

Life is but a Dream within a dream
Nov 2, 2019
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So we have travelled from 'buzzwords' that piss people off to the accusation that gay men (and women) wearing bondage costumes at gay pride events, all over the world and including the UK, and which isn't illegal, are all weirdos and probably pedos.

I wonder if that allegation also applies to the millions of heterosexual men and women who lapped up the crock of steaming pile of dung that was 50 Shades of Grey.

Or does it just apply to gay men who enjoy wearing bondage costumes?

According to a children's book that did NOT discuss sexuality (in the manner slyly alluded). Rather, depicted images a gay grandfather recalled at gay pride events and a book which was subsequently withdrawn due to an individual complaint from a concerned parent.

Pictures that the author subsequently defended while stating "the illustrations were a faithful representation of Pride celebrations."

Andy Train, chair of the Hull and LGBT+ Forum, who helps organise Hull Pride events, later said-

"I was surprised to see this illustration. I think the illustrator [of the book] was given carte blanche. It's a bit stereotypical. An illustration showing a family waving a trans flag, for example, may have been a better choice. People are free, within the realms of the law, to dress how they want at Pride event. Some people do attend Pride events wearing that kind of clothing, but that tends to be abroad. The weather here rarely lends itself to dressing in a revealing way." :rolleyes:
Pictures that the author subsequently defended while stating "the illustrations were a faithful representation of Pride celebration.. ok then, il show porn to 12 years olds shall I and in my defence say " it's a faithful representation of porn magazines"....wrong audience ! I beleive we need to protect children and yes, if it means going over bowe-ud then make em walk the plank! overbaord it is. Adults on the other hand, they are free to dfo what they want be who they want, sexualilyilily orient how they choose. It's no ones business but their own..innit


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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it's a faithful representation of porn magazines".

I absolutely agree, that children of all ages should not be exposed to porn, of any kind. They already are though, and the conundrum is that sexualised images (from an adult perspective) of teenagers and young women and men are already plastered all over TV, billboards, all over the MSM, the likes of the Daily Mail, the Sun and even broadsheets in the form of advertising and of course also te internet.

The barely legal skinny models, specifically chosen because they look younger than they actually are, wearing skimpy Calvin Klein's, plastered on 40 foot billboards and the outlandish 'erotic' costumes any current pop artist such as Taylor Swift, adored by children, wears, etc.

Children are already bombarded, with what us as adults could perceive as sexualised images, from the day they are born (not literally), their entire childhood and irrespective of the sexuality of the individuals in those images.

Of course, I would argue consumerism and specifically targetting children who have access to far more disposable income, is far more of an issue than a child's book depicting a man wearing a crap bondage costume at a gay pride event. I would also argue, if it had been an image of a man mud bombing in the rain at Glastonbury, in exactly the same attire, in exactly the same book, no one would have given a toss.


'All you need is love'. These beautiful words are being used more and more to sanitize and endorse trash. It was brought to mind by the 4 year old child at nursery who was exposed to a book showing men in bondage gear, along with the words 'all you need is love'. Men will do as they like, but do we need to show it to young children? :(

Oh dear deity I have a lot of trouble believing in....I agree with a certain other poster on everything they/she/he/it has said :oops: I shock myself some days!

Pride is Mardi Gra and costume is meant to be provocative. The permission of it and taking part symbolises freedom and celebration. However, what it was is no longer what it is and the boundaries of what is acceptable viewing for minors are breaking down, just as they are in wider society.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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We don't agree about ANYTHING whatsoever.

N O T H I N G at all!

Never ever ever ever!

Attire at Pride during the 70s and 80s, Pride which was born in the USA in 1970 btw, and on the one-year anniversary of Stonewall, was often far more 'outlandish' than the rather tame costumes worn today and particularly in the 80s.

When the heterosexual (allegedly) Taylor Swift wears a bondagesque outfit on set, flashing her pearls to all and sundry, she is still quite rightly lauded as pop genius and her "sexuality" is as it should be, totally irrelevant.

