Poetic licence


UKChat Initiate
Dec 30, 2021
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You're a a fcking joke and from the evidence presented on these boards, you have shown yourself to be a prick of higher level with a lower than sh!t level of intelligence. Waving your short, stumpy dick around- that might I add, women throw up at the thought of and men laugh at because they haven't seen one that size since they were 10 years old. You have been here all of 5 minutes and managed to p!ss off everyone you've 'chatted' to.
Prepare to be sliced and diced and your small prick used for joke fodder.
I live to p!ss off cnts like you- it really is the fun in my day ;)
You grossly overestimate your abilities. When I have arisen from my sleep. You are going to find out by just how much. Stupid split arse. You aren't hard. You don't have balls or a dick. Just another gobby little axe wound who blames all the men in her life for her downfall instead of taking responsibility for the train wreck also known as her life. There is good reason why your cat spends more time away from you with other people than in your deluded company. Silly. Little. Girl.
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The REAL Adam!


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Oh dear ,i posted one short comment on this thread and it`s been removed ! Obviously the lack of bad language or sick name calling dosn`t warrant my clean posts :) hahahhaa .Where are you PocoLoco ?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
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I wonder if Adam is the type of guy to buy Curry's extended warranties ???Angry-PC.jpg

Plz don't take on our forum clique we are out of "mop heads"


Thank you, Poco.
These bloody newbies- they really have no idea what they're getting in to! Given that we seem to have lost our counter clique and our own numbers are running low lately, these amateurs are coming into a very tense situation and trying to come across all dominant is not going to get them any brownie points.
Nevertheless, with the disappearance of our counter clique (I know, we still have Hells!), there has been a lack of vitriol and idiocy around these parts to keep us entertained, so can we play with this one for a little while, before he eventually gets put in the Doghouse? Please? I promise the next time I psychoanalyse 'it', I'll keep it clean.


UKChat Initiate
Dec 30, 2021
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Thank you, Poco.
These bloody newbies- they really have no idea what they're getting in to! Given that we seem to have lost our counter clique and our own numbers are running low lately, these amateurs are coming into a very tense situation and trying to come across all dominant is not going to get them any brownie points.
Nevertheless, with the disappearance of our counter clique (I know, we still have Hells!), there has been a lack of vitriol and idiocy around these parts to keep us entertained, so can we play with this one for a little while, before he eventually gets put in the Doghouse? Please? I promise the next time I psychoanalyse 'it', I'll keep it clean.

CrazyCatLady you are that fucking stupid that you don't even realise that when he says " ran out of mop heads " he means for your bodily effluent and not mine you thick shitcunt.

You are about to learn who the fucking amateur is here sisteract and who has rejected every thought you have ever had or will have and threw them in the bin because they and you just are not good enough.

But first. A poem. Then a reference of historical importance and finally your epitaph ...

Now sit there doe eyed, shut the **** up and appreciate when you are in the presence of something you can't brand or judge with your 1984 school joke book and very basic understanding and grasp of the art of lexicology.

* ahem *

" Bastet began to fret realising she was out of her depth and about to pay a debt of gratitude for the lesson yet to come ".

" The sum of all your fears you have accumulated through the years are about to shed your tears as you are founded dumb ".

" Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide your dignity and pride are about to fall from grace like an Al Qaeda nose dive ".

" N'aww always left to 1 side like the bride that no one wants. Your parent lied when they called you the apple of their eye and wished they'd drowned you in the font "!

" You half baked croissant with a fucking yeast infection, you silly little puddy cat starved of God's attention ".

" And now a question ... The **** makes you think you can do what no one can ? My name is Adam but you call me Sir Aslan ".

" You piece of rotting ham about to be devoured by the Lord Almighty's man. Your intellect's a sham much like what you deem is called self worth. Get ready to find out why I'm the first of everything on Earth " ode to a sadly mistaken snowflake.

You do not even possess the cerebral function to realise and conclude that the concept of feminism was originally created by centuries of female angst directed @ the CHURCH and not man. Just like I didn't steal your lunch money @ school I also didn't oppress you for years and ban you from becoming a female vicar ! But if you want to use man as your scapegoat for why your life is a shitshow, go ahead. However. Expect and be fully prepared to be bitten to pieces by an aware wolf who laughs @ your futile attempts at comedic value. You and your hyena clique are truly worthless. But we both know that, right

Now what was it you were saying Moggy ? Oh yeah that was it " Be prepared to be sliced and diced " pahahahahahaha no wait PAHAHAHAHAHA can you honestly fucking hear yourself ? What are you the world's unstealthiest Ninja ? Listen to me white Ainsley Harriot I'm deducing from your lack of profile portrait that you have been struggling with your weight issues for a number of years now ? I know the cause though. It's blatantly obvious you have trouble with shutting your fucking mouth !

