Room rules.


UKChat Newbie
Jan 13, 2018
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Can someone tell me how I can find out what rules a particular room has in place, so I can avoid being threatened with a ban for breaking a rule that I was not aware of?
As in "
WARNING: Please do not send so many URLs. If you continue, you may be banned."

I only posted one link!!

It seems that NO links can be posted. BTW it was only a Youtube link to a music video. Youtube seems to be a well regulated site, so should be nothing illegal there ?
Maybe it is in the "fine print" somewhere ...

Thanks in advance for any help.


Staff member
Jan 2, 2018
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Automated anti-spam system. Don't post links so soon after signing in.


UKChat Newbie
Jan 13, 2018
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Automated anti-spam system. Don't post links so soon after signing in.
Hi thanks for the reply TacoTimmy, so actually the Youtube link was ok, it was the timing that did it'
That seems to clash with what was said to me by the mod in the YoungAtHeart room.
What was actually said in the room was :-

The mod said, "no links in room please"

I said , postng how many links to youtube is too many ? I got a warning after posting just one !!!!

mod said, "one link is one to many".

So,the question still is, are Youtube links allowed to be posted in the youngatheart room or not?
ty for any reply.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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HOWEVER you could do the room a secondary really BIG favour.... Why not open a GUEST MUSIC ROOM ? Then you could post what ever you want , and those who want to enjoy them can do so, WITHOUT the majority who DON'T want to see them being upset and frustrated at the continual interuption on their screen :)
ytc and have a nice day :)[/QUOTE]

This is just a suggestion, but how about giving restricted access to guests, which in turn gives them more incentive to register as a full time member. One benefit could be to allow the sharing of music through YouTube ect, or to be able to be granted full access to all rooms once you are a full registered member of the site.


UKChat Familiar
Jan 4, 2018
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Well most folk know me i was a host/mod on the site when the last owner Alan had it..... i hosted here for for 3 yrs .I also asked Alan for the youngatheart room which has always been the best room on the site. Most know that i am very fair and listen to people rather than butt in . So i will make this clear to all ....i have read rustyknights forum and now just read what Hollie has said.

I was there when Hollie said (ONE LINK IS ONE TO MANY} as i am sure other people in the youngatheart room where fact i copied it so have the time it was said as well.
I am sure admin can confirm what was said from the logs,
I am a bit concerned about the vitriolic abuse you said he used to mods , i seen him chatting to mods last night ok so which mods are these am wondering.
Hope you agree a host/mods job is to keep people safe and happy .
YTC have a nice day.


UKChat Newbie
Jan 4, 2018
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In all fairness to all the above arguments, NO ONE IS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE OR ANY OTHER TO POST MUSIC OR VIDEOS in any public place, DUE TO BREACHES OF COPYRIGHT AND PRS RULES, unless licensed to do so, so it is down to site owners to get off their arses and put in motion something stating so, as they could end up being closed down, through lack of support to those trying to keep some kind of sanity on this damn site.
I for one, having been recently entrenched in copyright laws etc, do not wish to see this happen, but by the owners just sitting back and letting all the mods take all the flack for their lack of support and back up, then i feel the writing is already on the wall.


UKChat Newbie
Jan 13, 2018
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Hollie, first off, I have not once mentioned your name in this forum, so is your comment not a reply but merely an unwarranted an attack on me, or is it a case of "The lady doth protest too much"?

Who said what and when can certainly be proved by admin from the logs.

Also your comment of my 'latest attack on you and the mods' inferring that others were involved, and multiple instances of abuse, if that is true I hardly think that I would have not been kicked or banned by one or other of the staff? So I can't understand why you are giving such a colourful/exaggerated description of a one minute clash of ideas?

you said, "Infact.... you have not spoken to me for weeks since your last onslaught~~~.

I might also add that, you have not spoken to me for weeks either, but, hey ho.

Oh and please don't hijack my post with your own interests. This post was an inquiry about wether posting Youtube in certain rooms was banned or not (at the time of asking).

This may be my last comment about this, as the original question has been answered.

utc have a nice day .


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
HOWEVER you could do the room a secondary really BIG favour.... Why not open a GUEST MUSIC ROOM ? Then you could post what ever you want , and those who want to enjoy them can do so, WITHOUT the majority who DON'T want to see them being upset and frustrated at the continual interuption on their screen :)
ytc and have a nice day :)

This is just a suggestion, but how about giving restricted access to guests, which in turn gives them more incentive to register as a full time member. One benefit could be to allow the sharing of music through YouTube ect, or to be able to be granted full access to all rooms once you are a full registered member of the site.[/QUOTE]

Posting music links to share what people enjoy listening to should, in my opinion, be encouraged as a means to express oneself. The problem the 'room' has is that there are some who see the links as being "disruptive", but for whom the idea of clicking ignore seems too difficult an action to perform.
Also, people who enjoy sharing music, might also be enjoying the conversation(s) in the room. And whilst you can move between open rooms using the tabs at the top of the screen, that would be somewhat disruptive!


