In her bed


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Carrie Johnson offers Johnny Depp support, stating she’s also found a massive turd in her bed


Carrie Johnson has offered Johnny Depp her sympathy and support, stating that she knows exactly what it’s like to find a massive turd in your bed.

The prime minister’s current wife has been glued to coverage of the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial to the point that she didn’t even go out and vote in the local elections yesterday.

“It’s been a fascinating trial and I’ve found it so interesting to take a peek inside what a toxic relationship looks like.

“Like most people, I’m very much on Team Depp. I can really empathise with a lot of the things he’s gone through; I even have some personal experiences in common with him.

“I’ve woken up and found a massive turd in my bed too many times to count. It never gets less revolting,”
said Carrie Johnson.

The massive turd was unavailable for comment as he’s currently trying to cling on to his job.

via ~ DailyShitInTheBed
