Labour and PIP


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Labour have very little choice on this issue. About 20% of those out of work are claiming PIP/DLA/INCAP. 3.9 million people in England and Wales claimed an incapacity or disability benefit in August 2023, an increase of 9% from August 2022.

In the UK we have about 35 million paying income tax including pensioners.

With over 10% of people claiming long term sickness benefit's and never returning to work. Lets face it, its unaffordable.

If the new government puts up taxes people will start to work less and the knock on effect will be more claims for in work benefits. For many work is becoming unaffordable with child care costs. The cost of living is way to high right now and increasing VAT would would slow down the economy.

I feel labour will focus on people with children and cut welfare payments for single people to pay for it.

Labour had a plan for winning the election, but nothing beyond that. By Oct we should know where the cuts will come.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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I was talking about this in the lobby today and the "walking dead" didn't get :rolleyes:

Explain it to your: in the past most people didn't see 50 and lot of people right now I won't see 50 too.

The benefit system in the UK relied on people dying before 60 and not claiming the state pensions or health care costs. Thanks to various public health campaigns people are living longer they are going into that 80s and at 90's more often than not it's all costs money.

So what do you say so the person working in Tesco's on minimum wage their whole life? They don't get a pension, no medical care in their old age? Oh I'm sorry we have to give it to somebody who basically stopped working their twenties and went on to sickness benefits... but there's nothing physically wrong with them.... it's just mentally illness.

What about the poor man who 1/2 drunk himself to death in his 20s? We had to send him through rehab, we put him all liver transplant and he got one !! He deserved to spend the rest of his life doing whatever we want right?

what about the poor woman is suffered from anorexia in her teens and never really entered the workforce. She deserves to spend the rest of their life on welfare too?

What about the ex drug addicts who literally put poison into their bodies for years. Again we had to send them through rehab. Are allowed spend a rest of their lives doing nothing too?

People what about the people we just can't cope with life? They try to get a job but it was too much for them and now they're on sickness benefits.

You cant asked people right now carry on paying same level of tax so others can spend 30 years or more living on welfare. We can't ask people in the workforce right now carry on working so there's 70th birthdays so others can spend so long on welfare. We cannot ask our young people to work into their 70s so people can stay on benefits 40 years or more.

People who have been on welfare over 10 years so out of touch with what's going on with the rest of us. They have little interest in it. All that matters to them is that monthly payment they get off the government.

Well like it or not, if your on welfare your world is about change even under a labour government. And if you think you can talk your way out of returning to work, think again. Its not people running the system now, it's an AI. If you don't follow the rules, it will cut you off.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
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I was talking about this in the lobby today and the "walking dead" didn't get :rolleyes:

Explain it to your: in the past most people didn't see 50 and lot of people right now I won't see 50 too.

The benefit system in the UK relied on people dying before 60 and not claiming the state pensions or health care costs. Thanks to various public health campaigns people are living longer they are going into that 80s and at 90's more often than not it's all costs money.

So what do you say so the person working in Tesco's on minimum wage their whole life? They don't get a pension, no medical care in their old age? Oh I'm sorry we have to give it to somebody who basically stopped working their twenties and went on to sickness benefits... but there's nothing physically wrong with them.... it's just mentally illness.

What about the poor man who 1/2 drunk himself to death in his 20s? We had to send him through rehab, we put him all liver transplant and he got one !! He deserved to spend the rest of his life doing whatever we want right?

what about the poor woman is suffered from anorexia in her teens and never really entered the workforce. She deserves to spend the rest of their life on welfare too?

What about the ex drug addicts who literally put poison into their bodies for years. Again we had to send them through rehab. Are allowed spend a rest of their lives doing nothing too?

People what about the people we just can't cope with life? They try to get a job but it was too much for them and now they're on sickness benefits.

You cant asked people right now carry on paying same level of tax so others can spend 30 years or more living on welfare. We can't ask people in the workforce right now carry on working so there's 70th birthdays so others can spend so long on welfare. We cannot ask our young people to work into their 70s so people can stay on benefits 40 years or more.

People who have been on welfare over 10 years so out of touch with what's going on with the rest of us. They have little interest in it. All that matters to them is that monthly payment they get off the government.

