So what would you do?



Cheeky Prince Louis played up to his mum in front of the world and his wife.
According to (well everyone really) she could have handled it better??

Everyone who has been a parent knows how it feels when your child starts being you ignore them, reprimand them, cart them off to a quiet place till they calm down??...decisions, decisions.:oops:

I think she was very lenient with him, but she handled him with calmness and dignity, and she obviously does have a good relationship with her children.

How would you have acted??



UKChat Familiar
Sep 20, 2021
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The thing is, if he is allowed to get away with this behaviour in his childhood, what will he be like as an adult? We really don't want another Prince Andrew on our hands!
Personally I'd tan the little bleeder's hide!
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UKChat Familiar
Sep 20, 2021
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I've been trying to think of a witty retort, but have failed miserably.
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The thing is, if he is allowed to get away with this behaviour in his childhood, what will he be like as an adult? We really don't want another Prince Andrew on our hands!
Personally I'd tan the little bleeder's hide!

I think a nanny was probably on hand to whisk him away. Soon after he acted like that....he was gone.
He is only four, and he was probably over excited and tired, but I agree with you, letting any kid get away with such bad behaviour doesn't bode well for the future.


I think Kate handled it rather well.

My thoughts on this may be different to what the majority think.

I think that Louis could be on the Spectrum.

A few things brought me to think this, one above all was the way he covered his ears and the face he pulled when the planes flew over.

I understand that he's 4 yrs old, that he was tired, that the planes make a very strong noise. and all the rest..

But, to the poor boy, that noise seemed unbearable.

I've witnessed it all before .
It's hard to tell.
He could have just been playing up, especially if his mum is not strict with him.
Alternatively he could be hyperactive, or ADHD as it's called now, my son was....and they can certainly be a handful at times.


UKChat Newbie
Nov 16, 2018
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The thing is, if he is allowed to get away with this behaviour in his childhood, what will he be like as an adult? We really don't want another Prince Andrew on our hands!
Personally I'd tan the little bleeder's hide!
But that's exactly what he is, a child, behaving normally. I think to even suggest that he should "not be allowed to get away with this behaviour ( being a normal child) is quite disturbing. What did you want her to do out of interest? Quick back hander and off to the dungeon for a week? Give the kid a break.


My comment was not aimed specifically at you fella, but at people in general who feel the need to put kids in one "spectrum" or another. No kid is just naughty now, no kid is just acting up... that was my point. I feel sorry for kids today, they are no longer taught the difference between right and wrong, instead they a labelled as have a mental disorder. So fecking sad, and humanity will pay the price.
My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and I can honestly say she has never thrown a tantrum or acted up.
ADHD is often just used as an excuse for unruly or bad behaviour.


P.S. I don't think he was being particularly bad either. Just being a kid.


My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and I can honestly say she has never thrown a tantrum or acted up.
ADHD is often just used as an excuse for unruly or bad behaviour.
I think some medics do like to put labels on people, they dont always treat people as individuals.
My son was diagnosed with hyperactivity, not because he acted up, he literally would go without sleep for long periods, almost from birth. Another sign was his eating habits, and obviously as he grew, his very short attention span.

When he was three and a half, he slept his first night through.


So you don't like labels....

So what do you suggest 'fella'?

That corporal punishment is brought back in schools, for kids who may now be considered to be on the Spectrum or suffer from ADHD and that decades ago were classified as either 'naughty'/disobedient/lazy for not paying attention''?

I recall my schooldays - there were a few kids who were classified as the above, always getting into trouble, being sent to the headmaster for the cane or being smacked on the fingers with a ruler or being thrown various other objects by the teacher.

Do you think that corporal punishment helped these kids in any way, in changing thier attitude?

No, it didnt as they either ended up on some very strong conventional medication, being alcoholics/drug/users/sex workers.

The above resulted in some of them dying pretty young, too.

All this due to the fact they were just considered 'naughty/disobedient or lazy for not paying attention.

Is this what you want back?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing - you should try it sometime.
You make some good points. but there has to be a happy medium.

I know people who have tried for years to get their kids diagnosed, either for eating disorders, or for autism, those conditions need serious medical intervention, the sooner the better.

Then, like has been said, some naturally boisterous kids, or just plain old naughty kids, get a label stuck on them, when really all they need is exercise, attention, and a firm hand.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Bad_Influence is Right.

Years ago when at war and in the trenches... some Soldiers got 'Shell Shocked'.

Later 'they' (The Gov'T.) called it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Put a label on it.

Solve the problem.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
You make some good points. but there has to be a happy medium.

I know people who have tried for years to get their kids diagnosed, either for eating disorders, or for autism, those conditions need serious medical intervention, the sooner the better.

Then, like has been said, some naturally boisterous kids, or just plain old naughty kids, get a label stuck on them, when really all they need is exercise, attention, and a firm hand.
Why does there HAVE to be a 'Happy Medium'...