Revamping the NHS


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Btw, anyone else notice the Left’s push towards privatising medical care but having state owned energy companies? Not going by news stories, but silly messages being put out by my Labour supporting family.

State owned energy has alway been the goal as long as the unions are crushed or corrupt, which they are these days.
If you control the energy production for homes and factories, you control the population.
In the 70's we controlled inflation by using a 3 day week, dragging down the available money in the pot.
Now with MMT "Modern Monetary Theory", or as I prefer "Magic Money Tree" which governments use to spend thier way to election, you can create money out of thin air with no consequence.

Except you cant.
If you create a loan out of thin air, which banks do all the time, the only "Real" asset to them is the interest you owe them for the loan.
Or what they can take back off you, like a house, which they then sell and you are billed for the loses, interest included.
I do appreciate the Islamic idea that Usery should be illegal, however they got round that a long time ago with "help"

Therein lies the problem, "usery"
So the Bank of England creates money out of thin air for the government, who then have to pay back that loan with interest.
The government pumps that money into "The Economy" which is actually nothing more than pumping up the coffers of corperations and self interest groups.

Then they raise taxes, either through VAT, Income tax, or national insurance to offset the Interest they need to pay, not the actual debt.
The debt keeps getting bigger and the actual number of tax payers is getting smaller.
Add to that, theres more "Money" in the pool, so prices rise, thats the inflation you see when your shopping at tesco.

As inflation rises, the cost of living increases, so wages must increase, so companies have to pay higher wages for staff and more for transport etc, so prices increase at the store, so thats cyclic inflation..
Thats what we have now, added to that the government increasing VAT and National insurance has seen a drop in available income but a rise in actual pricing.
Dont forget the Government is the largest employer of people, from government down to nurses, police, etc etc etc.
So in effect, those people are a drain on the economic pool of money created.

The foolishness of "Working from home", there you are tapping away at your PC doing work from home.
Now who is paying your gas and electric bills?
Your employer?
No, you are.
Fine during the summer, but in winter, instead of heating an office of 20 people, you have to heat 20 homes.
So in real terms, a massive cut in wages.
To counteract this, the government gives you a hand out to help with the cost of energy.

Then you pay it back with higher inflation hence more tax and VAT on everything you purchase.

So they make you work from home, hence pay your own bills, then they give you a hand out, which you are paying back because everything increases in price and VAT is linked to price, so they get it back?

Problem is, wages havent risen with inflation, which "I Think" is running at about 12% not the 9% the government says.
Just my opinion, but we are due more Interest rate rises to counter inflation.

I spoke to my mam earlier, my brothers mortgage payments have gone up £50 a month on the £80k mortgage he has left, thats with a 1% rise in interest rates.
Back in the early 70's when we had a recession, interest rates were 11%+
How could my brother absorb not a £50 increase a month, but a £550 increase?
Add to that, how can young people "Work from home" when they cant get a home?

So what has that got to do with "Usery"?

To have interest on a loan, you have to create money out of thin air.
If I had £10 and leant it to you until next week, but want £11 back.. where does that money come from?
Its a fake money demand simply because I want it to exist.

Pure stupidity.
If this is "Building Back Better", I'd rather go back to the old way.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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State owned energy has alway been the goal as long as the unions are crushed or corrupt, which they are these days.
If you control the energy production for homes and factories, you control the population.
In the 70's we controlled inflation by using a 3 day week, dragging down the available money in the pot.
Now with MMT "Modern Monetary Theory", or as I prefer "Magic Money Tree" which governments use to spend thier way to election, you can create money out of thin air with no consequence.

Except you cant.
If you create a loan out of thin air, which banks do all the time, the only "Real" asset to them is the interest you owe them for the loan.
Or what they can take back off you, like a house, which they then sell and you are billed for the loses, interest included.
I do appreciate the Islamic idea that Usery should be illegal, however they got round that a long time ago with "help"

Therein lies the problem, "usery"
So the Bank of England creates money out of thin air for the government, who then have to pay back that loan with interest.
The government pumps that money into "The Economy" which is actually nothing more than pumping up the coffers of corperations and self interest groups.

