Sir Keir moving further to the right!


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Promoting the Blairite Yvette Cooper to shadow home secretary, what is he playing at? I know what Labour Brexit voters will think of it, after her machinations to get the referendum overturned. And I know what Corbyn supporters will think of it. I just don't know what the hell Sir Keir was thinking... Surely a backward step for Labour. And not even telling his deputy about the reshuffle... :rolleyes:


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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Sir kier will be our new leader. Without a shadow of a doubt. Come the next election. Bumbling Boris is a total embarrassment.

How on earth can anyone trust the Tories again?.

Kier Starmer is a former Director of Public prosecutions.

What better bloke to be a leader of our failing country.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I admire your optimism but Boris has an 80 seat majority, I don't see how that can be overturned in a single election. It will surely take a couple of General Elections, Sir Keir won't still be leader by then. Not only is he content with purging the left, he's moving right of centre! :eek:


I see Andy Burnham, if he ever puts himself forwards as Labour leader, being the next PM once the Tories are finally outed.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Andy Burnham, if he ever puts himself forwards

He's tried before..twice! and failed miserably. And anyway, he's not an MP. I see Angela Rayner as the next Labour Prime Minister.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Labour is unelectable until they ditch the "Woke" element from thier party.

The election of a bumbling idiot like Boris proved that in the last election.

As for Angela "We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum," Rayner
Who then said "We don’t know the details yet but on behalf of all of us in the Labour Party I want to say all of our thoughts are with David and we all hope that he pulls through and is ok." on the stabbing of David Amess.

Maybe she should make up her mind.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Anyone on the left who takes a keen interest in politics will be fully aware that labour under the knight of the realm and a Trilateral Commission chosen one (an extremely secretive and select elite that champion neoliberalism) is currently being prepared for power by the establishment as the 83th-minute sub. Similar fiscal policies as the tories but with a less abrasive managerial style. This gives the illusion voting is a democratic process in an FPTP two-party state. There is good reason why left-wing voters in Scotland, Wales and NI are no longer toeing the New New New Labour line and are now steering their own ship back towards what the corporate MSM would cynically describe as "hard-left" but however, a left-wing ideology that is considered the norm in vast swathes of Europe.

After labour under Corbyn came so close to gaining power curtesy of a minority government in 2017 (2,000 votes) the lengths the establishment took to further tarnish his reputation was extraordinary and unprecedented. Labour under Corbyn won 40% of the vote and that was the largest increase in the share of the vote by a Labour leader since Clement Attlee in 1945. This was despite the most vicious smear campaign against a labour leader in living memory by the entire corporate MSM and establishment. Voters were bombarded with negative images of Corbyn on an unheard-of scale and of course 'some' voters believed (and still do) that Corbyn really was/is a hard-left commie and anti-semite who would eat their children, murder their partner and steal all their possessions.

With regards to the thread, Yvette Cooper had a majority of 1,200 and came very close to losing her seat and as did a large number of Blairite MPs. They should be very careful indeed while they repeatedly spew their latest soundbite "we are the government in waiting". Brexiters in these here parts, red wall Northern Heartlands, have very long memories.

150,000 + members are estimated to have resigned and cancelled their subs. We don't know the true figures because Rodney's henchman David Evans won't release them. Unions are currently cutting funding to New New New Labour to the bare minimum, the PLP is on its 4th set of redundancies. The EHRC is investigating the current purge of left-wing Jewish members within Labours ranks which has NOT been reported widely in the MSM. Black and Ethnic minorities are leaving the party in droves due to the prejudice and discrimination they encounter on a daily basis. The foot soldiers who deliver leaflets and do all the hard graft during election campaigns are leaving in droves.

The husk of the party that is left, extremely close to bankruptcy, does not represent an opposition. Is not left-wing and is a disgrace to the original founders of the labour party.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I know I shouldn't talk yo you Sam because you don't like it.

However, I applaud your post.

Insightful, thoughtful and correct.

Only thing you got wrong (IMHO) was that Corbyn would ever get into power, he was a walking hypocrisy.

I just hope the 2 party system collapses after this (although I doubt it lol), democracy was about individual selection, there should be no party manifesto and certainly no whips.

When people in government are asking members to vote the same way as everyone else, regardless of thier views, that is no longer democracy.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I don't give a **** about your childlike emotional responses to me or other chatters.

I have told you on two previous occasions, in no uncertain terms, to stop typing to me, you creepy old bastard.

Yet still, you persist.

You are a pisshead who does not understand that no means no.

That is all.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Well I cant help myself.

I find your posts so stimulating, so thoughtful, they make me question reality.

So wise, so insightful, I have to question whether what I believe is true.

So a quote for you :-

"The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society."

Im sure you know who said that.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I don't give a f@ck about your patronizing posts you stalky menace.

I have told you, you extremely creepy old man, not to type to me, while you wander about the boards creepily informing various women how intelligent you think they are.

Now f@ck off and stop typing to me.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Creepily informing various women how intelligent they are?

I shall immediately ban myself :D

Cant have peoples feelings being hurt by an actual argument in here can we.
Or then again ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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As for Angela "We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum," Rayner
Who then said "We don’t know the details yet but on behalf of all of us in the Labour Party I want to say all of our thoughts are with David and we all hope that he pulls through and is ok." on the stabbing of David Amess.

