Most people in the lobby are


Staff member
Apr 1, 2018
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morons. A person(S) of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education.

The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

That's certainly motivation for retaliation, next time people see you in there.


UKChat Expert
Oct 16, 2019
Reaction score
Did somebody mention carrots?
I feel like some might be coming out of my body soon.
What end im not sure though.
Did you guys know carrots used to be purple?
What was i talking about again?
Did you guys know andre the giant the wwf wrestler was so big he wouldnt fit on the toilet and had to go in the bath!
I think i might lie in the bath, thats a good ideal.
Carrots thats what i was talking about.
I quite like pie sandwiches, the key is too microwave the pie, dont put it in a oven its better soggy between bread.
I told a guy i like pie sandwiches, and he said he knew 1 other person who eat pie sandwiches, a guy he was at uni with, and he had not spoke to him in 4 years.
I badgered him for a hour to ring him and he caved in, i dont recall what we spoke about , think it was pies.
Anyway so