Who honestly do you think you are typing to ? Because whoever it is I am honestly not them. You type your predictable bullshit to me and I will prove so even your imaginary, mentalist skilled arse knows that you cannot, will not, cognitively impossible to *cross-sectionally* analyse a real man of God.

The way you insecurely project outwards against my family is a stark reflection of how you treat yours or they treat you. Then again I do not blame you for being a product of non consensual rape. I blame your parentals. Your father should have known that having unprotected sex with your mother's sister from Norfolk and birthing you in secret was never going to be in your best interests growing up.

Why do you long for and search for acceptance in others ? Your clique as you so eloquently put it. You must forgive me I didn't realise I had stepped into a Shawn Michaels convention.

Why must you subject a cat to your own, self loathing? Convincing yourself that it really does hold " real love " for you. Yet only expressing this emotion after you feed it or sticking it in a headlock ...

Why does everyone leave you ? Are you just that unlucky or have you ever considered it's actually your fault

I have known thousands of women like you. I say like you because there is nothing even remotely unique or different or special about you. In actual fact there is a conveyer belt of sexually repressed, hollow vindictive, gormless, bone marrow deep ugly cunts. Just another hole that some man, somewhere was foolish enough to fall into.

Now you can respond with your face meltingly, generic, boring, copy n paste excuse for originality and humour.

Oh and just a tip. Anyone who uses memes to get a point across may as well wear a neon sign tattooed across their forehead saying " I lose, always "

Hopefully you will self asphyxiate yourself with your own yarn before subjecting me to your desperate need to be heard.


UKChat Initiate
Dec 30, 2021
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Would it help if I accused Adam of being Hard Right? Or maybe of sharing his account and/or having multiple accounts?

Ffs, don’t say that word !!! You’ll never hear the end of it, yet again. :confused:

But I don't have multiple accounts. I have this and one other which is inaccessible due to being banned.

I also don't need to act the clown and hide my beautiful face behind layers of female make up. I stand alone whilst you cooch up against Poco's ball sack in the foetal position.


UKChat Initiate
Dec 30, 2021
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Wow, “beautiful face”? I assume that’s not you in your avatar then, cos that guy looks like his hobby is collecting clothes off his neighbours washing lines.

Your pathetic little rant at CCL, and your lame attempts to insult me tells everyone all they need to know about you, and none of it is good.
But hey, you crack on, you seem very accomplished at making a fool of yourself, so I can only assume you’ve had plenty of practice, and who am I to try to undermine such sterling work?

Exactly .. now you are starting to get it ! Who the **** are you. What the **** have you ever done or achieved in this life ? A educated and clinical guess says absolutely sweet, fucking nothing.

Yeah right oh chap. The only thing you have managed to **** in the last 20 years is your back ....

Perhaps you should try drag queening. Because you are hardly a fucking Joker.

Stop ruining the thread. IF you want to get embarrassed that badly my pm is open.


UKChat Initiate
Dec 30, 2021
Reaction score
“A educated”? Oh the exquisite irony in that comment.

I’ll pass on the PM though, it’s far more fun watching you implode on here.

See. It appears you have issues following simple instructions and rules also you dry eating cornflake lavender.

You doubt my intellectual prowess and yet all you fucking are is a David icke clone 10 years too late.

All of you have the cerebral capacity of a 60 year old's blocked colon.

Who the **** do you genuinely think you are kidding because it's certainly not me.

Say something memorable, inspiring .... ?

Yeah and England are going to win the worldcup this year


Would it help if I accused Adam of being Hard Right? Or maybe of sharing his account and/or having multiple accounts?

This could ease the tension in my neck and make this place feel home again. Mind you, Smegheada/Conman wasn't really that entertaining- it wrote like a petulant child. I'm (surprisingly) missing the woke Victor Meldrew tribute and it's little cheerleader and while what you state was a part of its repertoire, it did it in a much more entertaining and intelligent fashion (most of the time). Despite Victor being a pain in the @rse, I often spat coffee at reading it.

This new one- just vile. Vile.


CrazyCatLady you are that fucking stupid that you don't even realise that when he says " ran out of mop heads " he means for your bodily effluent and not mine you thick shitcunt.

You are about to learn who the fucking amateur is here sisteract and who has rejected every thought you have ever had or will have and threw them in the bin because they and you just are not good enough.

But first. A poem. Then a reference of historical importance and finally your epitaph ...

Now sit there doe eyed, shut the **** up and appreciate when you are in the presence of something you can't brand or judge with your 1984 school joke book and very basic understanding and grasp of the art of lexicology.

* ahem *

" Bastet began to fret realising she was out of her depth and about to pay a debt of gratitude for the lesson yet to come ".

" The sum of all your fears you have accumulated through the years are about to shed your tears as you are founded dumb ".

" Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide your dignity and pride are about to fall from grace like an Al Qaeda nose dive ".

" N'aww always left to 1 side like the bride that no one wants. Your parent lied when they called you the apple of their eye and wished they'd drowned you in the font "!