Well like it or not, if your on welfare your world is about change even under a labour government. And if you think you can talk your way out of returning to work, think again. Its not people running the system now, it's an AI. If you don't follow the rules, it will cut you off.
"It's just mental illness"......
You have no idea, do you? How crippling, how isolating mental illness is.
I'm on disability benefits, at 54, due to PTSD from my nursing days (due to an incident at work)
I also have some physical conditions that limit my daily activities.

Out of touch with the rest of you? Not all of us are. That's just your typical group think that everyone on benefits is a work shy scrounger. Not everyone on benefits wants to be on them. Some of us have no choice.

I worked from leaving school until my accident 30 years later. I get PIP and Universal Credit totalling £1k a month. After my bills, food, etc I have very little left. That said, I still manage to save and I'm pretty self sufficent so I survive and thrive. I'm luckier than most.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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You have no idea, do you? How crippling, how isolating mental illness is.
I'm on disability benefits, at 54, due to PTSD from my nursing days (due to an incident at work)

Its funny you should talk about PTSD...... I did 5 years for UNHCR.

I worked in some of the worst places all over the world and saw death daily in my 20's.
Before I was 50 I had two heart attacks and have a DNACPR.
And I still go to work !!

Now I get your a "hero" of the NHS :rolleyes:
And you have a really good pension that the rest of us will have to pay for the next 40 years ............after all you did put in 8% it :rolleyes:

But your kidding me right? You cant work cos you have PTSD? You cant work cos you at accidents work? Do you know 4 people out of 100 people have it and they still go to work. Construction have accidents but they still go to work.

The only real difference is if you take a week off sick in the NHS, they still pay you. The rest of us get statutory sick pay at £116.75 a week. A person with 2 kids cant afford to be off sick and they still have go in. They have to take out personal accident insurance cos no one can afford to be in hospital for too long these days.

And you say your 54 with 30 years NHS service? You only start work at 24 years of age? Did you have time off to have children too?
Well next year you can claim your part of your pension and get off benefits. Or are you going to wait until your 67 living on state handout for a higher payout o_O

I'm not going to sugar coat this, you will be called into the local jobcentre and you will be looking for work soon. If you want to "retire" at 55 claim your pension. Don't ask those forced to work until 67 and beyond to pay for it.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Now little labour lacky..... you like jackanory ...let me tell you one ;)

In 2019, there were an average of around 2,200 new PIP awards a month in England and Wales where the main condition was anxiety and depression - this has more than doubled to 5,300 a month last year. This is driving up the cost of the disability benefits bill at an unsustainable rate and PIP spending alone is expected to grow by 52% from 2023/24 to £32.8bn by 2027/28.

Total spending on benefits for people of working age with a disability or health condition increased by almost two-thirds to £69 billion since the pandemic, and we now spend more on these benefits than our core schools’ budget or on policing. Given the significant change in caseload and unsustainable increase in costs, it’s clear our current disability benefit system for adults of working age is not fit for purpose.

Now do you remember Tony Blair? He was labour MP who started a few wars :cool:

According to the Ministry of Defence, the total cost of UK military operations in Iraq from 2003 to 2009 was £8.4bn. Official calculations stated that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined cost £20.3 billion (up to but not beyond June 2010).

The UK is now spending more money on PIP than on 7 years of overseas wars.

In 1991–92 3.5% of UK adults (1.6 million) paid the 40% higher rate of income tax. By 2022–23 11% (6.1 million) were paying higher rates, with that figure set to reach 14% (7.8 million) by 2027–28. Of that 14%, 3.1% of adults (1.7 million) will face marginal tax rates of either 45% or 60%.

Now do you really think people are going to carry on paying this level of tax just so you can stay at home on the sick?

By the end of 2023 there were approximately 448,000 refugees in the UK. The war in Ukraine and the conflict in Afghanistan have driven increases in these figures from previous years.

After all we do have 448,000 refugees to support each year. They arrive with nothing and need housing, education, health care and living expenses :eek:


Voted UKChat most gorgeous socialist 2022-2023
Nov 2, 2022
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Good morning,

Just off the top of my head, and keeping it basic, during 14 years of ideological austerity mental health services have been slashed to the bone. Waiting lists for treatment are upwards of 18 months for some patients. Suicide and suicide attempts have rocketed. Homelessness has become a huge issue for the mentally ill, and prisons have long been used to cheaply warehouse people with serious mental health issues. Who are then released back into the community with exactly the same issues that they were imprisoned for.