UKChat Familiar
Jan 3, 2018
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Hollie, first off, I have not once mentioned your name in this forum, so is your comment not a reply but merely an unwarranted an attack on me, or is it a case of "The lady doth protest too much"?

Who said what and when can certainly be proved by admin from the logs.

Also your comment of my 'latest attack on you and the mods' inferring that others were involved, and multiple instances of abuse, if that is true I hardly think that I would have not been kicked or banned by one or other of the staff? So I can't understand why you are giving such a colourful/exaggerated description of a one minute clash of ideas?

you said, "Infact.... you have not spoken to me for weeks since your last onslaught~~~.

I might also add that, you have not spoken to me for weeks either, but, hey ho.

Oh and please don't hijack my post with your own interests. This post was an inquiry about wether posting Youtube in certain rooms was banned or not (at the time of asking).

This may be my last comment about this, as the original question has been answered.

utc have a nice day .

I had a post hijacked rusty,, isnt nice is it


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2018
Reaction score
Am I wrong in thinking there's a common denominator here...?
A deceitful woman who's name begins with H and, is currently in the process of utterly neutering the yah room.
Then again, maybe I'm biased.....though, there does seem to be a terrible finality about everything she says


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
nepotism is also very appropriate........have never had so many mods on block...... The room needs a new name as it is no longer YAH.....

Yo are not biased in the slightest , look at the amount who have left!!!!


Staff member
Jan 30, 2018
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This is a local room for local folks...


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2018
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Oh dear, that's me bounced again by lavender, it seems bollock is now a banned word...when will I ever learn.
Apparently Gwen was bounced yesterday for saying Moby Dick....we're such a bad lot, I sometimes wonder how the mods tolerate us.
Yours in censorship,
Mr Rubber.


Oh dear, that's me bounced again by lavender, it seems bollock is now a banned word...when will I ever learn.
Apparently Gwen was bounced yesterday for saying Moby Dick....we're such a bad lot, I sometimes wonder how the mods tolerate us.
Yours in censorship,
Mr Rubber.

navs xx yes was last week and i didnt realize it, i thought my computer was acting up so i came back in and typed it because i was asking who wrote it
aint bullocks the techy term?


UKChat Newbie
Jan 13, 2018
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Hollie, first off, I have not once mentioned your name in this forum, so is your comment not a reply but merely an unwarranted an attack on me, or is it a case of "The lady doth protest too much"?

Who said what and when can certainly be proved by admin from the logs.

Also your comment of my 'latest attack on you and the mods' inferring that others were involved, and multiple instances of abuse, if that is true I hardly think that I would have not been kicked or banned by one or other of the staff? So I can't understand why you are giving such a colourful/exaggerated description of a one minute clash of ideas?

you said, "Infact.... you have not spoken to me for weeks since your last onslaught~~~.

I might also add that, you have not spoken to me for weeks either, but, hey ho.

Oh and please don't hijack my post with your own interests. This post was an inquiry about wether posting Youtube in certain rooms was banned or not (at the time of asking).

This may be my last comment about this, as the original question has been answered.

utc have a nice day .


UKChat Newbie
Jan 13, 2018
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To make it clearer what my above comments were about, it was in reply to hollies comment (which seems to have vanished?). So I will repost part of what was a comment in this public thread.

  • "And in reply to Rustyknight
Lets be very clear on this. AT NO POINT did i give YOU any warning, at no point did i say to YOU one link was one too many.
Infact.... you have not spoken to me for weeks since your last onslaught of vitriolic abuse towards myself and the mods, and since then you have not engaged with us further which is a shame because had you have done so, you would be aware of what has and is being planned.

Unlike other mods, We ASK the room what they want where possible, and then try to find a way to achieve it and the majority of the room is very happy with this arrangement.

i did not say we couldn't have music, I said the room voted not to have the screen swamped with links that could come in from anywhere, and even if we do stipulate youtube, we still have to open every single one just to make sure someone hasn't slipped a nasty in from a different site of something depicting CHILD PORN OR SOME OTHER SUCH NASTY. With 100 people + in the room some evenings, even if 30 chatters posted just 6 links per hour = 180 links each one has to be checked for above said reasons

180 links = one every 20 seconds. per hour. and it is that which we are trying to contain. !!!" ~~~~~~~~~"
I thought people should maybe see why I was replying to hollie, and maybe had not seen her comment.


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
Reaction score
Rusty you wont win they make up rules as they go along