NHS workers will have to be fully vaccinated by April 1st.



The expected news is now confirmed.
Frontline NHS workers will have be fully vaccinated against Covid by next Spring if they want to keep their positions.

This follows the mandatory vaccination rule of carers who work in care facilities.

Good news or not?


It's a vaccine, not a repellent. Doesn't stop vaccinated people catching covid nor spreading it. Makes no sense to me


It makes no sense to me that people who work in a caring profession, would put themselves, but more importantly the people they are caring for, in more danger of catching a potentially deadly virus.

"Multiple studies suggest being vaccinated significantly reduces the chance of testing positive for COVID-19. In October, the results of an ONS COVID-19 infection study showed that being fully vaccinated provided the best protection.30 Oct 2021."
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No vaccine ever invented is 100% effective or 100% safe.
But the number of people badly affected by the covid vaccination is miniscule compared to the many millions of people who are made extremely ill by the virus and the 5 million plus who have so far died from it.
There is a lot of propaganda spread around by anti-vaxxers, who will post the most ridiculous claims about how the vaccine will affect you.

Look at the information given by the majority of trusted medical experts and scientists, who have for years studied vaccines, and have worked tirelessly on the Covid 19 one.
Get info from more trusted sites, for eg, the NHS, the WHO, compare the updated figures with the ONS.
The more info you have the better you can make your own judgment.
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UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
No vaccine ever invented is 100% effective or 100% safe.
But the number of people badly affected by the covid vaccination is miniscule compared to the many millions of people who are made extremely ill by the virus and the 5 million plus who have so far died from it.
There is a lot of propaganda spread around by anti-vaxxers, who will post the most ridiculous claims about how the vaccine will affect you.

Look at the information given by the majority of trusted medical experts and scientists, who have for years studied vaccines, and have worked tirelessly on the Covid 19 one.
Get info from more trusted sites, for eg, the NHS, the WHO, compare the updated figures with the ONS.
The more info you have the better you can make your own judgment.
Now why would you believe your "experts" when they didn't even know enough to not use a fraudulent test to determine the extent of the spread? Did you believe that that would be the last time they would try to fool you by committing fraud? Why would you go on believing those who allowed a fraudulent test to be used? Not only that, they also allowed the cycle-threshold of the fraudulent test to be turned up to level that they themselves have said would give meaningless results. So, why are you still listening to them?


What fraudulent test are you referring to?

I have directed you to the sites that give updated figures.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
Reaction score
I wonder whatever happened to the "Clap for the NHS" that occurred during the heights of the pandemic. I've even seen videos of care workers and nurses in tears online because they've had to leave their profession of twenty or so plus years, because they've refused to take the vaccines.
So If that's how we intend on treating the people who worked on the front line from the very beginning, then we really have fallen as a people and society.

And i chose to get fully vaccinated, but i don't agree with mandatory vaccinations. I think people should have the choice on whether or not they want to get it. I certainly don't think anyone should lose their jobs over it, neither do i think people should be forced into segregation and treated any differently, which in my opinion is evil.
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I wonder whatever happened to the "Clap for the NHS" that occurred during the heights of the pandemic. I've even seen videos of care workers and nurses in tears online because they've had to leave their profession of twenty or so plus years, because they've refused to take the vaccines.
So If that's how we intend on treating the people who worked on the front line from the very beginning, then we really have fallen as a people and society.
I believe the woman who suggested the 'Clap for the NHS' also announced (after many weeks of clapping) that the point had been made and it was time to stop.
To be honest, I was glad when it ended, mainly because if I was busy on any particular Thursrday night...I felt guilty for not clapping and showing support.

I don't agree with the rest of your post.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
What fraudulent test are you referring to?
I'm afraid that if my mention of "cycle-threshold" did not tip you off as to what I'm referring to, then you are uninformed.
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Very soon the UK will be in the same realm as Austria, and about time too.

Lockdown for all those, who, without a valid medical reason, are unvaccinated.

That is if the bloody idiot in charge grows some balls.

It cannot come soon enough.

The rest of Europe will follow Austria very soon, as the plague spreaders continue to harm others.

Lock 'em up!


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
Very soon the UK will be in the same realm as Austria, and about time too.

Lockdown for all those, who, without a valid medical reason, are unvaccinated.

That is if the bloody idiot in charge grows some balls.

It cannot come soon enough.

The rest of Europe will follow Austria very soon, as the plague spreaders continue to harm others.

Lock 'em up!
What? You're not even curious about the fraud?


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
Informed enough to get double jabbed and boosted so as to protect myself and others.:cool:
But not informed enough to know that you will still transmit it to others. You didn't know that, did you?


But not informed enough to know that you will still transmit it to others. You didn't know that, did you?
Yes of course I knew that....I am not an idiot, are you?

Fully vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus so are less likely to pass it on.
If they do get infected they are much less likely to become seriously ill, end up in hospital, or die.

Instead of writing misleading one liners on a public forum ... go and educate yourself.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
Fully vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus so are less likely to pass it on.
If they do get infected they are much less likely to become seriously ill, end up in hospital, or die.
I'm betting that some liars in white coats made you believe that.

Could you cite something to show how they arrived at that conclusion.

I already have better than a 99% chance of surviving it if I get it. Someone must have decided that you were ripe for the picking; that is, hysterical enough to buy into the idea that without that extra 1% protection, you'll surely die. Your fear has caused you to forget what percentages mean.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction score
Why don't you "cite" evidence to support your stance?
Here, let me help you. Someone made a claim about the experimental injection. I asked them to cite something to prove it. They failed.

Would you like to take a crack at it?