An estimated 350,000 + excess deaths among the sick and disabled are a direct consequence of austerity.

Over a million people will live shorter lives than they did in 2010, in effect, dying earlier.

A 5-year-old child counting with their fingers could work out that if sick people are not getting treatment for an illness, then their sickness is going to cost the state more in the long run.

The tories solution was not to employ more doctors, experts, or even hospital beds. Rather, to employ box ticking ATOS minions who are simply not qualified to gauge who is sick or disabled. The more people found fit for work, the higher their actual “bonus” is.

For example, 59% who have been turned down for PIP win on appeal, a process that now takes upwards of over a year due to cuts. This figure does not include those who just give up and don't appeal, and so that 59% figure is lower than it actually is.

Imagine a system that is so sh/it, the vast majority win on appeal in front of a panel of experts.

If you get turned down for PIP, please appeal and the Citizens Advice Bureau etc provide expert advice for people who may find the appeals system intimidating (deliberately so) or complicated (deliberately so).

I did 5 years for UNHCR.

A fantasist.

Which is why he doesn't know the difference between an economic migrant and an asylum seeker, and hence his imaginary made up figure of 480,000 refugees (asylum seekers) each year.

This sausage (like the other one) clearly does not know the difference between an economic migrant and a refugee.

This sausage also claimed that he was one of the main organizers who helped arrange Live Aid in 1985, Who worked for a completely different charity to the one he claims today. While also claiming to be on first name terms with Geldof, Midge Ure and the other one whose name I can't recall.

His whacky far-fetched tales change depending on the weather.

Quite obviously someone/people on PIP or disability benefits in main chat has/have upset him and so hence this vindictive spiteful nasty thread.

And I still go to work !!

Trolling internet chat sites does not qualify as work.

Have a nice day :)
Last edited:


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Thinking back, it was Mrs Thatcher's government that started moving people onto incapacity benefits to lower the unemployment figures and just parked them there. Now there are too many people on PIP? You reap what you sew.
It's not just the cash benefits of PIP...
Certain mental health problems may qualify for the mobility component of PIP. Have you seen the cars you can get on PIP!? (with no advance payment) They'll also qualify for a Blue Badge permit. Why would they need to take up a disabled parking bay? This is the bit I'm struggling to get my head around...


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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The problem isnt people on benefits, it's what work is available.

Ok, we are now living with a new normal which work from home is viable.
The problem is, we need jobs where you can work from home.
Labour is pushing the AI industry and computing, which is fair enough, but the Tories did that to.
If we have a workforce who is educated and able thats fine.

But we don't.

The problem is in the population.
You simply cannot have a high IQ economy when not everyone makes economic sense.
You have to also have other trades and industries for those who forgo or cannot achieve a univercity education.

No matter how advantaged we may think we are, we still have an average IQ which makes the ideas of elite industries unsustainable.

Let me ask a simple question.
If you were to set up a business, would you not want the best, the most qualified and the brightest to run it.
Of course you would.
So for that you would pay more, of course you would.

Now imagine youself as a 16 year old school leaver who wants to become a nurse.
Knowing your going to get yourself into thousands of pounds in debt to actually graduate.
Then go through nursing school.

When the government is saying "We need immigrants to prop up the health service"

Whats the point?

These are very complex questions, without simple answers.
Yet no one is asking them.

The only way to balance economy is to balance a workforce.
Everyone should be able to find a productive job.

The only way to acheive that is to bring in investment for actual manufacturing.
Make apprentiships viable, reduce the need for univercity degrees and accept that there are other ways of learning.
I mean come on, everyone knows when they raised the age of education from 16 to 18 it was simply to avoid unemployment numbers.
My best mates grandson is an actual apprentice, trade school, he is a joiner.
Thats how things are done, not force kids who dont want or cant cope with an advanced education simply to be what they want to be.

Bring back proper nursing schools and apprenticeships and we wont need as many immigrants.
Then your kids and grandkids can afford a house, get married and maybe spit out a sprog or two.
However, thats gonna take about 10 to 15 years to implement, so whatever.
Both Labour and the Tories are to blame.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Just off the top of my head, and keeping it basic, during 14 years of ideological austerity mental health services have been slashed to the bone. Waiting lists for treatment are upwards of 18 months for some patients. Suicide and suicide attempts have rocketed. Homelessness has become a huge issue for the mentally ill, and prisons have long been used to cheaply warehouse people with serious mental health issues. Who are then released back into the community with exactly the same issues that they were imprisoned for.

