did our souls exist before we was born ? ? ? ? ?

do you believe ? ? ? ? ?

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some says our souls existed before we was born here on earth and that we choose our life, parents, etc before we was born here on this earth . . . . . do you believe ? ? ? ? ?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Well, if you ascribe to the theories of either matter or energy conservation then we are simply the product of what has gone before us.
We gestate in a womb, cell growth given by energy we become a featus.
After birth and with feeding energy we mature to adult hood, then old age and die.
Buried again, we become matter.
The cycle repeats.

As for an eternal soul?
Is that reincarnation of what once was, or the ressurection of what remained?
Does the soul know it exists?
Does it remember?
Is it simply energy or somthing beyond our scientific thinking?
A meta presence, a continuation of our line through passed knowledge and despair?

I dont know, I dont think anyone can be certain apart from those with faith or ego.

It is however an interesting debate.

If we have an eternal soul, then my question would be, why is their so much evil, greed and indifference in the world?


Well, if you ascribe to the theories of either matter or energy conservation then we are simply the product of what has gone before us.
We gestate in a womb, cell growth given by energy we become a featus.
After birth and with feeding energy we mature to adult hood, then old age and die.
Buried again, we become matter.
The cycle repeats.

As for an eternal soul?
Is that reincarnation of what once was, or the ressurection of what remained?
Does the soul know it exists?
Does it remember?
Is it simply energy or somthing beyond our scientific thinking?
A meta presence, a continuation of our line through passed knowledge and despair?

I dont know, I dont think anyone can be certain apart from those with faith or ego.

It is however an interesting debate.

If we have an eternal soul, then my question would be, why is their so much evil, greed and indifference in the world?
why evil, greed, indifference in the world ? ? ? ? ? because people, animals, etc made it . . . . . why GOD watch it happen ? ? ? ? ? i dont know but it might be for a good reason


If you god really exists he obviously doesn’t give a flying fk about you. You are clearly not a celebrity. Lol.
i might not be a celebrity but i was born a star . . . . . over the years i possibly been the most talked about person . . . . . it wasnt always good talks but they had their eyes on me even when i was quiet and set records that might never be broken because GOD and JESUS loves me


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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Yes, it is true. We all have numerous lives, and the early church included re-incarnation in its teaching.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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If you god really exists he obviously doesn’t give a flying fk about you. You are clearly not a celebrity. Lol.
Perhaps it is not for god to prove himeslf worthy unto us, but us to prove ourselves worthy of him.
He gave his son to forgive our sins in the hope we would learn about sacrifice.
Have we?
Are we less or more sinful than those whom god gave his own son for.

I would say modern society is sinful to it's core.

I recently watched Spooks again and again the same line which got me thinking all those years ago struck me.
"When did we become so self obsessed?"

Bad I will ask you one question.

Can you deny that the enlightenment, the rise of individuality and the loss of inherent "Respect" for another human being has not been a destructive force on society as a whole?
Because I cant.

Now we say "Respect is earned".
As if it is capital, something to be traded with inherent value.
That is why "Faith" in each other, in communities and of institutions has failed.
Because Politics, Law, Religion even self has been corrupted into what we naively percieve as "Right or Wrong".

For hundreds of years philosophers, politicians and theologians argued the merits and flaws of individuality versus the collective.
Of the idea of rights versus responsibility.
The idea of "Right and Wrong".

Yet today everyone with an internet connection and an opinion can ignore those centuries of debate and be "Right" as they see it and will find like minds to share their naivety.

I'll say it again, as I have done so many times before, "With rights comes the responsibility to use them wisely".
I fear wisdom is being lost because we demand our right to be heard without thinking why we have that right or what we say has value.
Without reflecting on why faith, not religion, not god, not science, but simple faith in humanity is so important.

When I see Green activists glueing themselves to trains, arguing that we should ban Gasoline and have electric vehicles I wonder.
Have they seen the mines in Africa where children are being poisened whilst working in the mines which produce cobalt and lithium.
Where villages water supply has been redirected to clean lithium ore, rendering thier land barren.

They have no idea, because they have no real respect for anyone but themselves and thier percieved goodness.

Faith in humanity may seem a naive idea, but that is only true when all we have is naivety in those who think they are "Right".
Faith today is a two edged sword, those who have it are usually mistaken and those who want it in others are either charlatens, egotists or optimists.

So perhaps, concerning God, we should consider that the second coming would be after 2000 years of peace.
Would not we be humble enough, wise enough and respectful enough after 2000 years of peace to be welcomed back into the house of god?
But we are flawed, egotistical, naive and stupid, we fight constantly for what we individually believe to be "Right".
Without knowing what that is.

