Should men dye their hair and have botox?


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I just read some of Percy's posts. Don't understand why I was mistaken for him- his lack of punctuation, lack of capital letters at the beginning of sentences and also his views- that's just for starters.

Also don't know why this bothered me.
I need to get laid! Lol

The first rule before adopting a new persona is to delete any incriminating posts. Then you can begin a new existence by changing your typing style, having different views etc (just surmising). :)
As for 'laid' - the longer you go without it, the less you need it ;)


The first rule before adopting a new persona is to delete any incriminating posts. Then you can begin a new existence by changing your typing style, having different views etc (just surmising). :)
As for 'laid' - the longer you go without it, the less you need it ;)
Ahh, now I wouldn't know that rule, cos I've never done it!
First rule about my writing- it will always have punctuation, and capital letters at the beginning of sentences. If I'm going to be accused of having multiple internet personalities, please deem me the respect of accusing me of being someone with good grammar and comma's.

Funny thing is, I will get bored of here and go back to doing my ancestry or get to the point where I can't be bothered with the silly accusations and go elsewhere, then in my absence, someone else will sign up (because lets face it, there are people signing up allllll the time), post a couple of things and you lot will accuse them of being me! Lol

This kind of group behaviour on a forum is quite interesting, given that the most (if any) are not personally involved with one another- how you all seemed to follow the opinion of one or two avatars and how a few of you grouped together to supposedly 'out' the person you perceived as fake. The fact that even in a place like this, there are still primal group membership mentalities actually says a lot about humans.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Ahh, now I wouldn't know that rule, cos I've never done it!
First rule about my writing- it will always have punctuation, and capital letters at the beginning of sentences. If I'm going to be accused of having multiple internet personalities, please deem me the respect of accusing me of being someone with good grammar and comma's.

Funny thing is, I will get bored of here and go back to doing my ancestry or get to the point where I can't be bothered with the silly accusations and go elsewhere, then in my absence, someone else will sign up (because lets face it, there are people signing up allllll the time), post a couple of things and you lot will accuse them of being me! Lol

This kind of group behaviour on a forum is quite interesting, given that the most (if any) are not personally involved with one another- how you all seemed to follow the opinion of one or two avatars and how a few of you grouped together to supposedly 'out' the person you perceived as fake. The fact that even in a place like this, there are still primal group membership mentalities actually says a lot about humans.
The first rule about writing on here is that if the post is more than a few sentences long, many won't read it, short span of attention and all that.
I take your point about getting bored on here, maybe that's why some change names. I know I did... and I have deleted the old name so as not to be in breach of the one name per account rule. Group behaviour? you mean cliques.. yes, it is interesting... a reciprocal agreement to like each other's posts, targeting the same people, that does go on, but it is what it is (whatever that means). Just enjoy the forum for what it is - I know I do... I am getting that itchy feet feeling again... Perhaps i'll come back as a fanatical Labour supporter, fight the class war, solidarity brother! and all that nonsense :rolleyes:


The first rule about writing on here is that if the post is more than a few sentences long, many won't read it, short span of attention and all that.
I take your point about getting bored on here, maybe that's why some change names. I know I did... and I have deleted the old name so as not to be in breach of the one name per account rule. Group behaviour? you mean cliques.. yes, it is interesting... a reciprocal agreement to like each other's posts, targeting the same people, that does go on, but it is what it is (whatever that means). Just enjoy the forum for what it is - I know I do... I am getting that itchy feet feeling again... Perhaps i'll come back as a fanatical Labour supporter, fight the class war, solidarity brother! and all that nonsense :rolleyes:
I had to laugh at your last line. There is a lot of politics around here and stupidly, I didn't expect that- very naïve! I'm just opinionated, rather than political. No matter the side you're on, no one really wins.

I'm not one for popularity contests- if it's in fashion and everyone's doing it, wanting to be part of a crowd and a scene, I'll be the weirdo in the background, flipping everyone off. Cliques are things I run from and unfortunately, my mantra has never been 'be kind'. I have no loyalty to anything with 2 legs- online or in real life. The only clique I've been supposedly linked with here is with Bad Influence (from what I can see) and this is simply because I'm a covid sceptic.
So the simple act of a like on a post determines the group. My god! It used to be Oasis fans against Blur fans and now it's covid fans against covid sceptics! Pmsl I suppose this is a reflection of how humans think- having to be a part of something- a common belief- to feel what? Protected? Validated?

Yeah, I will often apologise for my long posts, because I am aware I ramble and talk sh!t! Lol Blogging background, amateur writer and very close friend of Mary Jane- short and sweet is almost an impossibility and if someone manages to read it all, they frankly deserve my time for a reply! Bloody soldiers! Lol


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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The only clique I've been supposedly linked with here is with Bad Influence (from what I can see) and this is simply because I'm a covid sceptic.

I sort of doubt that. Bad claims that there are NO cliques on here and he lambasts me if i dare say that there are .:).
Btw, he has changed his nickname now so you`ll need to do a bit of detective work to find him :D.


I sort of doubt that. Bad claims that there are NO cliques on here and he lambasts me if i dare say that there are .:).
Btw, he has changed his nickname now so you`ll need to do a bit of detective work to find him :D.
Well, perhaps he's not part of a clique, because 2 or a few people that agree on the same thing isn't really a clique? But it's viewed as that by others that think of social groups and those that share an opinion as 'cliques'.
This is a matter of perception and raises the question, how is membership of a clique determined? By the existing members or self-anointed?
(Reading this back, how the hell did no one mistake me for Moriarty?!?!)

To be fair, Hells, I like puzzles and true crime mysteries on Netflix, but 'outing' multiple personalities on public chat forums is another kind of boredom that I don't have. If Bad wants to show himself to me, I'm sure he will. If he doesn't, he doesn't.


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
Ahh, now I wouldn't know that rule, cos I've never done it!
First rule about my writing- it will always have punctuation, and capital letters at the beginning of sentences. If I'm going to be accused of having multiple internet personalities, please deem me the respect of accusing me of being someone with good grammar and comma's.

Funny thing is, I will get bored of here and go back to doing my ancestry or get to the point where I can't be bothered with the silly accusations and go elsewhere, then in my absence, someone else will sign up (because lets face it, there are people signing up allllll the time), post a couple of things and you lot will accuse them of being me! Lol

This kind of group behaviour on a forum is quite interesting, given that the most (if any) are not personally involved with one another- how you all seemed to follow the opinion of one or two avatars and how a few of you grouped together to supposedly 'out' the person you perceived as fake. The fact that even in a place like this, there are still primal group membership mentalities actually says a lot about humans.
You were doing so well up till then. The plural of comma is commas. Why do people completely misuse apostrophes? One for another thread? ...


You were doing so well up till then. The plural of comma is commas. Why do people completely misuse apostrophes? One for another thread? ...
Damn that bifta! Should never smoke and write. Causes the mass abuse of apostrophes....and ellipses.....and the word 'and'....and exclamation marks!!!!!!


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
Damn that bifta! Should never smoke and write. Causes the mass abuse of apostrophes....and ellipses.....and the word 'and'....and exclamation marks!!!!!!
Perhaps you should consider quitting both.
Let me say that there's a place for frivolity; and it definitely isn't here.



Perhaps you should consider quitting both.
Let me say that there's a place for frivolity; and it definitely isn't here.


I will consider quitting the abuse of punctuation, because it's the ethical thing to do, but smoking? Are you kidding me? You have seen my posts, right? Now, imagine those without the dulling effect of Mary and on withdrawal of nicotine. That's not a pretty picture now, is it?
Plus, I've grown attached to my smoker's cough. It's an involuntary joke on covid-paranoids when I'm out in public.

And please specify- where is here? I am currently in my living room, where frivolity is definitely accepted. So is sitting in your underwear and stroking pussies (because my furry friends are everywhere!).


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
I will consider quitting the abuse of punctuation, because it's the ethical thing to do, but smoking? Are you kidding me? You have seen my posts, right? Now, imagine those without the dulling effect of Mary and on withdrawal of nicotine. That's not a pretty picture now, is it?
Plus, I've grown attached to my smoker's cough. It's an involuntary joke on covid-paranoids when I'm out in public.

And please specify- where is here? I am currently in my living room, where frivolity is definitely accepted. So is sitting in your underwear and stroking pussies (because my furry friends are everywhere!).
Of course you can continue to smoke whatever you like. It is generally considered sound advice to stop, for various health reasons, one of which you have identified yourself.
I don't require any form of stimulant or depressant to put my point across succinctly and meaningfully.
Here is not there. I had hoped you'd realise that I was referring to the Forum in general and not any specific location.
I will refrain from commenting on your final remark. I won't be drawn into smutty conversation.


Of course you can continue to smoke whatever you like. It is generally considered sound advice to stop, for various health reasons, one of which you have identified yourself.
I don't require any form of stimulant or depressant to put my point across succinctly and meaningfully.
Here is not there. I had hoped you'd realise that I was referring to the Forum in general and not any specific location.
I will refrain from commenting on your final remark. I won't be drawn into smutty conversation.
Thank you for specifying that. Frivolity in the forum! Oh dear god, the very thought of it is terrifying! I shall stick to inane comments on random threads and lengthy confabulated opinions.

Smutty conversation? About petticoats and cats? Tut, tut- not my mind, my dear.


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you for specifying that. Frivolity in the forum! Oh dear god, the very thought of it is terrifying! I shall stick to inane comments on random threads and lengthy confabulated opinions.

Smutty conversation? About petticoats and cats? Tut, tut- not my mind, my dear.
I'm sorry but I don't play 'kiss chase' in the Forum. For God's sake, don't look at the Urban Dictionary for a definition as it may traumatise you even further. It's nice that you are honest about the content of your posts as one would never have known otherwise .


I'm sorry but I don't play 'kiss chase' in the Forum. For God's sake, don't look at the Urban Dictionary for a definition as it may traumatise you even further. It's nice that you are honest about the content of your posts as one would never have known otherwise .
And the ego has landed!

Btw, I never chase, so no idea what you're apologising for.


Take these times safe.Help others.
Jul 14, 2019
Reaction score
Women dye their hair and have botox injections.
Is it wrong for men to do the same.
No reason why not if it makes people feel good,and enjoy life.