An estimated 350,000 + excess deaths among the sick and disabled are a direct consequence of austerity.

So your answer is..... make everyone else work into there 90's and pay 60% tax just to pay for them?
Austerity didn't kill them doctors and nurses demanding a living wage did. People don't work for free and if things carry on like this people will see even less of them.

Over a million people will live shorter lives than they did in 2010, in effect, dying earlier.

Prove that !!

A 5-year-old child counting with their fingers could work out that if sick people are not getting treatment for an illness, then their sickness is going to cost the state more in the long run.

That's untrue. We have few effect treatment's for mental illness and cancer.

For example, 59% who have been turned down for PIP win on appeal, a process that now takes upwards of over a year due to cuts. This figure does not include those who just give up and don't appeal, and so that 59% figure is lower than it actually is.

Its not cuts, its an overload system filled with trying it on. Or do you want to spend billions hearing all these cases with in weeks?

Now I know Kev sits around all day with his scabby old dog trolling the internet for years and claiming everything under the sun from the welfare state :rolleyes:

But even he must realize the money is running out when the labour government is taking about borrowing 125% of GDP. If you thought "austerity" was bad after the last labour government borrow at 99% of GDP....just wait until we have to repay 125%.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
Reaction score
Thinking back, it was Mrs Thatcher's government that started moving people onto incapacity benefits to lower the unemployment figures and just parked them there. Now there are too many people on PIP? You reap what you sew.
It's not just the cash benefits of PIP...
Certain mental health problems may qualify for the mobility component of PIP. Have you seen the cars you can get on PIP!? (with no advance payment) They'll also qualify for a Blue Badge permit. Why would they need to take up a disabled parking bay? This is the bit I'm struggling to get my head around...

I think your taking about care in the community... they close down all the nut houses and let them lose on the public to save money.
The car thingy is being cut or was.

There an argument if you don't need full time care, you don't need PIP. If you can drive, live on your own, do your own shopping and wash your own bum you don't need it.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Good morning,

Just off the top of my head, and keeping it basic, during 14 years of ideological austerity mental health services have been slashed to the bone. Waiting lists for treatment are upwards of 18 months for some patients. Suicide and suicide attempts have rocketed. Homelessness has become a huge issue for the mentally ill, and prisons have long been used to cheaply warehouse people with serious mental health issues. Who are then released back into the community with exactly the same issues that they were imprisoned for.

An estimated 350,000 + excess deaths among the sick and disabled are a direct consequence of austerity.

Over a million people will live shorter lives than they did in 2010, in effect, dying earlier.

A 5-year-old child counting with their fingers could work out that if sick people are not getting treatment for an illness, then their sickness is going to cost the state more in the long run.

The tories solution was not to employ more doctors, experts, or even hospital beds. Rather, to employ box ticking ATOS minions who are simply not qualified to gauge who is sick or disabled. The more people found fit for work, the higher their actual “bonus” is.

For example, 59% who have been turned down for PIP win on appeal, a process that now takes upwards of over a year due to cuts. This figure does not include those who just give up and don't appeal, and so that 59% figure is lower than it actually is.

Imagine a system that is so sh/it, the vast majority win on appeal in front of a panel of experts.

If you get turned down for PIP, please appeal and the Citizens Advice Bureau etc provide expert advice for people who may find the appeals system intimidating (deliberately so) or complicated (deliberately so).

A fantasist.

Which is why he doesn't know the difference between an economic migrant and an asylum seeker, and hence his imaginary made up figure of 480,000 refugees (asylum seekers) each year.

This sausage (like the other one) clearly does not know the difference between an economic migrant and a refugee.

This sausage also claimed that he was one of the main organizers who helped arrange Live Aid in 1985, Who worked for a completely different charity to the one he claims today. While also claiming to be on first name terms with Geldof, Midge Ure and the other one whose name I can't recall.

His whacky far-fetched tales change depending on the weather.

Quite obviously someone/people on PIP or disability benefits in main chat has/have upset him and so hence this vindictive spiteful nasty thread.

Trolling internet chat sites does not qualify as work.

Have a nice day :)


It is always a delight and much fun to read your postings.

