How do we HOUSE 2000 + Afgans in the UK ?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Speaking of hotels, I was saddened to see that one of the Afghan special forces that the Paras helped get safely to the UK, was arrested at his hotel by armed police for being a Taliban spy... :rolleyes:


I moved to where I am now approx. 3 years ago, after visiting the town many times as a child. When we came here back in the 80's, around by the Docks, there were no houses and from the flat grounds, you could see across the channel to England. By the time we came back to live here, the Docks were being developed into a housing estate and a massive big Asda had popped up. The development is nearly finished, but most of the houses are still empty. The Docks now just looks like a massive council estate, with a big pond in it and you have to walk up the hills (or go to the beach) to get a view of England.
At the time of building and in the years I've been here, locals were told that it was for affordable housing. Our town has good transport links to Cardiff and Swansea, so they were supposed to bring in the lower-wage City Workers and give lower paid local people the chance to get on the property ladder. However, the rent-to-buy mortgages on them were difficult to get and a few years after being built, many of the houses still stood empty.
Now we've found out that at least 28 of them have been allocated to Afghan refugees, with a view for more to be allocated, once we know how many families our town is taking. We also have local charity drives going at the moment- lots of Facebook groups of locals collecting furniture, clothes, etc for the refugees.

Apologies for the ramble! Lol
In short, the answer to your question is Wales. They'll house them in Wales, because the Welsh will take everyone and as soon as they find out you're coming, they'll collect clothes, food and anything you might need and have it waiting for you.
Unless you're English. If you're English, you can sod off back over the bridge.

Now, please don't ask me if I agree with it. That's a whole new ramble!


Even during the time of the British Empire when British India tried to conquer Afghanistan, the Afghans felt an affinity towards the Welsh and the Scots. Not so much for the English. One has to ask oneself why.

Thank you for your anecdote CrazyCatLady. I know that a lot of the Afghan refugees are/will be very grateful for what the good people of Wales have done. But what really worries me is that these Pakistani-backed clowns (The Taliban) are going back to their old ways and because Afghanistan made some real progress over the past 20 years a lot more Afghans are now going to flee their country. Why ? Because unlike the first time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan some twenty years ago Afghans now know that life can be better.

This is an unbelievable situation. And I blame Pakistan for 90% of Afghanistan's problems. "Revenge is mine" sayeth the Lord. Then may the Lord do ten times to the people of Pakistan what the Taliban do to the people of Afghanistan.
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Briefly read a media story today- not too sure how true it is though....
The Afghans who get refugee status are to work for free for a while to help with the farming labour shortages.

I don't agree with this. Any one who does a fair days work deserves a fair pay. Despite some of my conservative beliefs, I absolutely in no way shape or form could ever agree with slave labour for anyone- ever!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Even during the time of the British Empire when British India tried to conquer Afghanistan, the Afghans felt an affinity towards the Welsh and the Scots. Not so much for the English. One has to ask oneself why.

George Eden was an idiot.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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Build more houses or allow mass migrant camps in Wales and in areas with wide open land mass? That's the only solution i can think of. 2000 + people entering the country, and then having to come up with quick solutions on how to handle living arrangements and all the other things that come with that, is no easy task.


Build more houses or allow mass migrant camps in Wales and in areas with wide open land mass? That's the only solution i can think of. 2000 + people entering the country, and then having to come up with quick solutions on how to handle living arrangements and all the other things that come with that, is no easy task.
Why Wales? If London (i.e. Parliament) want to make decisions for the whole country, they can create the mass migrant camps in their own backyard.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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Why Wales? If London (i.e. Parliament) want to make decisions for the whole country, they can create the mass migrant camps in their own backyard.
Thinking of wide spaces across the UK where you can create these new housing areas for these migrants. So you've got Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland, perhaps the countryside in England. We're talking thousands upon thousands a day coming in, and they'll need to be housed somewhere. It's no easy task, but that's the only solution i can come up with to the poster's original question of how do we house 2000 + Afghans.


Why Wales? If London (i.e. Parliament) want to make decisions for the whole country, they can create the mass migrant camps in their own backyard.
Certain areas are always top of the list when refugees ans asylum seekers need housing.
In England, the NE, areas in greater Manchester and Liverpool, certainly seem to be expected to take in more than other parts of the country.

Oddly enough, the affluent higher end neighbourhoods, where there is more space and certainly more money, remain exclusively untroubled.


I'm still confused as to why the UK has to take any at all and why the safe Muslim countries don't do anything for their brothers and sisters. The last time I heard, Turkey was still a safe place and seeing as India has the world's 3rd largest Muslim population, they really don't have that far to travel to call a safe place 'home'.
You have to wonder exactly WHY our government would rather ship them to somewhere like dreary old Blighty.......
Acceleration of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, seeing as we nipped Merkal's plan in the bud? Or is that too much conspiracy theory for this thread? Lol


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I'm still confused as to why the UK has to take any at all and why the safe Muslim countries don't do anything for their brothers and sisters. The last time I heard, Turkey was still a safe place and seeing as India has the world's 3rd largest Muslim population, they really don't have that far to travel to call a safe place 'home'.
You have to wonder exactly WHY our government would rather ship them to somewhere like dreary old Blighty.......
Acceleration of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, seeing as we nipped Merkal's plan in the bud? Or is that too much conspiracy theory for this thread? Lol

Coudenhove-Kalergi plan..
For talk like that, we need a Tin-Foil hat emoji. :D


UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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I suspect the reality is not four star hotels in the long term but dreary, miserable social housing, no work and shitty weather to boot. The only worm on the hook might be the NHS and benefits, but I still think that's a dream most migrants are fed and that doesn't quite cut the mustard once they've been here a while.