Then they raise taxes, either through VAT, Income tax, or national insurance to offset the Interest they need to pay, not the actual debt.
The debt keeps getting bigger and the actual number of tax payers is getting smaller.
Add to that, theres more "Money" in the pool, so prices rise, thats the inflation you see when your shopping at tesco.

As inflation rises, the cost of living increases, so wages must increase, so companies have to pay higher wages for staff and more for transport etc, so prices increase at the store, so thats cyclic inflation..
Thats what we have now, added to that the government increasing VAT and National insurance has seen a drop in available income but a rise in actual pricing.
Dont forget the Government is the largest employer of people, from government down to nurses, police, etc etc etc.
So in effect, those people are a drain on the economic pool of money created.

The foolishness of "Working from home", there you are tapping away at your PC doing work from home.
Now who is paying your gas and electric bills?
Your employer?
No, you are.
Fine during the summer, but in winter, instead of heating an office of 20 people, you have to heat 20 homes.
So in real terms, a massive cut in wages.
To counteract this, the government gives you a hand out to help with the cost of energy.

Then you pay it back with higher inflation hence more tax and VAT on everything you purchase.

So they make you work from home, hence pay your own bills, then they give you a hand out, which you are paying back because everything increases in price and VAT is linked to price, so they get it back?

Problem is, wages havent risen with inflation, which "I Think" is running at about 12% not the 9% the government says.
Just my opinion, but we are due more Interest rate rises to counter inflation.

I spoke to my mam earlier, my brothers mortgage payments have gone up £50 a month on the £80k mortgage he has left, thats with a 1% rise in interest rates.
Back in the early 70's when we had a recession, interest rates were 11%+
How could my brother absorb not a £50 increase a month, but a £550 increase?
Add to that, how can young people "Work from home" when they cant get a home?

So what has that got to do with "Usery"?

To have interest on a loan, you have to create money out of thin air.
If I had £10 and leant it to you until next week, but want £11 back.. where does that money come from?
Its a fake money demand simply because I want it to exist.

Pure stupidity.
If this is "Building Back Better", I'd rather go back to the old way.
Eh ?.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Read it again..
It does actually make sence somewhere.
Although I was kinda drunk when I typed it.

Just read it again, I mean really read it lol


The foolishness of "Working from home", there you are tapping away at your PC doing work from home.
Now who is paying your gas and electric bills?
Your employer?
No, you are.
Fine during the summer, but in winter, instead of heating an office of 20 people, you have to heat 20 homes.
So in real terms, a massive cut in wages.
To counteract this, the government gives you a hand out to help with the cost of energy.

I'm an advocate for working from home and I don't care that I have to pay to charge my laptop, etc, etc.
Working from home has saved the lives of many of my colleagues and myself a 25 years stretch.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I'm an advocate for working from home and I don't care that I have to pay to charge my laptop, etc, etc.
Working from home has saved the lives of many of my colleagues and myself a 25 years stretch.

So your content that all you "Work from home" people have increased energy bill charges?
Happy your screwing over those who don't have that choice.

Next time you go to your local supermarket and see all the poor peons, oh, or the heroes we called them last year, working to pay off the price increase you have created, you can be content, you work from home, so thats ok.

You can afford the price rises the government has created by thier stupid "Work from home" policy during the pandemic, or from thier repeated "Its Putins fault" even though they created the sanctions which are driving up energy prices.

Energy prices were rising because of the work from home policy, inflation was rising due to government spending, all this happened before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

What do we get now from Boris?
“We know the coming winter will be tough and Putin will manipulate Russian energy supplies to try to torment households across Europe,”
“Our first test as friends of Ukraine will be to face down and endure that pressure.”

Yet according to our government, we have no link to Russian energy.
So why are the prices still going to rise in October and January?

"Working from home has saved the lives of many of my colleagues and myself a 25 years stretch."
Says more about you than reality. ;)


So your content that all you "Work from home" people have increased energy bill charges?
Happy your screwing over those who don't have that choice.

Next time you go to your local supermarket and see all the poor peons, oh, or the heroes we called them last year, working to pay off the price increase you have created, you can be content, you work from home, so thats ok.

You can afford the price rises the government has created by thier stupid "Work from home" policy during the pandemic, or from thier repeated "Its Putins fault" even though they created the sanctions which are driving up energy prices.

