1st date . Issue 2 .


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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As the other thread seems to have been deleted but with no explanation i`ll try again but add a word of warning . I think the reason the first thread has gone is that a member mentioned the real name of their 1st date . This may constitute a breach of Privacy but i wish whoever removed the thread would have told me .Surely deleting one post would be easy enough?.

Anyway, i`m not repeating my 1st date experiences but to say that it was set up to meet at the local bus station and she was sitting on the wall as i cycled into town but i chickened out last minute and just carried on back to home :).

How about yours ?


I didn't have a 1st date until I was 19. It was a blind date. My mate said that she was off out for drinks with her fella and his pal, could I possibly come along so that she didn't feel awkward, and her fella had told the exact same crap to his mate too..

I had met this guy before though, and didn't like him much, his idea of a fun night out was to get drunk, have a fight, eat kabab and go home.

So fight guy, me, my mate and her fella, were out, and we had done a few pubs, I'd refused to speak to fight guy, but my mate insisted that he liked me blah blah. We ended up in a pub, where it was a little skinny blokes birthday, seriously, if he'd turned sideways you wouldn't see him at all, that's how thin he was. Anyway, his mates sat him on a chair in the middle of the pub, and in came The BlubberGram. It's a person who's kinda like a stripper, but BIG.. Really Really BIG..

She went over (doing her sexy thang) to skinny bloke, sat on him with full force, and I kid you not, skinny bloke disappeared..!!

Well that was me and fight guy, actually wetting ourselves with laughter, our mates that set us up didn't find it funny, which made us laugh even harder.. We got talking, we found out, we loved the same music, food, jokes, style.. We had the same wishes in life etc..

I married him.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I didn't have a 1st date until I was 19. It was a blind date. My mate said that she was off out for drinks with her fella and his pal, could I possibly come along so that she didn't feel awkward, and her fella had told the exact same crap to his mate too..

I had met this guy before though, and didn't like him much, his idea of a fun night out was to get drunk, have a fight, eat kabab and go home.

So fight guy, me, my mate and her fella, were out, and we had done a few pubs, I'd refused to speak to fight guy, but my mate insisted that he liked me blah blah. We ended up in a pub, where it was a little skinny blokes birthday, seriously, if he'd turned sideways you wouldn't see him at all, that's how thin he was. Anyway, his mates sat him on a chair in the middle of the pub, and in came The BlubberGram. It's a person who's kinda like a stripper, but BIG.. Really Really BIG..

She went over (doing her sexy thang) to skinny bloke, sat on him with full force, and I kid you not, skinny bloke disappeared..!!

Well that was me and fight guy, actually wetting ourselves with laughter, our mates that set us up didn't find it funny, which made us laugh even harder.. We got talking, we found out, we loved the same music, food, jokes, style.. We had the same wishes in life etc..

I married him.
Does he still use the pubs for a fight though ?;)


Does he still use the pubs for a fight though ?;)
Nahhh he gave that up when we got together. We divorced after 10 years, but are really got friends. He would only fight now if trouble came looking, he's a good guy.


UKChat Expert
Feb 20, 2020
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As the other thread seems to have been deleted but with no explanation i`ll try again but add a word of warning . I think the reason the first thread has gone is that a member mentioned the real name of their 1st date . This may constitute a breach of Privacy but i wish whoever removed the thread would have told me .Surely deleting one post would be easy enough?.

Anyway, i`m not repeating my 1st date experiences but to say that it was set up to meet at the local bus station and she was sitting on the wall as i cycled into town but i chickened out last minute and just carried on back to home :).

How about yours ?
Hell, I owe you an apology. It was me who sabotaged your first thread, though not intentionally of course (hmmm...wonders if sabotage can be anything BUT intentional?). Anyway, I typed a surname in reply to a chatter's post on your thread. It isn't her real surname by the way; I know this. But it was enough to get the powers that be worried I guess about personal data issues. A mod was nice enough to ask me to edit my post to delete the fictitious surname, but by the time I read this advice, the thread had already been pulled as I hadn't acted fast enough. Hope this clarifies.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Hell, I owe you an apology. It was me who sabotaged your first thread, though not intentionally of course (hmmm...wonders if sabotage can be anything BUT intentional?). Anyway, I typed a surname in reply to a chatter's post on your thread. It isn't her real surname by the way; I know this. But it was enough to get the powers that be worried I guess about personal data issues. A mod was nice enough to ask me to edit my post to delete the fictitious surname, but by the time I read this advice, the thread had already been pulled as I hadn't acted fast enough. Hope this clarifies.
I had to guess at this mate. Nobody informed me about it apart from one chatter suggesting that it might be something which was typed against Rules. I never had chance to read any of the other posts as it was gone before i saw it. On rethink i did think maybe it was your mention of a real persons name which might be read by said person or living relatives.
No problems mate ,i restarted the thread now :). Just a plea to posters ...please don`t use personal names in replies !