Maybe she should make up her mind.
For a good while, Angela refused to apologise for the 'scum' comments she made while preaching to the converted at the Labour party conference. On reflection, I suspect she realised such comments would not endear her to the voting public, and were certainly not the kind of words that should be uttered by a future leader/Prime Minister. So she belatedly apologised.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Young Labour has publicly announced that they will no longer be campaigning on behalf of right-wing Labour MPs. This is an important announcement in regards to labour defending seats in the future and particularly in Brexit voting constituencies that have a much-reduced majority following the election in 2019. Young labour has stated they will NOT support MPs or other elected officials if they do not fully support unions and their members in industrial disputes.

This announcement follows the lies and misinformation put out by London mayor Sadiq Khan recently in regards to the RMT Tube dispute. While labour MPs also brazenly crossed picket lines organized by the University and College Union who are fighting for jobs and against low pay.

This group have been targetted relentlessly by the labour right with vicious smear campaigns and despite successfully attracting a much younger generation to not only get involved in politics but also to canvass and campaign on behalf of labour. It is foolhardy to deliberately antagonize and alienate the demographic most likely to vote labour in the future.

Again this has NOT been widely reported by the corporate MSM however this latest decision by Young Labour will have long term consequences for labour as they further alienate the left. Just as Blair lost 5 million labour voters and subsequently Scotland, these are long term trends and they do not happen overnight. These cowboy bodge jobs by the right have long term political consequences.

It is an astonishing situation that a party formed on the bedrock of the union movement has now become so contaminated by careerist parasites that they now feel able to openly and brazenly cross picket lines and tell outlandish lies about the union movement without a care in the world and just because they want the vote of right-wing UKIPers who will switch back to voting tory in the blink of an eye.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Young Labour has publicly announced that they will no longer be campaigning on behalf of right-wing Labour MPs. This is an important announcement in regards to labour defending seats in the future and particularly in Brexit voting constituencies that have a much-reduced majority following the election in 2019. Young labour has stated they will NOT support MPs or other elected officials if they do not fully support unions and their members in industrial disputes.

This announcement follows the lies and misinformation put out by London mayor Sadiq Khan recently in regards to the RMT Tube dispute. While labour MPs also brazenly crossed picket lines organized by the University and College Union who are fighting for jobs and against low pay.

This group have been targeted relentlessly by the labour right with vicious smear campaigns and despite successfully attracting a much younger generation to not only get involved in politics but also to canvass and campaign on behalf of labour. It is foolhardy to deliberately antagonize and alienate the demographic most likely to vote labour in the future.

Again this has NOT been widely reported by the corporate MSM however this latest decision by Young Labour will have long term consequences for labour as they further alienate the left. Just as Blair lost 5 million labour voters and subsequently Scotland, these are long term trends and they do not happen overnight. These cowboy bodge jobs by the right have long term political consequences.

It is an astonishing situation that a party formed on the bedrock of the union movement has now become so contaminated by careerist parasites that they now feel able to openly and brazenly cross picket lines and tell outlandish lies about the union movement without a care in the world and just because they want the vote of right-wing UKIPers who will switch back to voting tory in the blink of an eye.
hands clap.png


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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Labour have no chance to get in power at present Members dont know what Labour is for any more use to be for the workers not any more all about them selfs


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Totally agree. Labour is no longer a 'broad church' and arguably never was anyway and the only reason labour has not split yet is the labour brand. The left can't win that battle for the labour name, the right is too deeply embedded and so the left should organize and form a breakaway party. United, disciplined, modern and with a clear identity putting jobs and workers rights first and foremost. It is extremely unlikely, at least in the short term, a new breakaway left-wing party would win an election outright but it is extremely likely they would win enough seats to decide who does. A tory-labour coalition to keep the left out of government isn't as far fetched as it sounds but it would be the end of labour leaving the door wide open for that breakaway left-wing party to gain more ground.
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Labour have no chance to get in power at present Members dont know what Labour is for any more use to be for the workers not any more all about them selfs

Have to agree Words.
The Labour party is following the trend of identity politics.
Which always ends up with the left eating it's own.
They have also hardly been an opposition at all during Covid.

If another left wing party forms, it will get the youth vote, they don't know any better and have feck all to look forward to economically.
So the socialist idea of taking from the rich and giving it to them sounds good :D
The only real answer is controlled immigration and more affordable/social housing.

Problem is, those goals are diametrically opposed on the political spectrum, so good luck with that.

We simply cant have a net immigration of 200+k a year and house kids who want to get on the housing ladder, start a family, become taxpayers with jobs etc etc.

The magic money tree will only go so far before inflation hits, (it already is in the tech centre) then we are all screwed.

It's bad enough under the Tory asshats we have, but if Labour were in power it would not be the 2nd generation after your kids paying off this debt, it would be the 10th.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Have to agree Words.
The Labour party is following the trend of identity politics.
Which always ends up with the left eating it's own.
They have also hardly been an opposition at all during Covid.

If another left wing party forms, it will get the youth vote, they don't know any better and have feck all to look forward to economically.
So the socialist idea of taking from the rich and giving it to them sounds good :D
The only real answer is controlled immigration and more affordable/social housing.

Problem is, those goals are diametrically opposed on the political spectrum, so good luck with that.

We simply cant have a net immigration of 200+k a year and house kids who want to get on the housing ladder, start a family, become taxpayers with jobs etc etc.

The magic money tree will only go so far before inflation hits, (it already is in the tech centre) then we are all screwed.

It's bad enough under the Tory asshats we have, but if Labour were in power it would not be the 2nd generation after your kids paying off this debt, it would be the 10th.

I know, I did it again.

Inflation anyone?

It's a funny old world when some asshole on a forum can see this coming, yet the best educated bankers and financiers dont.

Ah well.