MUSIC in the YaH and the question of Links PLEASE READ


UKChat Expert
Jan 3, 2018
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Last week in a meeting, I asked whether there was any plans for music station to be attached to this site. Given the site is as new as it is, and there are many other things to deal with of more importance, there are no plans for this, So, I asked about other forms of music, and was told that youtube links could be possible, as in general the site is deemed reasonably safe.

This was then discussed by the YaH mods as to best way forward with this because, the implications leave us with a very difficult and arduous task which i am sure some chatters will not have even thought about.

Some evenings we've had over 100 chatters in the room. if just 30 just upload even 6 links per hour that's 180 links per hour, that's one every 20 seconds average, ALL of which have to be checked because, though we might say youtube is ok, fact is any link can and will be slipped in amid them and any one of them could be CHILD PORN or other forms of NASTIES Add a few rogue visitors to the mix and the number of links will be impossible. This does not take into account room is open 24/7.

We asked the room on several occasions over 3 days at various times of the day and evening, their views and to vote on music and links. The result was very very surprising.
The result was unanimous...........
Chatters did NOT want links posted into the room and flooding the screen.
Chatters said they didn't mind a "small number" of links.
A few chatters said they did not want music at all.
The majority of chatters said they did want music
A few said themed evenings
Many asked for ability to make requests.

It is impossible for us to limit postings to a "small amount" If we let one in, we have to let them all in. and that simply isnt workable.

So we found a solution:-----one that solved ALL the above and devised away around this. We have set up a DJ system which is almost in place. This will give all chatters who want to listen to music, to be able to make requests, and to listen to what others request, the ability to do so in a manner which SOLVES the issue of flooding the screen and for us having to open every link posted in order for us to maintain the safety security and of course the integrity of both room and site in general.

Last week several people indicated they wanted try out to be a DJ for certain time slots, and these are in process of being sorted. We do have a few more potential slots available if anyone wants to have a go. ... Just pm one of the mods or myself in the YaH room and we put your name on the list.

If we are able to do this,in the format we have worked out, it should be a terrific addition to our room, and what you can get out of being there,

The whole project is of course subject to a few not ruining it for the many.

We appreciate that not every single YaH chatter was reached during the wide voting we did, so maybe those of you who didn't get to vote, or have re-thought about it might like to leave constructive thoughts and comments here.

Thanks for reading this.



UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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I talked about the benefits of registered members in a previous post, with the incentive of guests becoming full time members. I think these kinds of benefits should only be available to registered members of the website to attract more members.


UKChat Expert
Jan 3, 2018
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That is exactly what i said last Friday Quote:-

The core principle of this chat site is 'chat with no sign up'. However the pitfalls
of having guests are numerous, and,any incentive to get them to join is always going to be welcome.
To have one or two rooms (including YaH) that are members only would do this.
Human nature is in the most part, a want or a need to belong, create something they want (rooms they can't
access with out being a member) and the guest chatter will very quickly sign up.
The important thing to remember is, not all Guest chatters are out to cause issue & disturbance in the room
A good system of music might be an additional incentive to join ...

One thing a chatter raised with me the other day, was that of " Does the broadcasting (as in uploading links into the room) for multitudes of people to listen to constitute an infringement of copyrite or some other law if the person uploading does not own the copyrite or have licence to do so? "

Certainly with my music, anyone wanting to upload it into a publically used room like this would need licence in order to do so. Failure to have that would be a breach of user agreement and liable for court action.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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That is exactly what i said last Friday Quote:-

One thing a chatter raised with me the other day, was that of " Does the broadcasting (as in uploading links into the room) for multitudes of people to listen to constitute an infringement of copyrite or some other law if the person uploading does not own the copyrite or have licence to do so? "

Certainly with my music, anyone wanting to upload it into a publically used room like this would need licence in order to do so. Failure to have that would be a breach of user agreement and liable for court action.

I know that the fair use policy is in place for non profit and educational purposes. Some artists, and i remember the late Prince being one of them, was very strict on copyright protection. And i fully understand an artist protecting their investments and property.

Now when it comes to law, there are four factors that are considered by the judges, if in fact someone is taken to court:
  • the purpose and character of your use.
  • the nature of the copyrighted work.
  • the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and.
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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That is exactly what i said last Friday Quote:-

The core principle of this chat site is 'chat with no sign up'. However the pitfalls
of having guests are numerous, and,any incentive to get them to join is always going to be welcome.
To have one or two rooms (including YaH) that are members only would do this.
Human nature is in the most part, a want or a need to belong, create something they want (rooms they can't
access with out being a member) and the guest chatter will very quickly sign up.
The important thing to remember is, not all Guest chatters are out to cause issue & disturbance in the room
A good system of music might be an additional incentive to join ...

One thing a chatter raised with me the other day, was that of " Does the broadcasting (as in uploading links into the room) for multitudes of people to listen to constitute an infringement of copyrite or some other law if the person uploading does not own the copyrite or have licence to do so? "

Certainly with my music, anyone wanting to upload it into a publically used room like this would need licence in order to do so. Failure to have that would be a breach of user agreement and liable for court action.

