Has Insulate Britain brought out your inner fascist?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Has Insulate Britain brought out your inner fascist?

insulate britain.jpg

Members of the public are suggesting extreme measures against Insulate Britain.

Here’s what Britain’s closet fascists would like to do…

Restrain them with cable ties

Highly illegal, not to mention the fact that cable ties were the preferred restraint of Abu Ghraib guards, and remain popular with abductors and gangland torturers. Definitely no unhealthy sadistic power trip undertones here.

Run them over
Some drivers feel giving protesters a firm nudge with a Range Rover is okay; others think mowing them down like skittles is reasonable too. Letting the public decide the law on a whim is rarely a good idea, which would lead to the death penalty for most things and internment camps for teenagers.

Put them in the stocks
Tongue-in-cheek, or entirely serious? It’s hard to tell, but it makes a change from armchair Judge Dredds demanding ridiculous prison sentences, eg. 20 years for non-violent protesting, as if that would ever happen. Or repeating their beloved ancient cliché: ‘And throw away the key!’

Praise actual brutal regimes
Insulate Britain haters are creaming themselves over how China or North Korea would batter and probably torture the protestors, but why stop there? The Greeks could have cooked them alive in a metal bull and Vlad the Impaler could have put them on spikes. Imagining inhuman regimes is such a laugh.

Send in the army
The nutter’s solution to everything, but the police are already there and few generals want to get involved in manhandling middle-class greenies. Unless the idea is to shoot them, in which case you’re already in ‘homicidal South American dictator’ territory.

Urinate on them
An actual suggestion by one Daily Mail commenter. He wanted drivers to do it en-masse, implying he’s more interested in organising a pervy ‘golden shower’ orgy than making sure ambulances get through.

via - Daily OMFG



UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I regret to inform they have brought out my inner fascism :(

Restrain them with cable ties
I have a few spare, I'd gladly use them on those selfish sods

Run them over
They're not worth risking damage to the car

Put them in the stocks
Bagsy first throw at them!

Praise actual brutal regimes
Leave the Labour Party out of this :)

Send in the army
Better than sending them in to Afghanistan

Urinate on them
Not even if they were on fire!


I'm not sure about this lot. Watching some nutter on TV at the moment. I understand the argument- yes, yes, my grandchildren will be eating plastic fish and will end up living underground to avoid the hot surface of the earth. But.....I find it hard to care. Humans are the most disgusting creatures on this planet and we've ruined it beyond repair.

The irony of the lot protesting is that many of them like their holidays, their new phones and their takeaways and then they think they have the right to dictate how to live to other people.
One thing the nutter said of point that I agree with- the whole space day-tripper fad. A ton of money spent on travelling to the edge of the planet, when we need to be spending money on the actual planet and those that inhabit it. No doubt some of the 'celebs' making the trip are those advocating for us to save the planet, yet paying thousands for the chance to pollute it.

These, like most protesters, are hypocrites.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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the whole space day-tripper fad. A ton of money spent on travelling to the edge of the planet
And those billionaires and their friends, who reached the very edge of space are now entitled to call themselves astronauts :rolleyes: I wonder what those pioneers (the right stuff) who flew in the Apollo spacecrafts/space shuttles, and who had to face the terrifying prospect of reentering Earth's atmosphere think of that!?


UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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The futility of these demonstrations is manifold. We have thousands upon thousands of aircraft in our skies at any given time, each one pumping out crap. Go take a look on FlightRadar24, it's scary how many are filling our skies with pollution. We have China and Russia who don't give a sh** about continuing to use coal powered energy. We have mobile phones and computers and electric car batteries creating toxic lakes miles long in Mongolia. Is anyone going to give up their annual holidays? Or stop using smart phones? We have palm oils in our food because it's cheap and to hell with the rainforest. Our supermarkets continue to package our food in plastic. We continue to buy food packaged in plastic. The list of what's gone wrong is endless. Gluing your stupid arse face to the tarmac won't change jack sh**.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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The futility of these demonstrations is manifold. We have thousands upon thousands of aircraft in our skies at any given time, each one pumping out crap. Go take a look on FlightRadar24, it's scary how many are filling our skies with pollution. We have China and Russia who don't give a sh** about continuing to use coal powered energy. We have mobile phones and computers and electric car batteries creating toxic lakes miles long in Mongolia. Is anyone going to give up their annual holidays? Or stop using smart phones? We have palm oils in our food because it's cheap and to hell with the rainforest. Our supermarkets continue to package our food in plastic. We continue to buy food packaged in plastic. The list of what's gone wrong is endless. Gluing your stupid arse face to the tarmac won't change jack sh**.
FlightRadr24....Heh :D ...Imagine the Insulate Loonies getting in a AIR Balloon and blocking Aircraft in Flight instead of Motorway Traffic..! I wouldn't put it past those loonies. Put them in a Prison Cell for 12 Months...;)