Energy prices were rising because of the work from home policy, inflation was rising due to government spending, all this happened before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

What do we get now from Boris?
“We know the coming winter will be tough and Putin will manipulate Russian energy supplies to try to torment households across Europe,”
“Our first test as friends of Ukraine will be to face down and endure that pressure.”

Yet according to our government, we have no link to Russian energy.
So why are the prices still going to rise in October and January?

"Working from home has saved the lives of many of my colleagues and myself a 25 years stretch."
Says more about you than reality. ;)
What a load of ill-directed sh!t over a joke. More aimed at WHO wrote the joke rather than passion or belief in the actual subject. That says a lot about you, Moriarty.

So, the working from home culture has driven up fuel prices, has it? So, paying to charge up a laptop a couple of times a day drives fuel prices up more than hoards driving to work and STILL using the same amount of energy to charge their laptop, albeit someone else is paying for that electricity! Oh yeah, that makes perfect fking sense!

The lot that couldn’t work at home due to the duties and roles of their job have been the most vehement and vile about those working from home and I have to wonder why. Jealousy is a disgusting emotion. One that clearly states ‘I want something and I don’t like other’s having it, when I can’t be bothered to get it for myself’ At least us lot working from home weren’t getting money for sweet fck all during Convid and then crying when the government ended the free ride (better known as Furlough). If it wasn’t for those working at home, you lot wouldn’t have got your benefits- after all, no bugger would have been processing them. Those that worked in offices before the pandemic struck had no choice but to change the way they worked and many don’t have a choice now if they want to stay in the same job, but while you lot were crying ‘Hero’ to anyone leaving the house to go to work, no one considered that if it wasn’t for those working from home, none of them would have got paid.

Energy prices are rising because the energy companies don’t want to cut their profits- not because the same fuel that was being consumed last year is still being consumed now, albeit on someone else’s bill. And the crap about being able to avoid the fuel bills- I wonder how many can afford to actually get to work now-a-days. Paying a few extra quid a YEAR to charge a laptop is far more economical than forking out £20 a week on travel fares or more on petrol to drive, so that’s a bolloxing moot point!

What’s your next piece of sh!t to throw? How about the impact on the High Street, because you don’t have office workers pushing up the obesity rates anymore and popping in to the local cake/sandwich shop at lunch time every day?

Yes, of course, everyone- blame working from home for the 80% hike in the price cap! Don’t blame your government for exaggerating a war that’s actually been brewing for 30 years or the fuel companies that put profits over people. It’s all our fault, the ones working home, paying your wages and your benefits, keeping your many complaints flowing, answering your 999 calls, processing your court applications, issuing your licenses, etc, etc. We may not have been sucking your money for furlough, but my god you can blame us for the price hikes, because we kept working through the fakedemic.

While we’re at it, can I blame the rise in our national insurance contributions on the mental health illnesses culture we have today, triggered by a ‘I want, but I can’t have, so I’m throwing a tantrum’ attitude that appears prevalent these days? No., wait- I’ll just blame a lot of old people that refuse to die.

Gotta love those who spout, but often excuse their part in the problem or know sweet fck all about who or what they criticise, don’t ya, Moriarty?


UKChat Expert
Jun 24, 2019
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(This is not aimed at one person, just a statement in general, to the overall thread) The biggest problem is that we have simply gone along with what weve been told, so yes, its everyones fault. Do we have much choice, no, however we can make a statement, sure youve had a psychological war waged on you for the last 3 years and it is tiring but we can stop this. Whatever you make of the plandemic, its been and gone, what we really need to do is cancel our energy payments (putting your money aside for now) and immediately raise a complaint with the energy company, that puts any type of action financially on you straight away. They MUST eventually reach a conclusion with the complaint through appeals and eventually they send out a deadlock letter saying so. What you then do is use that deadlock letter to open up a complaint with the Ombudsman, that costs the energy companies about £500 a time. Sure, theyve got billions in the bank what what it will do is damage their infrastructure, their lines, their policies and procedures that they have to adhere to. Can it make a difference? What do you have to lose? What you have to lose is spiralling costs, people who cant afford the bills to take action where they feel they have no choice? When you have nothing, youll do anything...........ive been there, ive been homeless ive been on the breadline where a fivers worth of gas had to last me a week in the middle of winter, ive made decisions that i didnt want to make. Do you heat your home and go to the foodbank, the foodbank that relies on donations from people who can currently afford it but what happens when they cant? What sort of social chaos will come to then? So youre on fixed price for energy, what happens when that runs out, a higher one? While you milk yourself off with smugness about your greed driven fixed rate of energy, someones breaking into your shed, your shopping bills have rocketed, your fuel bills have rocketed. Theres already tens of thousands on a payg meter which is far more expensive than DD or another type of payment plan? What about them? Is your consumer driven materialistic lifestyle morally more important than people at the bottom of the financial foodchain? Is your "im alright jack" attitude helping you sleep at night? Please, for the love of god, make a stand, cancel your energy bills the right way, this greed from the energy companies under various guises (the lies about the reasoning about the war in ukraine) cannot continue with us, we,the people have to say,ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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people who cant afford the bills to take action where they feel they have no choice?

