarely knocked
A dusty phone rarely singing for my attention

I'll just smile
And think the day away
I have my memories of deeds done
I'll wear them like a suit into heaven
Where the warming heat is always on
and spend time with them
Them that are gone
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part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score

Oh, the weal and woe

The wealth of it all

Corrupted into Capitalism

And spread like thick truffles with breakfast wine

On a rich persons slice of breakfast toast

Outside the window

The wails of weal and woe

Of food banks and waiting lists

Oh, the greedism

You comfortable child

That has no semblance of humanity

Mine is mine and therefore

Its mine

Regardless of truth

Blinkered by forwards reality

None that breath survive judgement

And in your eternal sleep

Judgement is every moment

You forgot of the damage you

And only you

Committed by selfish thought and action

I smile in spite of you, I am a wallflower

As you dance your hedonistic jig

Amongst the corpses you call friends as trends

unknowing where heaven is and Always will Be​


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
Buying Freedom by Dell MacTaighain

You’ve got a mortgage, your children will be paying it off

He Heh – that’s rent (disguised)

That breath you’re breathing

Is time… one Mississippi …two Mississippi..

Two beats to the bar

And the bars you spit are sh**

Like a misfit

And time moves lickety-split

Till gone

In Wetherspoons drunk

Like a curry in a summer

Went well wrong

You’re an idiot

But not judging

Just typing

And surmising

Rhyming schemes askew

Like your mother I fucked in that church pew


But anyway

Just like modern poretray

Disjointed and unheard, unread

There’s the symmetry

Where’s the pizza? Not the

Delivery of your arse on a polling day

Discuss disgust on a healthy trip

Make lust distrust on a drunken play

Wave banners smash hammers gather mo-ho ho ho - ney

It’s owners day£!

Yippee! Hooray! Yay!

Let’s make music our own

**** that, I’ve got a bone

Dog teeth moral grip leave me alone

I’m stallone, on a Rambo trip

Freedom on a knife tip

Weapons of words

Skipping from my irish lips

Breaths made from madness

Looking at the sadness

Looking at the poor through the clinking of rich glasses

Telascoping through that lens

Gives me the bends

Surfacing for air

Knowing it’s not fair

So stare

Watch the demise

As the puppets stay as puppets

Mining personal air

In pairs as lies

Buying freedom at a loss

With an empty wallet

Ballot boxes but not a boss

In the middle of nowhere you understand

And you’re just Lost

A ghost

That thought that freedom could be bought

Sought, from the greedism you wrought

Freedom is a state of mind

That tool that discerns right from wrong

Not a musical that makes millions

From one single song

Let it goooooooooo.

You cant buy freedom

Its free anyway

(it’s in the word ffs)

You don’t hoard hammers

To build a landscape

You listen

You adapt

And all that crap


Be contrary


Develop the sh** out of that


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
Tomorrow started yesterday by Dell MacTaighain

I rarely look over my shoulder

Im not that interesting

To be liked and subscribed to

The only bell that will ring is the last one


That greatest of charlatans

That apparency

With my sputtered mouth and unsteady hands

Twisted logic and sporadic rhymes

I grasp barely anything of content and context

And I’m left with a long last breath and gasp

Don’t look at my life with ice cream and pop corn

You didn’t breathe these breaths

You didn’t see through these eyes

Left baggy and surmised

My life was over the moment it started

I am the walking dead

The wholehearted

In for the long run

Marathon explanation

Of the departed

No soundtrack

Just my own mix

Of eclectic tricks

And the occasional miss

Whomever she wanted to be

I often ask myself

In a convincing way

I could be better than what I am

Then time tells me what time it is

Breaths shorten strides narrow

Streets change friends die

More eulogies than birthday parties

On rainy days

I love you

Ive no idea who you are

But I wish you well

My advice?

Tomorrow started yesterday

Catch up

Before its too late

And you end up

Writing a poem like this

The dissonance of high street talk

Jabbering shocking instruments with opposable thumbs

Complaining in e natural

And transposing b flat

To a pair of flip flaps

Such a species of bums

Muttered whispers in my head

A loud chorus of im right and youre rong

A seething breathing fool of spoonfed

**** yous

Listening to songs

Sung by no one who can sing well

But that was yesterday

I remember it well

It started tomorrow

And hell is a place that has no music

The world window told me

The crunchy snowy footsteps in summer

The hideous sounds of beautiful monsters selling me sh**

Tools I don’t need, food I shouldnt eat,

ideas religious based on no sense that don’t fit

Tomorrow started yesterday

In my face it changed

Or so I’m told

But that was tomorrow

Or today

Days mold into fibres of plastic

Unrecyclable rhetorical woven verbal material

Stitched into a daily coat

Decorated in hellos and goodbyes

Sorrys and god love yous

As fake as my kalvin clines

As cheap as my Ipad mortgage

Long term debt equals long term death

But im happy As I pass you

That youre all happy with this

You laugh at me because Im weird

I laugh at you because youre all the same

What hurts me is to see you dieing and trying

With funereal flags flying

Tomorrow is dead

These words are just a eulogy subliming

A gravestone of the recklessly complacent

And I know one thing for certain

The last grave may be dug

But only coachroaches will find the last human

Far from the hole

Nature doesn’t follow burial customs

Nor the laws of man


UKChat Initiate
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
The composers

Growing exostoses,
Jimmy Nail style broken noses,
government, out of touch posers,
bloody rivers on tap for the modern day Moses

Life it decomposes,
suffocation encloses,
happiness for you and me opposers,
their misrule and horror time always exposes

Nightingale discloses,
Pharmacists messing up doses,
comedians with piss poor closers,
scum floats to the top, as the audience dozes

Nooses made of roses,
everything now transposes,
observe the rich tone deaf composers,
gas themselves, with carbon monoxide in their hoses


UKChat Initiate
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
The composers

Growing exostoses,
Jimmy Nail style broken noses,
government, out of touch posers,
bloody rivers on tap for the modern day Moses

Life it decomposes,
suffocation encloses,
happiness for you and me opposers,
their misrule and horror time always exposes

Nightingale discloses,
Pharmacists messing up doses,
comedians with piss poor closers,
scum floats to the top, as the audience dozes

Nooses made of roses,
everything now transposes,
observe the rich tone deaf composers,
gas themselves, with carbon monoxide in their hoses
Thank you Chip_TheViking glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading.