Theres a reason addicts use the Serenity prayer in thier lessons, they understand what it is to give your life over to something destructive.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Im an agnostic, but the wisdom in those words is the simple humility that there are things we could perhaps change to be happy now, but we must understand the world is not as we see it and that happiness way be fleeting.
True peace only comes from understanding that we are all flawed, we are all wrong in many ways and we can all learn from history.

Sorry rambling again :p


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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Perhaps it is not for god to prove himeslf worthy unto us, but us to prove ourselves worthy of him.
He gave his son to forgive our sins in the hope we would learn about sacrifice.
Have we?
Are we less or more sinful than those whom god gave his own son for.

I would say modern society is sinful to it's core.

I recently watched Spooks again and again the same line which got me thinking all those years ago struck me.
"When did we become so self obsessed?"

Bad I will ask you one question.

Can you deny that the enlightenment, the rise of individuality and the loss of inherent "Respect" for another human being has not been a destructive force on society as a whole?
Because I cant.

Now we say "Respect is earned".
As if it is capital, something to be traded with inherent value.
That is why "Faith" in each other, in communities and of institutions has failed.
Because Politics, Law, Religion even self has been corrupted into what we naively percieve as "Right or Wrong".

For hundreds of years philosophers, politicians and theologians argued the merits and flaws of individuality versus the collective.
Of the idea of rights versus responsibility.
The idea of "Right and Wrong".

Yet today everyone with an internet connection and an opinion can ignore those centuries of debate and be "Right" as they see it and will find like minds to share their naivety.

I'll say it again, as I have done so many times before, "With rights comes the responsibility to use them wisely".
I fear wisdom is being lost because we demand our right to be heard without thinking why we have that right or what we say has value.
Without reflecting on why faith, not religion, not god, not science, but simple faith in humanity is so important.

When I see Green activists glueing themselves to trains, arguing that we should ban Gasoline and have electric vehicles I wonder.
Have they seen the mines in Africa where children are being poisened whilst working in the mines which produce cobalt and lithium.
Where villages water supply has been redirected to clean lithium ore, rendering thier land barren.

They have no idea, because they have no real respect for anyone but themselves and thier percieved goodness.

Faith in humanity may seem a naive idea, but that is only true when all we have is naivety in those who think they are "Right".
Faith today is a two edged sword, those who have it are usually mistaken and those who want it in others are either charlatens, egotists or optimists.

So perhaps, concerning God, we should consider that the second coming would be after 2000 years of peace.
Would not we be humble enough, wise enough and respectful enough after 2000 years of peace to be welcomed back into the house of god?
But we are flawed, egotistical, naive and stupid, we fight constantly for what we individually believe to be "Right".
Without knowing what that is.

Theres a reason addicts use the Serenity prayer in thier lessons, they understand what it is to give your life over to something destructive.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Im an agnostic, but the wisdom in those words is the simple humility that there are things we could perhaps change to be happy now, but we must understand the world is not as we see it and that happiness way be fleeting.
True peace only comes from understanding that we are all flawed, we are all wrong in many ways and we can all learn from history.

Sorry rambling again :p

Being 'Agnostic' is a nice comfy place to sit... isn't it.

No Real sway either way and sitting tightly on the fence is where you feel comfortable.

Heres where we differ... Again.

I am an Athiest.

I do not believe in ANY gods.

Likewise I do not follow ANY of the (Stolen from Ancient Egypt) scriptures written.

We live, we Die. The end.

A long time ago I took the decision to 'Look after Number One.'

Here I am. Happy, healthy, looking forward to what lies ahead.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Being 'Agnostic' is a nice comfy place to sit... isn't it.

No Real sway either way and sitting tightly on the fence is where you feel comfortable.

Heres where we differ... Again.

I am an Athiest.

I do not believe in ANY gods.

Likewise I do not follow ANY of the (Stolen from Ancient Egypt) scriptures written.

We live, we Die. The end.

A long time ago I took the decision to 'Look after Number One.'

Here I am. Happy, healthy, looking forward to what lies ahead.

Which I see as pure arrogance.

I dont "Believe" in god either.

However I cannot discount it.

To me your "without gods", the meaning of Aethiest, is just as rigid and "Faith" based because of your certainty.

It solely depends on how you define god.

There is a difference between defining god as an individual, a state or a belief.
What appear to be God in your mind is very different to the subjective beliefs of billions of people throughout history and in the modern day.

However, thats okay because your "happy, healthy and looking forward to what lies ahead"
Many millions are not.

If faith brings them hope, how can you deny them that.
The surety you and others like you have is the reason why we are in the mess we are in as a species.


Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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Which I see as pure arrogance.

I dont "Believe" in god either.

However I cannot discount it.

To me your "without gods", the meaning of Aethiest, is just as rigid and "Faith" based because of your certainty.

It solely depends on how you define god.

