Berts ban



Bert picked up a ban tonight. The screen said he was making rape threats. I looked back on my screens for it, I couldn't see anything.

I'm not even sure if its Bert or Burt? I've seen both names in the rooms.

I did read a conversation in the room today. Someone I hadn't seen before claim Bert made threats in pm last night. They had no screen shots or anything else. Berts always struck me as room chatter, I'm sure someone would have said if he was sending dick pics out in pm or making threads before today.

Berts no saint and at times right annoying little tvvat, but he's never struck me it's a sexual predator.

This reminds me of the allegations about me a few years ago when people commonly made claims about abuse in pm and in the rooms. All of which were untrue. It's too easy for people to make claims about abuse in pm and get people banned. They should be something more than a person's word.

Too easy clone guest name and come in and start abusing people. There are one or two site members who enjoy doing this. They wont cause trouble in there own name preferring to come in using regular guest users name. (These days I just leave a name in room just to stop this from happening to me.)

I feel bans are often deserved but I also believe the site needs to be fair. What happened to Bert tonight didn't seem it.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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Too easy clone guest name and come in and start abusing people. There are one or two site members who enjoy doing this. They wont cause trouble in there own name preferring to come in using regular guest users name.

Including you, you silly c*nt, and you are by far one of the worst culprits.

And actually, the moderator told me that you had cloned me, while you took the p*ss out of other users in my name, and I wouldn't have even known otherwise because I wasn't in chat.

I feel bans are often deserved but I also believe the site needs to be fair. What happened to Bert tonight didn't seem it.

Who gives a f/uck what you think or don't think.

Up to your old tricks again, this is sweet f*ck all to do with a “ban” or even “Bert”, and it's only about you taking sly pops at either Admin or Moderators publicly on the forum.

Have a great f*cking day riding your imaginary kayaks. :rolleyes:


Oh your back then..........:rolleyes:

And where have you been?

If I was having a pop at admin I'd be more direct.

And after 3 years of moaning and droning on..... I feel it's the right time to tell you this, I never did clone your name... they just told you I did :cool:
Even the mods on here like to have a laff :)


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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It was in November/December last year and I have NOT chatted in main chat at all, not a single time, since.

In DOAs world, that equates to “three years” because he is incapable of telling the truth. A moderator having a “laugh” and because, it's all a game for DOA because chat becomes his life and the be all and end all to that life. :)

DOA, has a long and chequered history for “cloning” other chatters on internet chat sites and is well known for it.

Now what is happening here quite obviously (probably). DOA gave his opinion in main chat after “Bert” was banned, and was probably politely told to f*ck off by the powers to be when he wouldn't shut the f*ck up about it.

Now DOA believes that he is a VIP and this thread is token to that delusional self-importance. How dare staff fob him off publicly when he is voicing his VERY important (self-entitled) opinion, and all while he rushes to the forum to voice his displeasure immediately afterwards with sly pops about the integrity and honesty of staff.

For someone who spends so much of his life riding imaginary googled kayaks, he sure does spend a lot of his time bitching on the forum and in main chat. ;)


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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You only come here when they ban you from some where else. So where did you get banned from this time Kev?

Was it the labour party's LGBT forum :rolleyes:


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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To conclude (lol).

Because DOA is extremely predictable (when you can be arsed to play his games).

DOA will move the goalposts, layer more lies on top of the previous lies.

And desperately type any old random sh*te to get a reaction back.

To save face.

While he rabbits on endlessly about imaginary googled kayaks he doesn't own, doesn't use, and has never seen in the flesh. To make himself appear more interesting to women that he will never know and who wouldn't touch him with a googled bargepole. :)


Kev you got one thread locked, do u want this one locked too?


UKChat Expert
Jan 8, 2018
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Bert's... Ban ana


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