Led by Donkeys: Water privatisation. A complete failure.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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I find that interesting.... they don't tell you the full story :p

If you watch this:

You can see all the boats on the river ;)

I know it's fashionable to blame the water companies for all the pollution on our rivers but it's not the main cause. It's actually people. Yes people in their kayaks and motor boats whizzing along the river in the summer months tipping their s*** into our rivers. God knows how much diesel is spilled from boats every year on the River Thames... it must run into thousands of litres. Then you have people like me kayaking along too lazy to get out the boat to find a public toilet. So we just have a wee in our shorts and then wash the boat out. I know it sounds disgusting but we all do it it's not just me

Let's talk about all the people coming out the pub and piss in the river at 1 a.m. I've seen tons do this over the years. it's not just men, I've seen women at it.

Then we have all the litter we drop all blowing in the river.... that's not doing it much good.

We have to face the fact that all rivers are polluted because of the people living near them and using them. If we want a pollution free river network we need the ban the people and put up nice 20 meter walls around them to keep them out.

In the meantime that's just blaming the water companies......... it's far easier than taking responsibility for our own actions :cool:


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Parasites causing illness in water around Devon and the rest of the UK have finally been photographed!



A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Parasites causing illness in water around Devon and the rest of the UK have finally been photographed!

My brother lives on the South East coast, on the other side of the country, and is a hobbyist triathlete who spends a lot of time in the water, both competing and or training. Sewerage dumping warnings have been in place in parts of the SE for months, swimmers warned not to bathe, and human sh.it has been constantly contaminating some local beaches.

It takes at least two tides to clear a single dump (lol) and Southern Water have been pumping out thousands of dumps for up to a HUNDRED hours continuously. It has reached a stage where Surfers Against Sewerage have taken to warning which rivers and local coastlines are safe to use.

Beach goers and anyone serious about water pollution avidly follow SAS advice, and a source of information which is highly regarded locally.

As they say... Sh.it always floats to the top.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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If surfer ageist sewage want to end pollution they should stop weeing in there wet suits.

And no surf board is "green". there polyurethane (PU) foam core and is coated with fibreglass and polyester resin.
Nasty stuff that and will be round for a thousand years or longer.

They're just a bunch of plastic Londoners who think driving 30 miles in their polluting four-wheel drive tractors is a way to save the planet.

I saw them down there to die on the beach at Brighton oh god what a bunch of twats. None of them were local and you couldn't get a parking space for miles thanks for them.


Look at them all on there plastic thingy's. All of them mingers in wet suits and more rubber in the sea than after gay pride. It was 18C on Sat, the sea was flat and water warm. When I think about it... it must have been all them weeing in it.

They don't go to places like Worthing or Eastbourne... not even Littlehampton.... no vegan fish and chips there. Instead they all pop down to Brighton for the day. Its about time we close down the M23 on the weekends to stop them coming.

No matter how much raw sewage the water company's dump, nothing will last longer than the damage to the planet this lot did today.


A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
Nov 2, 2022
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Grown-ups, and especially grown-ups with vulnerable small children, quite rightly want to avoid ingesting, or have their children ingest, other people's sh.it via their eyes, ears, nose, or mouth.

100s of hours of continuous dumping of raw sewerage in localised areas is a whole lot of sh.it to avoid.

Including exposing, either themselves or their children, to sh'it infested beaches.

For fairly obvious reasons, but mainly because of the serious health risks involved.

Hepatitis and E-coli, and a multitude of other infections and serious health hazards.

Anyone living on the coast (or inland), familiar with either wild swimming in rivers or the sea, or involved with “water sports” in general, are usually well aware of those health risks and take the necessary steps to minimalize the risk involved.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 14, 2024
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You mean like dog sh**?

Take a look at any beach in the UK and you will find people walking there dogs all year round. They set up "dog friendly" beaches in Brighton but you will still find dogs on all of our beaches here. People don't clean up the mess too. They think the tide will take it out .....:rolleyes:

People with kids don't want to be on a beach with dogs, there funny like that.

So forget the raw sewage.... that's nothing to worry about. your more like to get toxocariasis, campylobacter, salmonella, yersinia and E. coli from dog sh** left behind by moron who thinks beaches are dog parks.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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"We always vote Tory, but now are garden is flooded with raw sewage.

''We'll still vote Tory, it would be worse under Labour"

…. Errr, why would it be worse under Labour?’‘

'They’d clean all the s.hit up’‘

Don’t you want that?’‘

''We like rolling around in s.hite… you don’t get much more patriotic than that’‘

''Are you f.ucking insane?’‘

''No, we’re f.ucking Tory’

always toe ree.jpeg


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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To fix sewage pollution crisis we’ll need to raise executive bonuses by 50%, insist water companies​


Water companies have insisted they are making a serious effort to prevent sewage pollution by announcing a 50% rise in executive bonuses.

With sewage pollution still a massive issue across the country’s rivers and beaches, and with a parasite outbreak in infected water in Devon, many water companies have admitted that they have no choice but to increase bonuses by up to 50%.

A spokesperson for the industry explained, “Last year, our executive bonuses only rose by 20%, but the problems with sewage pollution still persisted, so this year, we’re really going to try and fix it, by doubling the rise in bonuses to 50%.

“We feel that a 50% rise in bonuses is just the incentive our senior executives need to fix the problem of sewage pollution. Clearly a 20% rise wasn’t enough of an incentive, and we won’t let anyone accuse us of not spending serious amounts of money to try and fix the problem.

“Who knows, with the added motivation of a bonus of 50%, maybe one of these executives will finally issue a memo that says ‘we must stop putting millions of tonnes of human excrement into the rivers and seas around the UK’.

“We can but hope.”


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Always read the small print, fam!

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