UKChat Expert
May 19, 2018
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I went out on my first date when I was a teenager with another girl to watch an ice hockey game. Afterwards we went back to where she lived with her parents and I stayed the night there. We were together for 2 years

I'm no longer with her and my current partner is a girl from work who I am getting married to in May 2022


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
I went out on my first date when I was a teenager with another girl to watch an ice hockey game. Afterwards we went back to where she lived with her parents and I stayed the night there. We were together for 2 years

I'm no longer with her and my current partner is a girl from work who I am getting married to in May 2022
Congratulations and i hope everything goes well for you both x


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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I went out on my first date when I was a teenager with another girl to watch an ice hockey game. Afterwards we went back to where she lived with her parents and I stayed the night there. We were together for 2 years

I'm no longer with her and my current partner is a girl from work who I am getting married to in May 2022
Congratulations to both, wish you all the best. [ p,s am free to be bridesmaid lol]


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
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I went on a first date to watch Top gun ,

We chose the back row as there was nowhere else to sit ,

We Sat there real decent like , leg's crossed and enjoyed Goose and Maverick ,

I did ask for a Kiss when i heard "I want Viper" ,

She said "No" and could i please not be rude.

In hindsight i should Married her and then asked.

Ty for reading my story o_O


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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I've had a few first dates over the years. One with a Welsh woman to a party, another was a non-date but the woman thought it was, even though i didn't show any interest and i was just being polite. She even brought her kid along, which i thought was a bit strange. I mean who brings their child for a meal with a stranger? But i said i wasn't interested, as she proceeded to call me a womaniser, and then asked to borrow money. I had to block her from social media in the end because she wouldn't leave me alone. Just too much. And then the last one was at a pub, which was a pleasant experience.


UKChat Expert
Feb 20, 2020
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I've had a few first dates over the years. One with a Welsh woman to a party, another was a non-date but the woman thought it was, even though i didn't show any interest and i was just being polite. She even brought her kid along, which i thought was a bit strange. I mean who brings their child for a meal with a stranger? But i said i wasn't interested, as she proceeded to call me a womaniser, and then asked to borrow money. I had to block her from social media in the end because she wouldn't leave me alone. Just too much. And then the last one was at a pub, which was a pleasant experience.
Wocjik....this is a cross both of us must bear with dignity. We are just both too damn irresistible to women! :D

Maybe your non-date who thought it was a date couldn't find a babysitter and just wanted to show you what you might be getting yourself into down the line. Oh, and that she was fertile too!


UKChat Familiar
Nov 30, 2020
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One first date I had the guy would NOT stop touching my face (considered he might have been secretly blind decided he was just a pratt) and I dont mean like my cheek it was my forehead, my chin, side of my eyes......

Got a preplanned call from my mate, used it as an excuse to leave he walked me to my car. Carries on touching me lunges in for a kiss at which time my knee became suddenly attracted to his delicate area. Totally knee jerk reaction (excuse the pun) panicked and drove off sharpish


UKChat Expert
Feb 20, 2020
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One first date I had the guy would NOT stop touching my face (considered he might have been secretly blind decided he was just a pratt) and I dont mean like my cheek it was my forehead, my chin, side of my eyes......

Got a preplanned call from my mate, used it as an excuse to leave he walked me to my car. Carries on touching me lunges in for a kiss at which time my knee became suddenly attracted to his delicate area. Totally knee jerk reaction (excuse the pun) panicked and drove off sharpish
and don't tell me, two years later you were married to him and expecting your first child (despite significant groin trauma) :)


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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Wocjik....this is a cross both of us must bear with dignity. We are just both too damn irresistible to women! :D

Maybe your non-date who thought it was a date couldn't find a babysitter and just wanted to show you what you might be getting yourself into down the line. Oh, and that she was fertile too!

I'm just glad i lived to tell the tale lol. Asking me to come round to help search for her kid's hamster at 10pm that had apparently escaped. I politely declined.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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One first date I had the guy would NOT stop touching my face (considered he might have been secretly blind decided he was just a pratt) and I dont mean like my cheek it was my forehead, my chin, side of my eyes......

Got a preplanned call from my mate, used it as an excuse to leave he walked me to my car. Carries on touching me lunges in for a kiss at which time my knee became suddenly attracted to his delicate area. Totally knee jerk reaction (excuse the pun) panicked and drove off sharpish

Did he mention he was blind or had limited sight before you met him? That's some secret to keep from your date if that was the case.


UKChat Familiar
Nov 30, 2020
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Did he mention he was blind or had limited sight before you met him? That's some secret to keep from your date if that was the case.
No and him looking at every woman that passed us kinda confirmed he wasnt lol