" You half baked croissant with a fucking yeast infection, you silly little puddy cat starved of God's attention ".

" And now a question ... The **** makes you think you can do what no one can ? My name is Adam but you call me Sir Aslan ".

" You piece of rotting ham about to be devoured by the Lord Almighty's man. Your intellect's a sham much like what you deem is called self worth. Get ready to find out why I'm the first of everything on Earth " ode to a sadly mistaken snowflake.

You do not even possess the cerebral function to realise and conclude that the concept of feminism was originally created by centuries of female angst directed @ the CHURCH and not man. Just like I didn't steal your lunch money @ school I also didn't oppress you for years and ban you from becoming a female vicar ! But if you want to use man as your scapegoat for why your life is a shitshow, go ahead. However. Expect and be fully prepared to be bitten to pieces by an aware wolf who laughs @ your futile attempts at comedic value. You and your hyena clique are truly worthless. But we both know that, right

Now what was it you were saying Moggy ? Oh yeah that was it " Be prepared to be sliced and diced " pahahahahahaha no wait PAHAHAHAHAHA can you honestly fucking hear yourself ? What are you the world's unstealthiest Ninja ? Listen to me white Ainsley Harriot I'm deducing from your lack of profile portrait that you have been struggling with your weight issues for a number of years now ? I know the cause though. It's blatantly obvious you have trouble with shutting your fucking mouth !

Who honestly do you think you are typing to ? Because whoever it is I am honestly not them. You type your predictable bullshit to me and I will prove so even your imaginary, mentalist skilled arse knows that you cannot, will not, cognitively impossible to *cross-sectionally* analyse a real man of God.

The way you insecurely project outwards against my family is a stark reflection of how you treat yours or they treat you. Then again I do not blame you for being a product of non consensual rape. I blame your parentals. Your father should have known that having unprotected sex with your mother's sister from Norfolk and birthing you in secret was never going to be in your best interests growing up.

Why do you long for and search for acceptance in others ? Your clique as you so eloquently put it. You must forgive me I didn't realise I had stepped into a Shawn Michaels convention.

Why must you subject a cat to your own, self loathing? Convincing yourself that it really does hold " real love " for you. Yet only expressing this emotion after you feed it or sticking it in a headlock ...

Why does everyone leave you ? Are you just that unlucky or have you ever considered it's actually your fault

I have known thousands of women like you. I say like you because there is nothing even remotely unique or different or special about you. In actual fact there is a conveyer belt of sexually repressed, hollow vindictive, gormless, bone marrow deep ugly cunts. Just another hole that some man, somewhere was foolish enough to fall into.

Now you can respond with your face meltingly, generic, boring, copy n paste excuse for originality and humour.

Oh and just a tip. Anyone who uses memes to get a point across may as well wear a neon sign tattooed across their forehead saying " I lose, always "

Hopefully you will self asphyxiate yourself with your own yarn before subjecting me to your desperate need to be heard.
Wow! The amount of time you must have spent on that post and I didn’t bother to read it…well, couldn’t read it. Much of it was incomprehensible and furthermore, I have a psychological aversion to Little Prick syndrome, so my mind instantly started to wander when I detected it.
Then my eyes landed on the word ‘poem’ and I became inspired….

The day came when Adam saw the light
How to deal with his anger and stop the internal fight
Seeing as the restraining order from his ex had a few years to expire
He could abuse women on the internet to fill his heart’s desire
With his blow-up doll mutilated and the pocket pussy ripped apart
He turned to the internet to find a gullible tart
Flashing his twisted Oedipus complex to prove his masculinity
His stumpy dick rose at the possibilities
Yet much to his over-inflated ego’s surprise
He found intelligent women and men who were civilised
Making a complete arse of himself, he continued to rant
Throwing threats at those who dare to slant
He bawled at how woke the world had become
Why the women didn’t succumb
What had happened to the world while he was inside?
Why did he find it so hard to get a ride?
B!tches like the animal, throwing its sh!t
And so Adam continued on with it
Only to be thrown in the kennels for being a vile little mutt
And proving himself to be a nasty, pathetic little fcuk



I am intrigued as to how Adam's post, which instigates me harming myself, me being a product of rape and a number of threats is still up an unmoderated, when my post about his mother not knowing his father was and being a product of domestic violence was removed.
My post was actually probably true, given how he has demonstrated his character. Yet he's allowed to get away with that?

I've understood, in the past, when some of my posts have been removed and I haven't questioned them when I see harassment of forum users and much worse posts being allowed to stay.
However, I am increasingly finding double standards on this forum and while this is probably not the right place to raise them, it's evident here.
I see now why Sapphire left and while I'm not going to start crying that the place is going down, you are losing regulars that keep the posts flowing and the above is what is being allowed to thrive.

It's disappointing to say the least.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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In 2 lines?

Adam_N and Altair sitting in a tree.
Both saying "I can pee farthest, just watch me".

About sums it up.