Poor people to stay poor: the social care cap explained.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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CONFUSED by the changes to the social care cap? Find out how it will f**k you over with our guide:

Poor people to stay poor.

You know the deal. If you’re flush with cash, a tiny sliver of your fortune will be skimmed off to pay for care and the government picks up the rest. If you’re struggling to make ends meet after a lifetime of hard work, the state’s having the lot. It’s the same logic Britain’s operated under for centuries, but a bit shitter.

The North’s getting f**ked again

Social care will be linked to the value of your house, which is fantastic news if you live in an affluent, by-coincidence-Tory-voting area. It’s a total rip-off if you live in a terraced house in Bradford, but after HS2 getting scrapped, you’re expecting no less.

Something about assets and £86,000

Have you got assets of up to £100,000? Of course not, but if you did, then you would have to fork out to the tune of £86,000. If you somehow have more than £100,000 you’ll have to stump up some dosh as well until the system bleeds every penny out of you. You can’t say fairer than that.

You’re losing your house

‘No-one will sell their home to pay for care’ was on the Conservative manifesto in 2019, until they changed it in 2015, so your home’s already gone. Because this government doesn’t mean anything it says and U-turns on everything whenever it wants. You voted for a shambolic clusterf**k and that’s what you’re getting.

Even Jeremy Hunt didn’t want to get involved

The former health secretary was so disgusted by the plans that he urged colleagues to vote for them while personally abstaining. Almost as if he’s playing the long game and plans revenge against Sunak after getting stitched up in the last leadership contest. Will it ruin the country? What, more?