I think it might depend on what they left behind as to whether the UK is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


I moved to where I am now approx. 3 years ago, after visiting the town many times as a child. When we came here back in the 80's, around by the Docks, there were no houses and from the flat grounds, you could see across the channel to England. By the time we came back to live here, the Docks were being developed into a housing estate and a massive big Asda had popped up. The development is nearly finished, but most of the houses are still empty. The Docks now just looks like a massive council estate, with a big pond in it and you have to walk up the hills (or go to the beach) to get a view of England.
At the time of building and in the years I've been here, locals were told that it was for affordable housing. Our town has good transport links to Cardiff and Swansea, so they were supposed to bring in the lower-wage City Workers and give lower paid local people the chance to get on the property ladder. However, the rent-to-buy mortgages on them were difficult to get and a few years after being built, many of the houses still stood empty.
Now we've found out that at least 28 of them have been allocated to Afghan refugees, with a view for more to be allocated, once we know how many families our town is taking. We also have local charity drives going at the moment- lots of Facebook groups of locals collecting furniture, clothes, etc for the refugees.

Apologies for the ramble! Lol
In short, the answer to your question is Wales. They'll house them in Wales, because the Welsh will take everyone and as soon as they find out you're coming, they'll collect clothes, food and anything you might need and have it waiting for you.
Unless you're English. If you're English, you can sod off back over the bridge.

Now, please don't ask me if I agree with it. That's a whole new ramble!
While I am very sympathetic towards those Who are not afghans please try and understand that this is The consequence of a political deal that was made in Qatar between the United States and the Taliban. Maybe the British government should insist that because it is the Americans who opened The door to allow the Taliban back into Afghanistan it should be the American government that accommodates all the afghan refugees coming to Britain.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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While I am very sympathetic towards those Who are not afghans please try and understand that this is The consequence of a political deal that was made in Qatar between the United States and the Taliban. Maybe the British government should insist that because it is the Americans who opened The door to allow the Taliban back into Afghanistan it should be the American government that accommodates all the afghan refugees coming to Britain.

Well some Americans are doing something.
Kim Kardashian paid for private flights for the whole Afghanistan Womens Football team and thier families to be saved.
Thats over 130 people.

So good on her, the USA doing it's bit.

Problem is.
They flew them to the UK.


I am so sick and tired of the west treating the people of Afghanistan in a PIECE MEAL manner.

Enough about women's rights in Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of Afghans are going to die from starvation this winter and your media just keeps banging on about women not being able to do television soap operas any more or how the women's football team has been saved. Enough of this nonsense.

Bread before rights !!!! Afghanistan is at the very bottom of Maslow's pyramid of needs (see attachment).

Everybody's rights improve as a country becomes more prosperous. Everybody's rights diminish as a country descends into abject poverty.

Thank you Donald fucking Trump. You sold out Afghanistan you mother fucker.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I am so sick and tired of the west treating the people of Afghanistan in a PIECE MEAL manner.

Enough about women's rights in Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of Afghans are going to die from starvation this winter and your media just keeps banging on about women not being able to do television soap operas any more or how the women's football team has been saved. Enough of this nonsense.

Bread before rights !!!! Afghanistan is at the very bottom of Maslow's pyramid of needs (see attachment).

Everybody's rights improve as a country becomes more prosperous. Everybody's rights diminish as a country descends into abject poverty.

Thank you Donald fucking Trump. You sold out Afghanistan you mother fucker.

Oswest, mate.

I hear you, yes the Afghan people are going to suffer.
All the aid the USA, UK, EU etc etc sent to Afghanistan, most of it went on bribes.
The "Army" of 300,000 couldn't stop the Taliban, why.
Because the real army size was a lot less than that, the money for those imaginary troops was taken by officials in the government.

Dont blame Trump, yes the guy is an asshole, but the problem pre-dates him and he just wanted a peaceful withdrawel slowly over time, to allow the Afghan government to adapt.
Biden (or his handler) is the asshat who pulled everyone out overnight.
Hell the US troops tried to block the UK troops from getting to the airport with civilians until the Brits levelled weapons and demanded entry to get their people out.

As for Maslow, Afghanistan is a wealthy country, if not for natural resources then for opium growing.
Although the Taliban "threatened" to stop that in favour of growing coffee.

So for Afghanistan, as we see as we have in Africa for many decades, western countries bribing officials for access to natural resourses with very little of the money trickling down to the citizens.

The West simply created a social sector within the cities which was prosperous and "Western" with McDonalds, Starbucks etc a veneer of "Democracy" that looked good for the media.

In reality they never gave the rural districts any kind of prosperity.

It's politics, the corporations own the politicians, who own the foriegn policy departments, who say where the "Aid" money goes, which pays off the local government, who make resource grabs then grease the wheels for the corporations to come in and exploit them.

It's why civil war is preferable to stable societies in less developed nations, easier to deal with desperate despots than stable governments.

Has been that way for hundreds of years.

Your right though, Bjorn Lomborgs works on the economy of climate change and/or poverty as they are linked is a good start if anyone wants to follow real change.

Get people out of poverty, which we have done, the actual number of people in poverty in the world has reduced by 50% in 15 years, an amazing feat, but yes, we can do so much more.

However, that wont do chit for those in Afghanistan this winter who will just become more victims of the West we dont like to talk about.

One has to simply look to the Wests great climate hope Greta Thunberg
"You've stolen my childhood with your empty words"
Without mentioning the 40000 children working in Africas Cobalt mines, to produce the batteries for everything from phones to cars.
Are thier childhoods also stolen when they cant breath.
Cant breathe seems to be very important when a fentonyl addict lies on the ground with a policemans knee on his neck with the George Floyd case.
Not so much for those poor black kids digging in the ground in Africa for what powered the phone that filmed it.

Oops, rant, my bad.