

UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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I agree the mechanism for opening back up the economy is riddled with problems and uncertainty. Fear has been driven home by the global media, the governments have pushed the deadly severity of the disease, we have been told that getting close to others could kill our loved ones, so how do you open back up, will people be willing to forget the fear and go back to work.

Businesses have gone to the wall, others have made vast redundancies, others still are predicting administration or years to get back on their feet. Just remember this came about in a matter of a few months and this virus is not done with the globe yet, not by a long shot.

It was easy to send the masses to their homes and yes of course some have found it worked out financially well for them but many others have struggled, food banks, domestic abuse, charity failures to name a few state unprecedented rise in numbers. This is just the very start. Central G7 economies have pumped trillions into markets to keep speculators at bay of our grandkids money to keeping the circus going but this will need to be paid back with interest, you can’t ignore billions of man hours work disappearing, its gone, it cannot be reclaimed and others in the future will need to balance the elites books, they got to have their yachts and private islands for kid trafficking you know.

Will we trust the gov, will we trust WHO, will we trust the pie fingering elite, the global cult, the ones who feast off of our depravity to make everything ok again. Is there ever going to be an ok again or will we live as slaves on a basic income under a Chinese NWO style of living. Should we download the app, be tracked and traced, is that freedom? Should our neighbours report us to the state if we defy some social rule. Do we march back to work in grey suits to our grey offices, to our grey screen and clap at 8pm, anyone not clapping reported and sent to the training camp for re-training?

Easing lockdown is more problematic than inducing it, brave new world awaits my friends.

Sounds like from the film Equilibrium. That's how i would imagine a world like that to begin lol.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
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UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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You want laughs Dong, do you feel glum without a tickle? my dog is a bit like that, maybe take yourself out for a walk, mark your territory, sniff a few butts, seems to work for my dog, gets his tail wagging something fierce.

Nah! I'm a cheery sort of bloke...always looking for the Brightside.
I like a tickle but never got the hang of sniffing butts. :)
Tell me about it?


Nah! I'm a cheery sort of bloke...always looking for the Brightside.
I like a tickle but never got the hang of sniffing butts. :)
Tell me about it?

Well, sounds like at least you tried Dong, fair play. My dog can't come explain where your going wrong he's busy licking his nuts. :-)