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
The composers

Growing exostoses,
Jimmy Nail style broken noses,
government, out of touch posers,
bloody rivers on tap for the modern day Moses

Life it decomposes,
suffocation encloses,
happiness for you and me opposers,
their misrule and horror time always exposes

Nightingale discloses,
Pharmacists messing up doses,
comedians with piss poor closers,
scum floats to the top, as the audience dozes

Nooses made of roses,
everything now transposes,
observe the rich tone deaf composers,
gas themselves, with carbon monoxide in their hoses
nice job - made me chuckle "scum floats to the top, as the audience dozes" great line


UKChat Initiate
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
Tomorrow started yesterday by Dell MacTaighain

I rarely look over my shoulder

Im not that interesting

To be liked and subscribed to

The only bell that will ring is the last one


That greatest of charlatans

That apparency

With my sputtered mouth and unsteady hands

Twisted logic and sporadic rhymes

I grasp barely anything of content and context

And I’m left with a long last breath and gasp

Don’t look at my life with ice cream and pop corn

You didn’t breathe these breaths

You didn’t see through these eyes

Left baggy and surmised

My life was over the moment it started

I am the walking dead

The wholehearted

In for the long run

Marathon explanation

Of the departed

No soundtrack

Just my own mix

Of eclectic tricks

And the occasional miss

Whomever she wanted to be

I often ask myself

In a convincing way

I could be better than what I am

Then time tells me what time it is

Breaths shorten strides narrow

Streets change friends die

More eulogies than birthday parties

On rainy days

I love you

Ive no idea who you are

But I wish you well

My advice?

Tomorrow started yesterday

Catch up

Before its too late

And you end up

Writing a poem like this

The dissonance of high street talk

Jabbering shocking instruments with opposable thumbs

Complaining in e natural

And transposing b flat

To a pair of flip flaps

Such a species of bums

Muttered whispers in my head

A loud chorus of im right and youre rong

A seething breathing fool of spoonfed

**** yous

Listening to songs

Sung by no one who can sing well

But that was yesterday

I remember it well

It started tomorrow

And hell is a place that has no music

The world window told me

The crunchy snowy footsteps in summer

The hideous sounds of beautiful monsters selling me sh**

Tools I don’t need, food I shouldnt eat,

ideas religious based on no sense that don’t fit

Tomorrow started yesterday

In my face it changed

Or so I’m told

But that was tomorrow

Or today

Days mold into fibres of plastic

Unrecyclable rhetorical woven verbal material

Stitched into a daily coat

Decorated in hellos and goodbyes

Sorrys and god love yous

As fake as my kalvin clines

As cheap as my Ipad mortgage

Long term debt equals long term death

But im happy As I pass you

That youre all happy with this

You laugh at me because Im weird

I laugh at you because youre all the same

What hurts me is to see you dieing and trying

With funereal flags flying

Tomorrow is dead

These words are just a eulogy subliming

A gravestone of the recklessly complacent

And I know one thing for certain

The last grave may be dug

But only coachroaches will find the last human

Far from the hole

Nature doesn’t follow burial customs

Nor the laws of man
Fantastic piece!


In the quiet hours of the night, alone,
A phone's soft glow, a silent tone.
In the shadows where secrets toy,
Lies a world of whispered joy.

A rubber touch, smooth and sleek
Unveils desires that dare to speak.
In the dance of shadows, a silent ploy,
As fantasies unfold with every deploy.

From the depths of drawers, a treasure found,
A conduit to pleasures, profound.
In the hush of darkness, it's just you and me,
Exploring realms where we are free.

Through whispered sighs and whispered moans,
Echoes of passion in silent zones.
In the silent hours, we find our joy
In the embrace of our sex toy.


I wrote this poem after a counselling weekend where the facilitator asked me to take a risk when I was doing some work on myself.A comedy it wasnt

Little and Large

I had died inside and said nothing at all
and there was so little left that my little was my all
so I guard it well as its all ive got
as to lose my little would be to lose the lot.
Its so hard to risk when so little is there
and where silence seems safer even in despair.
So in the suffering of silence I muzzle my scream
to the desperation of what might have been.
But theres questions in the silence to which I don’t give a voice
and wheres theres no lack of conflict but only of noise.
Like how could I mirror what id never seen
to have become the person I was meant to have been.
And how could I take that risk of exposure
when all my life I had been conditioned to closure.
So please be gentle with my apparent dismay
as the reasons are large for the little I may say.
Very beautiful....


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
Hard In Hard Out by Dell MacTaighain

All things begin

All things die

But it’s all just change

Why fear the switch

This unending beginnings of all seasons

Dance fast and gentle

Smile in awe as the sun rises

Laugh like a fool as the sun sets

Collecting honey memories on the way

All that was here will still be here, but gone

You will see them in your dreams

There they last, eternally

Don’t be scared of change

Change is a new born baby

Change is a newly buried coffin

And you are immortal

A smile kills all fear

Acceptance is a perfect requiem and eulogy​
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