Being Agnostic

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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Lollin at just chill. I think if its not recorded somewhere there must be a 100% chill failure rate from that phrase alone when uttered in a debate haha
Oh come on, it's meant as a "Just dont bother, aint worth it"
As for his shagging.
Do you really wanna know?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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You have a vested interest, or a desire for him?


Foxy love ❤️
Apr 29, 2023
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Oh come on, it's meant as a "Just dont bother, aint worth it"
As for his shagging.
Do you really wanna know?
Lol I read it in sark but then I would...and absolutely not see above meme haha


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Lol I read it in sark but then I would...and absolutely not see above meme haha
If your that invested, then just go ahead, make him yours.
You will be happy together I'm sure.

edit, had to add the go.. just to be sure


Many years ago, a partner told me a tale where she began to suspect all wasn't what it seemed with her 'loving' moggie. The cat would brush up against her face with its head in bed, purring, and begin to softly nibble her cheek. One day, she pretended to be asleep, and the cat actually started digging its teeth in and gently biting her. My partner reached the conclusion that the cat was just on a trial run, before the cat did actually eat her, lol.

I know lots of cat tales, but one more recent one is really rather spooky. My neighbour is in her 90s and sadly lost her much loved cat. On exactly the same day and in the early evening, a stray randomly appeared on her garden wall, and they have been together ever since. It sits on the dividing wall and takes the piss out of my dog in that aloof manner only cats have mastered. My dog is a 39 kilo American Bulldog who was intended to be a guard dog because of the errrr, rough area I live in. The problem is, in the five years I have had her she has only barked a handful of times, and as it turned out she is more of a love bug than a guard dog and I do occasionally worry what would happen to her if anything happened to me.

My cats are little lickers and biters- one has a thing for thumbs and noses, so at least I know what will disappear first. Another has an ear-nibbling fetish and is very 'kissy'. It's not sweet, it's not pleasant and it absolutely means they own me rather than they love me. Nevertheless, they are free to leave me every day and yet they don't, so for that I endure.

I will give you another cat story. When I was newly breaking into being a crazy cat lady, I had 2 cats- one white and black (a Felix cat), the other pure black. Pure Black went missing soon after we got cat number 3- a kitten I will call Fluffy Black. She was a smaller identical replica of Pure. We had also recently moved into a house from a flat and for the first time, the two older cats were starting to go out, so when he went missing, we assumed he may have made his way back to the flat. Did all the appropriate actions- reported him to council, cat charities, vets, etc and put up missing posters offering a reward. Went back to our old flat and spoke to neighbours and when speaking to one- an old lady who used to come and feed Pure through the kitchen window- I commented to my son that I thought she was lying. There was something in her response when I asked about him- it was delayed and she couldn't wait to get away from me, despite usually being a chatter.
In the months to come, I stalked the flats- which was easy given that my son went to school nearby- but didn't see Pure. Months later, I fostered a mother and her kittens who had been abandoned in one of the empty properties in our road; neutered and rehomed Mum and ended up keeping 3 of the kittens, which were all black cats (and ultimately, becoming a crazy cat lady!).
Nearly 6 years later, we heard that our neighbour died and lo and behold, three months later, a Pure Black cat turns up on my back door step. My white cat seemed to recognise him immediately and let him straight in, whereas with other male cats he was usually defensive.

But, a cat turning up after 6 years is not the unusual thing. It's that a few weeks later, my white cat was killed at the age of 9 and many years later, when Pure Black was slipping away at the age of 16, a white cat appeared on my back wall. My 14 year old Fluffy Black died suddenly a few weeks after Pure Black and in the weeks after her death, the white cat has made itself at home.
Strangely, the three I have left have let it straight in.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I had Benny, named after Benson and Hedges lol.

He was pure black until he argued with some steel wire, then he had these white hairs on his front legs, we called the sergeant stripes lol
Then we got the twins, Merry and Pippin.

So cute, but Pippen got hit by a car coming come when she saw my ex pulling up outside, Merry was always a home body, but went missing.

We put out fliers everywhere and eventually someone from the council answered us, there was a cat living in the basement of the council office matching Merries description.

We went down there, she ran to my ex, I was outside trying to park the car, we took her to the vets, she was underweight but fine.

Moral of the story.
You always find what you love if your lucky.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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My cats are little lickers and biters- one has a thing for thumbs and noses, so at least I know what will disappear first. Another has an ear-nibbling fetish and is very 'kissy'. It's not sweet, it's not pleasant and it absolutely means they own me rather than they love me. Nevertheless, they are free to leave me every day and yet they don't, so for that I endure.