Parents don't take their 8-year-olds home after a Taylor concert and then complain afterwards about "deviant" homosexuals corrupting their children.

For some reason, I can't post the actual images, badly drawn, but can be googled on the BBC and they are still TAME in comparison to the examples I gave earlier. :mad:


We don't agree about ANYTHING whatsoever.

N O T H I N G at all!

Never ever ever ever!

Attire at Pride during the 70s and 80s, Pride which was born in the USA in 1970 btw, and on the one-year anniversary of Stonewall, was often far more 'outlandish' than the rather tame costumes worn today and particularly in the 80s.

When the heterosexual (allegedly) Taylor Swift wears a bondagesque outfit on set, flashing her pearls to all and sundry, she is still quite rightly lauded as pop genius and her "sexuality" is as it should be, totally irrelevant.

Parents don't take their 8-year-olds home after a Taylor concert and then complain afterwards about "deviant" homosexuals corrupting their children.

For some reason, I can't post the actual images, badly drawn, but can be googled on the BBC and they are still TAME in comparison to the examples I gave earlier. :mad:
I didn't say "we" agreed- I said I agree with you. There's a glaring difference there. Slide your reading glasses up, Sam.

Do you need some lavender oil, this evening? No? Pepto-bismol then?


Life is but a Dream within a dream
Nov 2, 2019
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Oh dear deity I have a lot of trouble believing in....I agree with a certain other poster on everything they/she/he/it has said :oops: I shock myself some days!

Pride is Mardi Gra and costume is meant to be provocative. The permission of it and taking part symbolises freedom and celebration. However, what it was is no longer what it is and the boundaries of what is acceptable viewing for minors are breaking down, just as they are in wider society.
reminds me of those fairy stories and the LORT or narnia type fantasy films where they get told " stay on the path" but noooo, they don't listen do they. Sometimes I feel humanity, society has almostlost shite of that path, not only that some one along the way infront is deliberatly painting over it. I normaly come out with really sh** examples, that just might have been one of em


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Oh, and do NOT distort what I typed into something it isn't.

Do NOT do it!

Ever again!

Children are taught about "mummy" and "daddy" from the very first day that they are born (not literally). Their first words are often "mummy" or "daddy" or "don't kick the dog you bast*ard" and therefore, applying EXACTLY the same logic others appear to be using, are being taught about "sexuality".

It is sweet FA to do with "sex", or even "sex education" (as well you know) to gently introduce a concept to children that "mummy" and "daddy" could possibly be "mummy" and "mummy" or "daddy" and "daddy". :rolleyes:


Oh, and do NOT distort what I typed into something it isn't.

Do NOT do it!

Ever again!

Children are taught about "mummy" and "daddy" from the very first day that they are born (not literally). Their first words are often "mummy" or "daddy" or "don't kick the dog you bast*ard" and therefore, applying EXACTLY the same logic others appear to be using, are being taught about "sexuality".

It is sweet FA to do with "sex", or even "sex education" (as well you know) to gently introduce a concept to children that "mummy" and "daddy" could possibly be "mummy" and "mummy" or "daddy" and "daddy". :rolleyes:
Oh-Kay :oops:
Seriously, Fred/Sam/Kev/Ranty little person on a website, thanks for the education I didn't need nor ask for- done, without fail, in Victor Meldrew style. Do you stamp and scream while typing? Or is that too much multi-tasking?

Not sure where the 'distortion' came in to it. Please, feel free to explain- if your heart can take it at your age, dear. I wouldn't want you to do too much exercise. Especially after all those years of protesting this, that and the brother. Being perpetually angry at others opinions will wear you out, ya know!


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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100% a troll. The pair of them (women, allegedly).

When they load the gun, to provoke a reaction, stop and think before you fire the bullet on their behalf, after which they will sit back smelling of "roses" and you will sit there with egg on your face. :D


100% a troll. The pair of them (women, allegedly).