There is a difference between defining god as an individual, a state or a belief.
What appear to be God in your mind is very different to the subjective beliefs of billions of people throughout history and in the modern day.

However, thats okay because your "happy, healthy and looking forward to what lies ahead"
Many millions are not.

If faith brings them hope, how can you deny them that.
The surety you and others like you have is the reason why we are in the mess we are in as a species.

If you deem Me speaking what is my true belief as arrogant....You do not know me and you have a lot to learn.

I think it's arrogant of You to say on one hand You don't believe in God, yet on the other, You can't discount it.

That's not only arrogant, it's utterly uneducated arrogance.

NO ONE can prove the Supernatural. That makes it okay to NOT discount it? Yeah okay.

I discount it until proven otherwise.

You say "If faith brings them hope, how can you deny them that.?"

Very easily.

look at the consequenses of what having 'Faith' and 'Hope' does.... in the REAL world.

9 Million Children Die.. EVERY YEAR.. before they reach the age of 5.

The parents of these children, most of which have a profound Faith and 'HOPE' in God, are praying to him/her/it.... to spare there Child/ Children.

They had 'Faith and 'Hope'.

Their prayers were not answered.

Worse that that, many of these people will be going to HELL... because they were praying to the WRONG GOD.

Have a think about that.

Through NO fault of their OWN, they were born into a culture where they got the WRONG Theology and were praying (And had HOPE in) the WRONG GOD.

That's where 'Faith' and especially 'Hope'.... is a dangerous thing.

I stand by My comment. We live, We Die. End of story.

No need to dress anything up with 'Haven or Hell'...'Faith and Hope'...

Have Faith in YOURSELF and HOPE that you win the lottery.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
If you deem Me speaking what is my true belief as arrogant....You do not know me and you have a lot to learn.

I think it's arrogant of You to say on one hand You don't believe in God, yet on the other, You can't discount it.

That's not only arrogant, it's utterly uneducated arrogance.

NO ONE can prove the Supernatural. That makes it okay to NOT discount it? Yeah okay.

I discount it until proven otherwise.

You say "If faith brings them hope, how can you deny them that.?"

Very easily.

look at the consequenses of what having 'Faith' and 'Hope' does.... in the REAL world.

9 Million Children Die.. EVERY YEAR.. before they reach the age of 5.

The parents of these children, most of which have a profound Faith and 'HOPE' in God, are praying to him/her/it.... to spare there Child/ Children.

They had 'Faith and 'Hope'.

Their prayers were not answered.

Worse that that, many of these people will be going to HELL... because they were praying to the WRONG GOD.

Have a think about that.

Through NO fault of their OWN, they were born into a culture where they got the WRONG Theology and were praying (And had HOPE in) the WRONG GOD.

That's where 'Faith' and especially 'Hope'.... is a dangerous thing.

I stand by My comment. We live, We Die. End of story.

No need to dress anything up with 'Haven or Hell'...'Faith and Hope'...

Have Faith in YOURSELF and HOPE that you win the lottery.

What does any of that have to do with my view of faith?

Everything you have mentioned, every suffering you have spouted rhetoric over is simply politics.

I dont need to explain to you the politics of continued poverty in Africa being due to the need for business to be able to buy natural resources from unstable regimes, because if they were stable they could negotiate for the benefit of the people, not the need to buy arms and weapons.

I dont need to tell you about the continued unrest in the Middle East being driven by Western political decree's to promote disunitiy and keep the infighting level to high to allow co-operation between thier countries.

I dont need to explain to you how the USA and NATO have continually pushed eastwards attempting to surround Russia with "Enemies", nor explain why they see that as a threat.

All those things are politics, where people die.

The same way that hundreds of thousands die in Africa every years from Cholera, yet we do little about it.

In Iraq there were hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths cause by Coalition actions.
Even more in Afghanistan.
Were these religous wars?

No they are political.
The same way that Child mortality is rising, not due to religion, but due to failing health care systems in the west.
Why, because government cant afford it.

Now tell me, who do you trust, god or politicians?
Neither is a good answer, so dont belittle my opinion with rhetoric that means nothing.

The only reason you can have "Faith" in yourself is because you live in a country that allows it.
You take it for granted.
Many others dont have your luxury.

As for the Lottery, you already won that living in a country which allows you the rights and privilages you have.


Life is but a Dream within a dream
Nov 2, 2019
Reaction score
some says our souls existed before we was born here on earth and that we choose our life, parents, etc before we was born here on this earth . . . . . do you believe ? ? ? ? ?
Not sure about the choosing of parents exetera exetera, but the souls existing befowuh coming to this hellhole called earth, YES. Most definately.


UKChat Familiar
Aug 23, 2018
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so all that going on in there and you pick on me haha ...i no now eh ... how longs this ban for then so I no

and yes I no what im doing