I will give you another cat story. When I was newly breaking into being a crazy cat lady, I had 2 cats- one white and black (a Felix cat), the other pure black. Pure Black went missing soon after we got cat number 3- a kitten I will call Fluffy Black. She was a smaller identical replica of Pure. We had also recently moved into a house from a flat and for the first time, the two older cats were starting to go out, so when he went missing, we assumed he may have made his way back to the flat. Did all the appropriate actions- reported him to council, cat charities, vets, etc and put up missing posters offering a reward. Went back to our old flat and spoke to neighbours and when speaking to one- an old lady who used to come and feed Pure through the kitchen window- I commented to my son that I thought she was lying. There was something in her response when I asked about him- it was delayed and she couldn't wait to get away from me, despite usually being a chatter.
In the months to come, I stalked the flats- which was easy given that my son went to school nearby- but didn't see Pure. Months later, I fostered a mother and her kittens who had been abandoned in one of the empty properties in our road; neutered and rehomed Mum and ended up keeping 3 of the kittens, which were all black cats (and ultimately, becoming a crazy cat lady!).
Nearly 6 years later, we heard that our neighbour died and lo and behold, three months later, a Pure Black cat turns up on my back door step. My white cat seemed to recognise him immediately and let him straight in, whereas with other male cats he was usually defensive.

But, a cat turning up after 6 years is not the unusual thing. It's that a few weeks later, my white cat was killed at the age of 9 and many years later, when Pure Black was slipping away at the age of 16, a white cat appeared on my back wall. My 14 year old Fluffy Black died suddenly a few weeks after Pure Black and in the weeks after her death, the white cat has made itself at home.
Strangely, the three I have left have let it straight in.

What a great tale, but also a poignant reminder that our pets don't get the time with us on this earth that they deserve! As someone who grew up with dogs and cats and other small furry critters, I have one golden rule, anyone who doesn't like pets/animals/furry things is a wrong un. :)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I do draw the line at "Furry"
To many sexual connotations there.

Funny how a religious debate turned into this.

Such are forums :)


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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It's a meme ffs.

Seriously, many people come on here to discuss ideas, to have fun, to just talk about sh**.
Don't belittle them because they don't come up to your standards of vocabulary.

Mate, you can have fun with words no matter how well they are crafted, it is the point that counts.

Sure, if someone comments on your spelling or grammer, have fun with it, but always remember, theres always someone out there smarter than you.

Thats why I love chat, I get challenged on everything and anything I say.
Makes me think and re-evaluate my thinking.

I was such an arrogant asshole all those years ago when I first started chatting, now I hope not so much.

Just chill lol.

To start with 'Grammar Nazi' is not a meme. It's a hackneyed insult commonly used in chat-based websites by people with inferiority complexes.
I was going to suggest that you were deliberately misspelling and avoiding correct punctuation to annoy me, then I realised that this is typical of your typing and which others have picked up on, and even mocked.
I also have to say that I see very little, if anything, of you in the chatrooms; not even the Debate Room, which I would have thought was your first port of call.
Who are you trying to fool that you have learnt from past experiences and adjusted your attitude accordingly?
Excuse me for be so sceptical.



Funny how a religious debate turned into this.

Such are forums :)
Funny how a religious debate turned into a conversation about cats?
It's not funny- it's their plan :oops:
I told you all.....they're controlling the planet....


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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And I still don't know if he's shagging Paul's ex wife which the only reason I'm reading this lengthy squabbling dross
My dear woman, I have already stated that I am not having sexual intercourse with Paul1003's 'EX-wife'.
Please pay attention to my replies as it will save you embarrassing yourself in future.
Furthermore: what has got to do with you if I am/was or will be?



Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Funny how a religious debate turned into a conversation about cats?
It's not funny- it's their plan :oops:
I told you all.....they're controlling the planet....
No, they are not. But, I am beginning to think that they ARE controlling you.
Who knows, they might even be using thought control and forcing you to type in this manner.



No, they are not. But, I am beginning to think that they ARE controlling you.
Who knows, they might even be using thought control and forcing you to type in this manner.

Yeah, no. Cats use torture techniques and death threats to control humans. Much of it is disguised in tokens of affection, such as weaving in between your legs while walking down the stairs, sitting on your face while sleeping- that kind of stuff.

This is all me, unfortunately.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The ME ME ME ME ME ME MEME that is the Grammar and Spelling Nazi.

PunctiliousPundit - Dispensing punctilious advice with an air of egotistical superiority, because every misplaced comma deserves a condescending comment.

grammar nazi.jpg

KeyboardKhan - A conqueror in the digital realm, typing away with a relentless desire to dominate and control the narrative.

grammar nazi.png
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Funny how a religious debate turned into a conversation about cats?
It's not funny- it's their plan :oops:
I told you all.....they're controlling the planet....
Pussy controls all men.



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Fresh out of Red Leicester
Mar 1, 2024
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At the risk of poorly quoting Monty Python for a second time in one evening...

There's nothing an agnostic can't achieve, so long as they don't know whether they believe in anything or not