Why is it so difficult to find free food?


UKChat Newbie
Sep 22, 2024
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I'm going through a disability benefits appeal right now (awarded zero points at last assessment despite being a stroke and cancer patient - the stroke was caused by the cancer treatment) and I have no idea how I'm supposed to feed myself. People make out it's so easy, there's free food everywhere but there isn't. The food bank is a nightmare to access, after getting a referral (which can take a week in itself) you sometimes have to wait a week for an appointment, then they give you three days of food and you have to go through the process again. People say "just go to a gurdwara or church!" The nearest gurdwara is 30 miles away and the loving Christians at church rudely turned me away when i asked for food. "Dumpster dive!" Where? All the supermarkets lock their bins. "Try Olio!" The only thing available in my local area was a bag of onions. Seriously where is all this free food because I can't find it. Even the hospital are no use. I fainted in the street and a woman who saw it called an ambulance. Turned out to be malnutrition. Discharged and a letter sent to the GP advising him to prescribe vitamin supplements. You wouldn't think this was a first world country in the 21st century where someone can starve to death for the crime of having cancer. I suppose they expect our families to care for us, sucks to be those of us who have no-one. Even the organisations who are meant to help like citizens advice or macmillan just pass the buck, saying try the others.