Lee Anderthal: Making Coal 101


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Lee Anderthal caught burying dead trees in his garden to ensure he has enough coal for next winter


30p Lee Anderthal is embracing renewable energy by burying large logs in his garden in order to have enough coal on hand next winter.

The thicko racist moron and former Deputy Chairman of the Tory party, a keen enthusiast for all things ‘green’, has set out to show the public that coal is a truly renewable resource, by making his own.

Anderthal told reporters, “I have shown that you can feed a family for 30p a meal, and how I’m showing you that coal is renewable. The sooner everyone just accepts I am always right about these things, the easier it will be on the rest of you.

“I buried half a dozen tree trunks in my garden this morning, and that will provide a lovely coal crop around Christmas. So never let those wet lefty do-gooders tell you that coal is a harmful, environmentally unfriendly fuel.

“If coal was so bad for the environment, it wouldn’t be made from trees, would it?

“Checkmate liberals.”

Meanwhile, non morons have sighed loudly before realising Anderthal’s views on the renewable nature of coal will make literally zero difference to anyone who was already inclined to vote for Lee Anderthal or his party.



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score

Lee Anderthal caught burying dead trees in his garden to ensure he has enough coal for next winter

View attachment 14665

30p Lee Anderthal is embracing renewable energy by burying large logs in his garden in order to have enough coal on hand next winter.

The thicko racist moron and former Deputy Chairman of the Tory party, a keen enthusiast for all things ‘green’, has set out to show the public that coal is a truly renewable resource, by making his own.

Anderthal told reporters, “I have shown that you can feed a family for 30p a meal, and how I’m showing you that coal is renewable. The sooner everyone just accepts I am always right about these things, the easier it will be on the rest of you.

“I buried half a dozen tree trunks in my garden this morning, and that will provide a lovely coal crop around Christmas. So never let those wet lefty do-gooders tell you that coal is a harmful, environmentally unfriendly fuel.

“If coal was so bad for the environment, it wouldn’t be made from trees, would it?

“Checkmate liberals.”

Meanwhile, non morons have sighed loudly before realising Anderthal’s views on the renewable nature of coal will make literally zero difference to anyone who was already inclined to vote for Lee Anderthal or his party.


Funny isn't it, some of us plebians are getting 300 quid hand outs yet Rishi made just short of 2.2 Million last year.

Now I have no problem with people making money, but only when there is risk involved, this is.. just.. really?
It's said all the finance is handled by an independent company, to prevent a "Conflict of interest"
Its laughable, all it takes is a phone call "From a friend" to his broker a little fore knowledge and he makes a killing.

However I do have to have a chuckle at the MP, can't remember who it was, who said because of the flooding and high water levels in some areas that people should:-
"Not flush their toilets when it is raining heavily"


I pay more on my water bill for the removal of rainwater than I actually use a month.
Perhaps they should sort the sewer system out, yeah but they wont, costs money and they can milk the customer.

Doesn't half feck up the insurance companies though, they are screaming for water companies to prevent flooding, to the point they wont insure people in flood areas.

Ah well, at least some insurance companies are doing ok, after all, the UK is still insuring Russian oil and gas tankers and making billions off it, they are exempt from sanctions, so its only us plebs who are paying USA prices for LNG rather than the cheap stuff we got before someone blew up Nordstream.

Not to mention the Russian exported oil we are buying from India who adds a sizable mark up because, why not.

Tis a mad world.