The same people who have lived with fuel poverty for decades.

No one cared about them until now.

Apparently now it is an issue.

Which it is.

But always was.

I am sure 5 million customers reliant on prepay meters, the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, are now shouting at their meter saying "you won't get a penny more out of me, not a single penny!"


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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@CrazyCatLady and @Moriarty, this is what “they” want, arguments among ourselves. Aim your venom where it’s deserved not at eachother. Blame the powers-that-be, blame those in Westminster, blame the lying media for the mess we’re in.
They are the ones who initiated the work-from-home plan, and the furlough scheme, both of which benefitted some and not others. They are the ones who want a reduced world population. They are the ones who are steering the Great Reset.
The furlough scheme meant many companies survived lockdowns, working from home meant those who could do so did not need the furlough scheme, but remember that it was the unnecessary lockdowns that were the catalyst. As Casiquaire says we have been lied to and coerced on an unprecedented scale about things we have no control over. Our govt are still handing £ millions over to Nazi Ukraine for a war that has been played out like a Hollywood movie (starring many A List celebrities), with most of the footage we get to see on the mainstream media being fake propaganda, millions of OUR £s being handed to a corrupt regime known for decades to launder nations monies.
All this while western gov’ts across the board push the unachievable carbon agenda. Is anyone really surprised that while the working classes get hit in the pocket at every step, those who have access to private planes, and luxury yachts make no personal effort to live by their own words, they tell us we will own nothing and be happy, we will eat bugs instead of meat (who knew Cricket fluor was a real thing? Look it up), that we will live in boxes and that private cars will be a thing of the past.
So it’s time to say no, before it’s too late. They want us arguing amongst ourselves because more division obviously means less unity, and only by everyone calling them out will the globalists be stopped. Your energy bills are not going through the roof due to Putin, or energy companies, they are going up because we need energy and ‘they’ know it.
If you want to live like communist China, have your every move tracked by drones in the skies above our streets, to have every purchase, every thought, controlled by the state? Then just sit back and wait, because that is exactly where we are headed if they get their way, and that scares the feck out of me, and it should scare you all too.
Soo .whats your plan to avoid this imminent disaster then ? Or is it that everyone follows YOU ?. Jumped up office junior ! ffs.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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"So, the working from home culture has driven up fuel prices, has it? So, paying to charge up a laptop a couple of times a day drives fuel prices up more than hoards driving to work and STILL using the same amount of energy to charge their laptop, albeit someone else is paying for that electricity! Oh yeah, that makes perfect fking sense!"

Heating, lighting one office is much more economical than heating, lighting 20 homes.
Even if you factor in travel, getting to work is more energy efficient.
Public transport and cars are actually very efficient these days.
Read some literature on the efficiency of modern engines and how octane energy is delivered much better locally than loss over the "Grid".
Plus it diversifies energy, petrol or diesel is not used to generate energy for the grid.