I was not aware of this vote, and to be honest since the change my visits can be sporadic, so feel it would be most unfair of me to make any comment or vote... Yah'ers are very few in number, at least those of us who used the room on a regular basis. So I will accept what the new chatters vote is.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
It is impossible for us to limit postings to a "small amount" If we let one in, we have to let them all in. and that simply isnt workable.

So we found a solution:-----one that solved ALL the above and devised away around this. We have set up a DJ system which is almost in place. This will give all chatters who want to listen to music, to be able to make requests, and to listen to what others request, the ability to do so in a manner which SOLVES the issue of flooding the screen and for us having to open every link posted in order for us to maintain the safety security and of course the integrity of both room and site in general.

if this works with out pasting links into the room and chatters not having to request music through the room then fine !!
i just dont want to chat in between links for music or requests. i do like music thou,, and i m quite capable of tuning in a radio or ipod


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I know that the fair use policy is in place for non profit and educational purposes. Some artists, and i remember the late Prince being one of them, was very strict on copyright protection. And i fully understand an artist protecting their investments and property.

Now when it comes to law, there are four factors that are considered by the judges, if in fact someone is taken to court:
  • the purpose and character of your use.
  • the nature of the copyrighted work.
  • the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and.
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market.

Linking to content contained on Youtube doesn't infringe any copyright. The content is there, and freely available. If it were considered any kind of criminal activity to link to things on a public forum, then Facebook and Twitter would have been closed down years ago.
The truth is that people moan about others linking to music because it disrupts 'their' chat and, rather than just clicking on ignore and moving on, it's become some massive bone of contention. To the point that now we've just had our choice to put up links taken away.
What about people putting up links to images? Oh, that's ok, because the 'link' is very small and doesn't cut across the screen like a youtube link does... Seems a little hypocritical to me, to allow one form of media sharing, but to ban another.


UKChat Expert
Jan 3, 2018
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Well So far .. and it could change, but so far The majority of the Regular chatters who have taken the time to voice there thoughts to us in pm,or in the YaH room or on here (added up collectively) have said Categorically they do not want links in the room.

Will leave this open for another week to encourage constructive comments from our regular chatters and see what all your thoughts are after that.
Do remember there are other alternatives which if voted for, we could do.

On another plus, we've had some great chatter suggestions which we are looking to see if can be organised (and run by a few regs) for you all to enjoy. The more involvement you have, the better our room will be.

Have a nice day and see you in Yah
Hollie :)


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
Reaction score
Well So far .. and it could change, but so far The majority of the Regular chatters who have taken the time to voice there thoughts to us in pm,or in the YaH room or on here (added up collectively) have said Categorically they do not want links in the room.

Will leave this open for another week to encourage constructive comments from our regular chatters and see what all your thoughts are after that.
Do remember there are other alternatives which if voted for, we could do.

On another plus, we've had some great chatter suggestions which we are looking to see if can be organised (and run by a few regs) for you all to enjoy. The more involvement you have, the better our room will be.

Have a nice day and see you in Yah
Hollie :)

Why can't this 'Majority' just use ignore, if it annoys them so much....?


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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Because that would be far too easy?

After all we all know that when a link is posted it’s an unwritten rule that you have to click on it. Isn’t it??

Nothing is unwritten..
That's kind of the whole point... That those who want to share music links aren't able to, not because of some legality issue... But because this chatroom 'majority' are either too ignorant or too stupid to simply click ignore.... Unless there's some unwritten rule stating people shouldn't be using that ignore function....


UKChat Newbie
Feb 13, 2018
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I'd be interested to know when this vote happened or indeed who was invited to participate. Having been in an accident recently I have spent a good 8 hours per day in YAH and never seen a mention. My personal request would be this: Please keep the room trouble free and flowing within the rules of the site and treat the vast majority of chatters like the decent adults we are without imposing unnecessary additional regulations. Like in all situations in life why can't we just ignore the conversations/links that don't concern us or interest us and focus on those which do?


UKChat Familiar
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
I'd be interested to know when this vote happened or indeed who was invited to participate. Having been in an accident recently I have spent a good 8 hours per day in YAH and never seen a mention. My personal request would be this: Please keep the room trouble free and flowing within the rules of the site and treat the vast majority of chatters like the decent adults we are without imposing unnecessary additional regulations. Like in all situations in life why can't we just ignore the conversations/links that don't concern us or interest us and focus on those which do?


UKChat Familiar
Jan 4, 2018
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So well said i totally agree rules should be for the full site . without unnecessary regulations that's my vote anyway.
It is nice to see youngatheart trouble free and flowing, Not everyone likes the chat at times....... boats , cars, holidays animals, etc etc but its a chat room everyone should be free to say what they want to . If it doesn't interest you it will soon move on to something that might or use ignore so simple . Many people find this room and love it, there's no need to change things .Will always be the best room on the site.


Here's a crazy idea..If you want to listen to music slip a CD on.. unless of course you feel the need to share your taste in music with the rest of the room .. .


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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Spot on Justin why should YAH get privileges other rooms cant get it seems rule for one not for others


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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Leaves you out of a job then Tough Type


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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So are we getting some kind of DJ thing to happen at any point in the near future? Or has that idea been thrown out as well??