


Disconnected? Invalid username
Reason ;accusation in whisper to another chatter?
What dose this mean , am I no longer allowed to use chat , I don't understand
And can I please see this accusation, and of who I said the inappropriate comment to.
Will I ever be able chat in here again or is this like some ban forever?

Light plz,
Thanks in advance
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Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
You're banned. It will hold. I read the whisper. Good day.


You're banned. It will hold. I read the whisper. Good day.
Thanks for the reply
I think I've been trolled for week and weeks by that moron whippy, and yes I did say go f urself out of retaliation and it would be the only bit off ass he would see
I think it's unfair he can't screen shot one comment made in retaliation yet his abuse , because I've not screen short it has been acceptable.
He's called me a f'n bi'ch, and lists of other horrid things that I've not screen shot.
He's vile, and kills birds.
I don't regret telling him to go f himself , he deserved it
If my ban stands , that's fine , nothing I can do about that
And also is this ban forever?


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
This wasn't to whippy and was far worse than go **** yourself. We don't discuss ban lengths


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply
I think I've been trolled for week and weeks by that moron whippy, and yes I did say go f urself out of retaliation and it would be the only bit off ass he would see
I think it's unfair he can't screen shot one comment made in retaliation yet his abuse , because I've not screen short it has been acceptable.
He's called me a f'n bi'ch, and lists of other horrid things that I've not screen shot.
He's vile, and kills birds.
I don't regret telling him to go f himself , he deserved it
If my ban stands , that's fine , nothing I can do about that
And also is this ban forever?
Cripes, Wren! What's going on?! I never saw you be impolite in my life. Bizarre.
I was surprised when I was banned once and hadn't realised that by posting myself as a child was an offence. However, when I came to the Forum to ask what had happened, I was roundly ignored, so at least your message was received. Also, I have been trolled by a guy; now, when he comes to goad me in PM, instead of engaging him, I just ignore and he actually stops. Just don't engage; don't reply because they are oddly competent at making it look like the victim of their bollocks is the aggressor. I know you don't need my advice and that you know all this. I'm just very surprised, is all, and wanted to communicate. See you soon, hopefully! x


This wasn't to whippy and was far worse than go **** yourself. We don't discuss ban lengths
Thanks for responding Dalai, now say this I am 100% confused. I do not remember or think I have said anything that abusive that warrants this disconnection
I appreciate you have made your decision about my disconnection and as you have now called it a "ban length"' I am left wonder if I am aloud to use the chat in the future.
Disconnection for server , now means a ban?

I did say go f yourself to whippy only , he said to others he is taking screen shots
He is a bully-troll who I shas dbeen abusive towards me and I stand by what I said to him , rotten wood! Good for nthn

This is unfair in my opinion as I've no details of the accusation apart from what my disconnection stated
Is it possible that I've been set up? I have to say I feel this has been a unfair process's and if by chance I was rude I'm pretty sure they deserved it

Where is the alleged comment I have made in this whisper ?will I ever be given access to accusation?
If it's not whippy, it's for sure made up, as I am not nasty or mean to anyone and it's quite rare I would be provoked into such.

Haters and jealous people who use the site will always be around seems they are able to get away with So much and even say, yes! Mods gone gloves off, it's like what! Idiot ppl who wait for their opportunity to be horrid.


Cripes, Wren! What's going on?! I never saw you be impolite in my life. Bizarre.
I was surprised when I was banned once and hadn't realised that by posting myself as a child was an offence. However, when I came to the Forum to ask what had happened, I was roundly ignored, so at least your message was received. Also, I have been trolled by a guy; now, when he comes to goad me in PM, instead of engaging him, I just ignore and he actually stops. Just don't engage; don't reply because they are oddly competent at making it look like the victim of their bollocks is the aggressor. I know you don't need my advice and that you know all this. I'm just very surprised, is all, and wanted to communicate. See you soon, hopefully! x

Thank you (heart) kind of u to stand by me
I believe niceness is for nice ppl and hope to return again with my smile firmly in place. Thanks again for your supportive words and advise


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
That is why you're banned. I would suggest moving along now before it's extended.


While I find it hard to believe Wren would type such a thing it’s wonderful to see Dalai giving a reason for a ban. She can only use the evidence presented. Whether that evidence is fabricated or not is a whole different matter.


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
Are you saying I'm fabricating evidence?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Are you saying I'm fabricating evidence?
maybe the way wren words things, as i am sure she not in uk . (not sure where she is from. ) but my dog seeps on my bed maybe she refering to his animals sleeping on his bed


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
There was no one to present that to me.


Wow! Lol , so funny! :) I got banned for that!
It was said to whippy Dalai, and yes I did type that ,
he was bragging about how he had his cat under his duvet and letting out "farts"
Previous to that he grabs about bird killing with human food, basically provoking me daily
Megs advise , ignore, 100% , "not in my birdbrain nature" will be done :)

Moving on Dalai as suggested thank you,however
I don't feel guilty for my whisper to whippy. I also don't take it back

Thanks for the clarification in my ban\ disconnection reason
Hands up I did say
Accepts Ban
*Eats extra cake while I ride the ban out*


maybe the way wren words things, as i am sure she not in uk . (not sure where she is from. ) but my dog seeps on my bed maybe she refering to his animals sleeping on his bed
Yes meg I was talking about his cat that he sometimes traps inside and laughs about
Uhm and no way did I mean beastality in that whisper , I was more thinking about his toxic smell he was laughing about
Have nthn against anyone who has a pet in their bed but I did not like what behaviour he was subjecting his cat to
Moves away from this now tho Megs , ban extension in the Ballance


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
I get it. I can see what's happened is that sleeping with animals meant as an insult (the suggestion, perhaps, because he isn't nice enough to be around humans / is lonely) has been misinterpreted as HAVING SEX with them. Lots of people say 'sleeping' when they mean that. Dalai hasn't fabricated evidence; it's an assumption that Wren is as squalid as many on here. To be fair, many are gross and DO mean this sort of thing on a daily basis. I can just see the way it was meant because I have spoken to Wren on many occasions and that to her, suggesting the guy was reduced to sleeping / being with only animals and not humans was about as strong an insult as she would ever muster. Nightmare.


Scum of the Earth!
Aug 1, 2018
Reaction score
Clarification: I didn't do the ban. I looked into the ban.