"The lot that couldn’t work at home due to the duties and roles of their job have been the most vehement and vile about those working from home and I have to wonder why. Jealousy is a disgusting emotion. One that clearly states ‘I want something and I don’t like other’s having it, when I can’t be bothered to get it for myself’ At least us lot working from home weren’t getting money for sweet fck all during Convid and then crying when the government ended the free ride (better known as Furlough). If it wasn’t for those working at home, you lot wouldn’t have got your benefits- after all, no bugger would have been processing them. Those that worked in offices before the pandemic struck had no choice but to change the way they worked and many don’t have a choice now if they want to stay in the same job, but while you lot were crying ‘Hero’ to anyone leaving the house to go to work, no one considered that if it wasn’t for those working from home, none of them would have got paid."

What does that have to do with anything, many people on benefits struggled badly during lockdown, no longer could they attend courses, no longer could they activly seek work as no one was hiring.
Add to that, many could not get physical or mental health appointments due to the NHS being re-prioritiesed toward the pandemic.
I think perhaps you are being uncharitable to those who wanted to find a job, especially considering that during furlough there was a massive lay off of jobs, or at least a hiring freeze.
Who's fault was that?
Thiers for being work shy?
You say "I want something and I don’t like other’s having it, when I can’t be bothered to get it for myself’"
To me, that is uncharitable.
Perhaps we could blame that on government policy more than individual choice.
You see it as those who, in your own words, "At least us lot working from home weren’t getting money for sweet fck all during Convid and then crying when the government ended the free ride"
So that argument is moot, in the end you were doing your job, just as everyone else was.
Circumstances change due to misguided government policy, not by personal choice, remember that.

"Energy prices are rising because the energy companies don’t want to cut their profits- not because the same fuel that was being consumed last year is still being consumed now, albeit on someone else’s bill. And the crap about being able to avoid the fuel bills- I wonder how many can afford to actually get to work now-a-days. Paying a few extra quid a YEAR to charge a laptop is far more economical than forking out £20 a week on travel fares or more on petrol to drive, so that’s a bolloxing moot point!"

Nope, gas and electric suppliers are losing money on that side of thier business, massively, the other parts of thier commercial interest have so far managed to offset that loss.
Yes various companies have posted massive profits, but look into why.
They are researching alternate energy sources and are getting billions in funding.
The "Green" agenda is what is proping up the energy companies whilst also bringing them down.

"What’s your next piece of sh!t to throw? How about the impact on the High Street, because you don’t have office workers pushing up the obesity rates anymore and popping in to the local cake/sandwich shop at lunch time every day?"

Local business is supposed to be the heart of a community is it not, usually local business is one of the larger employers for local people.
Again, your assuming..
It's only "The obese" or those who dont care for themselves.
When I worked I went to the gym every other day, most of the guys I worked with did the same.

"Yes, of course, everyone- blame working from home for the 80% hike in the price cap! Don’t blame your government for exaggerating a war that’s actually been brewing for 30 years or the fuel companies that put profits over people. It’s all our fault, the ones working home, paying your wages and your benefits, keeping your many complaints flowing, answering your 999 calls, processing your court applications, issuing your licenses, etc, etc. We may not have been sucking your money for furlough, but my god you can blame us for the price hikes, because we kept working through the fakedemic."

On that I have to chuckle, I agree with you on many points you make, but lets be realistic.
It's government policy which has shifted corperate policy, or perhaps the other way round due to lobbying.
Corperations who no longer have to pay thier own energy bills are laughing.
Everyone is working from home, so they pay thier own bills.
Saves a lot of money for them.

"While we’re at it, can I blame the rise in our national insurance contributions on the mental health illnesses culture we have today, triggered by a ‘I want, but I can’t have, so I’m throwing a tantrum’ attitude that appears prevalent these days? No., wait- I’ll just blame a lot of old people that refuse to die."

I think you are underestimating the effect the breakdown in societal norms during lockdown.
Especially amongst children.
Mental health is in crisis, well it was before the "pandemic".
Now it is a very real problem.
One only has to look at crime rates to see how disenfranchised people have become.
Add to that the massive increase in divorce, domestic abuse, child abuse, etc etc etc that happened during the "pandemic" and you can understand why mental health has become a major problem.

"Gotta love those who spout, but often excuse their part in the problem or know sweet fck all about who or what they criticise, don’t ya, Moriarty?"

Its a complex, multifaceted problem that most people wont touch, because it effects our lives in such a way that we cannot forsee the consequences.
Believe me I am well aware of my own failings Crazy, are you?