Thanks for being a continuing breath of FACTUAL fresh air in the cesspool of rambling nonsense provided by the Dunning Kruger Billy Liar/s of UKChat!

hand clap.gif


Voted UKChat most gorgeous socialist 2022-2023
Nov 2, 2022
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Now I know Kev sits around all day with his scabby old dog trolling the internet for years and claiming everything under the sun from the welfare state :rolleyes:

Is this where you start to log in at this time, after a thread like this, to pretend that you have just done a hard day's graft?

We have been here before.

Everything you say about me is true, of course. :)

My scabby old (young) dog goes to doggy daycare, btw, so you got that bit wrong. :)

You are after all an internet VIP, a high-flier, a multi-millionaire who owns the largest plumbing company in the South East. Who lives in a four million pound Brighton town house, and who helped organize Live Aid in 1985.

Posting rightmove images of a random house in Brighton proves that it is a fact, right?

A bit like your googled kayaks. :)

That inane babble (white noise) and those made up statistics in the rest of your posts are totally irrelevant, much like you are irrelevant.

However, it is extremely pleasing that you have been sussed out in main chat, and I hope that I have been helpful in that regard.

All you can do now to keep getting the same reaction in main chat and on the forum is to keep upping the ante, and upping the ante is all you have left. :)


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Oh God.......... you cant seem to make the connection between public borrowing and austerity :rolleyes:
The last labour government under Tony Blair borrowed so much money it took years to repay it. Public services had to be cut to pay it back !!
And the new labour government is doing it again !!!

You cant make the connected the money you receive from the government to that person stacking beans in Tesco's.

Kev get this into your head, we're all skint. The work force is being taxed to death, the government is borrowing 125% GDP cos they cant tax people anymore. The cost of living is right now is to high.

I know that don't matter to you !!

The rest of us don't matter to you !!

Cos u have nothing to lose !!!


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
Reaction score
Its funny you should talk about PTSD...... I did 5 years for UNHCR.

I worked in some of the worst places all over the world and saw death daily in my 20's.
Before I was 50 I had two heart attacks and have a DNACPR.
And I still go to work !!

Now I get your a "hero" of the NHS :rolleyes:
And you have a really good pension that the rest of us will have to pay for the next 40 years ............after all you did put in 8% it :rolleyes:

But your kidding me right? You cant work cos you have PTSD? You cant work cos you at accidents work? Do you know 4 people out of 100 people have it and they still go to work. Construction have accidents but they still go to work.

The only real difference is if you take a week off sick in the NHS, they still pay you. The rest of us get statutory sick pay at £116.75 a week. A person with 2 kids cant afford to be off sick and they still have go in. They have to take out personal accident insurance cos no one can afford to be in hospital for too long these days.

And you say your 54 with 30 years NHS service? You only start work at 24 years of age? Did you have time off to have children too?
Well next year you can claim your part of your pension and get off benefits. Or are you going to wait until your 67 living on state handout for a higher payout o_O

I'm not going to sugar coat this, you will be called into the local jobcentre and you will be looking for work soon. If you want to "retire" at 55 claim your pension. Don't ask those forced to work until 67 and beyond to pay for it.
I can't work due to PTSD and several other physical conditions. I have three letters from medical professionals stating that I am not fit to work.
I volunteer at a couple of local charities including Riding for the Disabled.

I don't live in England, I live in Scotland.

I didn't say an accident at work I said an incident. You have no idea of my situation you judgemental prick.

I left school, then uni, then took sh** jobs until I went into nursing. I didn't take sick days (sorry, I had a week off for an operation) and I took minimal time off (holiday and unpaid leave) when I had my family.

The whole system is in ruins, the whole country is.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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I left school, then uni, then took sh** jobs until I went into nursing. I didn't take sick days (sorry, I had a week off for an operation) and I took minimal time off (holiday and unpaid leave) when I had my family.

And this was about 1985/86?

When the rest of us were being £27.50 per week on the YTS at stay at school until you were 21/22? Then took a few sh** jobs?
While the rest of us had 5/6 years behind us, you just entre the work force?
You have PTSD and several other physical condition after working for only 30 years?
And now you want to retire and let the state look after you?

I'm just doing the math here.... by the time your 57 you would have been on state hand outs longer than you worked.

What happens if the rest of us who started work at 16 all get three letters from medical professionals stating that I we're not fit to work when were 46? I'm sure I can get them.

