Subject Access Request

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UKChat Newbie
Sep 28, 2022
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Please acknowledge this as a formal Subject Access Request.

Please note I also chat via the username Cosmonaut.

Please note, if this method for issuing a Subject Access Request does not meet your requirements, the website is required by law to state its preferred method.

Please note I have been permanently banned. Please note I have a diagnosis of psychosis and your alleged disliking of me is very likely to be attributable to symptoms of my mental health condition.

This amounts to Disability Discrimination according the the Equality Act 2010, under the jurisdiction of UK Law.

Should the ban continue, a legal case for Disability Discrimination shall be filed.

I remain confident the matter can be resolved amicably.

Yours faithfully.


Staff member
Feb 7, 2018
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You have ban evaded and I am advised to tell you from the site COO, that they will be seeking advice about possible legal action against you, as you have broken the law by evading your permanent ban.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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I ran this by our legal council and he about fell over laughing.

Please do, absolutely, contact every authority you can about this. The more the better.

For transparency to our users:
This person has previously filed a SAR. Improperly, but we responded anyway out of good faith. After speaking with the moderators I was informed that this person has a long history of bad behavior on the site. It was plain that the SAR request was being made in bad faith, solely as an attempt to inconvenience us. Therefore, after responding to the request I chose to permanently ban this user. As noted in our Terms of Service we reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason.

Users are always welcome to file SAR requests, which are accepted via the e-mail address in our Privacy Policy. Please note that the only information we collect that could be considered Personal under the law is e-mail address & last known IP address, so that's all a response will contain.

Unlike most online services, we do not treat our users as a product and gather lots of data about them to sell to the highest bidder. It's all spelled out in the Privacy Policy as clearly as we're able, given the complexity of the legal landscape.

Do beware though - if you're a constant thorn in everyone's side and bring the attention of the administration upon yourself by acting in bad faith you may receive a ban.
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