When they load the gun, to provoke a reaction, stop and think before you fire the bullet on their behalf, after which they will sit back smelling of "roses" and you will sit there with egg on your face. :D
Aww, Victor- thank you for the welcome home!
And wow- what a review! I am wondering who the other one is though. Are you seeing double?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Anyone can get a university degree these days, and so they are pointless.

So why haven't you got one then? What they do mean is you will statistically earn more over a lifetime, have far more choice over your career path, far more opportunity and have an improved lifestyle, and live longer.

So why wouldn't you have one? ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Free speech
Cancel culture

Free speech is allowing people you don't like, to say things you don't like.
And there's another old saying, something along the lines of... ' I disagree of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'
If only people were prepared to listen to opposing views instead of trying to get them cancelled. :(


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Cancel culture. Followed by a tirade about what they want cancelled, and which is usually quite a lot.
[IMG alt="WickedPerdition"][/IMG]


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.​

JoinedDec 22, 2019Messages1,148Reaction score606
I wanted to update my list with two highly-favoured catchwords being frequently used by the media and various presenters:

*Cancel culture

*Virtue signalling

It amuses me how certain phrases soon gather momentum and become adopted so readily by our (exponentially) ever-increasing, 'woke' society.

Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
.... © Actions speak louder than words ©
  • Like1693103287094.gif
You're nearly 2 years late with reporting this, as the above post illustrates. Do try to keep up with the times.
Oh, I apologise. You are new here, aren't you?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You're nearly 2 years late with reporting this, as the above post illustrates.

I didn't resurrect the thread, old bean.

Do try to keep up with the times.

Sign of the times?

Oh, I apologise. You are new here, aren't you?

No need for an apology, but what exactly has being "new" got to do with taking the piss out of the same people trying to cancel the same things.... for years on end? ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Free speech
Cancel culture

Free speech is allowing people you don't like, to say things you don't like.
And there's another old saying, something along the lines of... ' I disagree of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'
If only people were prepared to listen to opposing views instead of trying to get them cancelled. :(

“Ideas that students readily understood ten to 15 years ago, they struggle to understand today,” Peter Dorey, professor of British politics at the University of Cardiff, told the Commons inquiry in 2009.
“Many of them are semi-literate.”
Dorey described seminars in which students sat listlessly, waiting to be told how to “pass our exams”.
“They will brazenly admit to having read nothing,” he told the hearing.

The Great University Con.

When I went to Uni back in feck.. 1992 it was easier because I was mature student in the field I was studying.
The main problem I had was keeping up with the parties that were going on.
The students I worked beside worked hard, some partied hard, they got the grades they put effort into.
I quit my first foray into Uni cause it was to basic, it was chit I had been doing for a few years as a job so I was well ahead of the curve.

When I went back to uni in 2000 it was very different, it was for a subject I didnt know much about apart from academic curiosity.
I did most of my work through Open University, but still had lectures and seminars to attend.
Yes I was a lot older than the students I was sat beside, but the quality of the syllabus was very different than I expected.

What struck me most was the lack of work ethic.
When I first went to Uni the lecturers were always on our ass about getting things done on time and with real thought.
When I went the second time, it seemed much more lackadaisical.

As Lady says, I also found that some of the views I had were, problematic.
Other students would challenge me on my views, which was fine, always loved a good debate.
For example:-
I asked how do we address the long term mental health issues of some women who had abortions?
I was met with a wall of "You can't ask that"
Even though we knew it did from many peer reviewed studies at the time.

They would not actually listen, simply repeat the bog standard talking points.

That was over 15 years ago whilst still studying part time, things have got so much worse today according to people I know who have been to Uni within the last 5 years.

As a slight aside..
My brother who has 1 GCSE, no college, no Uni has just landed himself a job paying 90K a year.
He is self taught and damned good at what he does.
So I would say that a University education these days actually does more harm than good.

Lackadaisical :)


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Global boiling... Yes, they've raised the stakes :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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'The adults are back in the room.' Since Labour came to power, I'm hearing this more and more in the media. Such a puerile comment. :rolleyes:
Labour, Adults, thats why they want to lower voting age to 16.

Adults.. tis a joke.