Lets say we all give up work that young?

What do you get then? Oh that nice little 12k per year NHS pension at 55 and the 44k cash pay out? Or are you going to wait until your 60 on state benefits and get even more?


UKChat Initiate
Feb 25, 2023
Reaction score
And this was about 1985/86?

When the rest of us were being £27.50 per week on the YTS at stay at school until you were 21/22? Then took a few sh** jobs?
While the rest of us had 5/6 years behind us, you just entre the work force?
You have PTSD and several other physical condition after working for only 30 years?
And now you want to retire and let the state look after you?

I'm just doing the math here.... by the time your 57 you would have been on state hand outs longer than you worked.

What happens if the rest of us who started work at 16 all get three letters from medical professionals stating that I we're not fit to work when were 46? I'm sure I can get them.

Lets say we all give up work that young?

What do you get then? Oh that nice little 12k per year NHS pension at 55 and the 44k cash pay out? Or are you going to wait until your 60 on state benefits and get even more?
You do know that not all nursing is within the NHS, don't you?

School until 16, sixth form until 17, uni until 21. Few sh** jobs, then nursing.

I don't/won't get a pension.

I receive PIP, well Scottish Adult Disability payment, because I'm entitled to it, moron. Even if I worked full time I could still claim PIP as it isn't income or asset related. It's a payment to help in daily life.

Not everyone on benefits are scroungers or entitled pricks, which is how you're coming across.
I'm not proud of being on benefits but I refuse to be shamed for it by a random judgemental chatroom troll.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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Oh I have so miss judge you... I just thought you were trying to be "smart" and delay taking your pension so you can get more later :rolleyes:

But lets just look at some numbers shall we? Just encase I'm right :eek:


Your estimation​

Tax year 2024/2025

Gross salary£26,000£2,166.67£500
Income Tax£2,686£223.83£51.65
National Insurance£1,343£111.92£25.83
Take home pay£21,971£1,830.92£422.52

Now here is the funny part ;)
At 67 you get the state pension at £221.20 a week.
Well that's £11502.40p per year. Add £26.811 and £11502.40p together and you get £38313.4 :cool:
All that money is taxable.

Your estimation​

Tax year 2024/2025

Gross salary£38,000£3,166.67£730.77
Income Tax£5,086£423.83£97.81
National Insurance£2,543£211.92£48.90
Take home pay£30,371£2,530.92£584.06

Now if you look at both calculations, your see your only £100 per week better off by receiving another £200 per week. And you will have to pay full council tax too so your only really make about £60 per week :p

I bet you feel great about paying all that national insurant now :cool:

Well Kev's scabby old dog needs and new lead and someone needs to pay for it... he wont ;)


Voted UKChat most gorgeous socialist 2022-2023
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Oh God.......... you cant seem to make the connection between public borrowing and austerity :rolleyes:
The last labour government under Tony Blair borrowed so much money it took years to repay it. Public services had to be cut to pay it back !!
And the new labour government is doing it again !!!

You cant make the connected the money you receive from the government to that person stacking beans in Tesco's.

Kev get this into your head, we're all skint. The work force is being taxed to death, the government is borrowing 125% GDP cos they cant tax people anymore. The cost of living is right now is to high.

I know that don't matter to you !!

The rest of us don't matter to you !!

Cos u have nothing to lose !!!

What on earth are you babbling on about now, you irrelevant nincompoop?

Going back to the subject YOU raised, in your paranoid, angry little world, where everyone else is a scrounger and everyone else is at it, conning the system.

The worst bit (scarily so) is that people like you just do not understand how pig ignorant you really are.

Imagine being a man in his late 50s, in 2024, and understanding so little about the contemporary world that surrounds him and the other people in that world.

Imagine not being aware of how debilitating mental illness can be, and is, and when one in four of the UK population will suffer a mental health issue in their lifetime.

Constantly finger wagging and accusing other people of “scrounging” of the state, and all while you shovel saturated fat down your scrawny neck. A chosen lifestyle, that gobbled up scant resources in the NHS, when it then performed heart surgery that saved your life, not once, but twice.

I have also noticed btw, because I DO take notice, is how aggressive you become when a woman (or perceived woman) challenges your views and directly compared to when you pretend it is harmless “banter” when it is a male.

You clearly have issues and I can smell that woman hating misogyny from here. :oops: