Burnley fans 'white lives matter' banner



Ah it's the old "they're taking over" response. Ultimately, Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter - so long as they behave responsibly.

There there there. Go back to burying your head in the sand, there's a good lad. :)


In another sport, motor racing, anyone follow the story of the noose found in the black racing driver's garage? well, it was fake news, it really was, fake news. I am flabbergasted! The FBI, after investigating, have reported no noose was found, no crime was committed, the said racing driver is reported to be embarrassed about the whole thing. This is extreme paranoia, mass persecution complex! where will it end?


In another sport, motor racing, anyone follow the story of the noose found in the black racing driver's garage? well, it was fake news, it really was, fake news. I am flabbergasted! The FBI, after investigating, have reported no noose was found, no crime was committed, the said racing driver is reported to be embarrassed about the whole thing. This is extreme paranoia, mass persecution complex! where will it end?

Gotta love the media. (NOT) I've not seen that it was fake, does it say who started the nonsense?


Scratch that... I've just read about it. The "noose" was part of a garage door pull cord that has been in place for months. Talk about people jumping on a bandwagon... I hope he get sanctioned and charged with inciting racial tension.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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All lives matter

No they dont.
All lives have value, but do they matter?
Once you look down the rabbit hole of greater benefit for the masses locally one see's the truth.
People like to think they are doings something virtuous, in reality they are simply ignorant to certain peoples desire to reach a so called "utopia" of co-operation and community.
Which, if history is to be followed is usually destructive and authoritarian.
When are people going to actually understand the word "Utopia" is an invention of Sir Thomas More in his writings.
In the Greek it means "ou" not and "topos" a place
It does not and cannot exist.


UKChat Familiar
Feb 2, 2020
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It's a shame that Black lives must appear to matter to white people right now. All lives should matter but wearing BLM on a football shirt is fine but flying a WLM banner is deemed racist says it all :(
Yes the hypocrisy amazes me


UKChat Familiar
Feb 2, 2020
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Frightening really. They take BLM =Equality and ignore the rest. All these corporate empires that are supporting BLM will have to dig themselves out of a hole one day... and ironically that's when BLM want :(
It is bordering on the ridiculous when brands are thinking of or actually are changing the names of iconic products that have been named as such for tens of years all because it might be deemed offensive to some. There are more important things in life to worry about than the name of a product offending. These rioters that go on a rampage and loot, are no better than those they claim to be protesting about. It's all just an excuse to behave in the manner they are.


It is bordering on the ridiculous when brands are thinking of or actually are changing the names of iconic products that have been named as such for tens of years all because it might be deemed offensive to some. There are more important things in life to worry about than the name of a product offending. These rioters that go on a rampage and loot, are no better than those they claim to be protesting about. It's all just an excuse to behave in the manner they are.

I couldn't agree more. The actions of the media need looking at too. If you believed the Mainstream media there was no looting, no attacking the police, no fighting at all. But if you look the footage is available. The BBC are know to be leftist apologists but even I'm shocked at some of the media. It's like they are to scared to print the truth... if that is the case then society is truly done.


UKChat Familiar
Feb 2, 2020
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I couldn't agree more. The actions of the media need looking at too. If you believed the Mainstream media there was no looting, no attacking the police, no fighting at all. But if you look the footage is available. The BBC are know to be leftist apologists but even I'm shocked at some of the media. It's like they are to scared to print the truth... if that is the case then society is truly done.
They are scared to print anything that won't be popular with the majority. They only print what they think will sell. It's a sad state of affairs for sure.


They are scared to print anything that won't be popular with the majority. They only print what they think will sell. It's a sad state of affairs for sure.

No doubt... Journalism used to be about the truth... no longer. If a story doesn't fit with the political view of the media they pretend it never happened. Shameful at best.... dishonest at worst.


UKChat Familiar
Feb 2, 2020
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No doubt... Journalism used to be about the truth... no longer. If a story doesn't fit with the political view of the media they pretend it never happened. Shameful at best.... dishonest at worst.
Its all about profits, truth be damned, that doesn't make them money


Its all about profits, truth be damned, that doesn't make them money

But I think it will be their comeuppance fairly soon. At least I hope it is. The media should be impartial... if not how can we trust them?